Ren Zhengfei’s latest interview: saying goodbye according to procedure doesn’t mean anything: Huawei Huawei


“It is wrong to transfer the industrial chain to the country of origin, because the economy must move towards globalization, and only globalization will be competitive, and without globalization, there will be no competitiveness. It is impossible for any country to develop full factor capacity alone” . The cost of building a full factor industrial chain with the power of one country is very high. “

Back in 2011, President Obama of the United States once asked Apple’s Jobs: “Mr. Jobs, what conditions do you need to meet to produce iPhones in the United States?” Jobs replied, “These jobs will not come back. We are in China employing 700,000 workers and needing the support of 30,000 engineers. If you can educate so many engineers, we can move the factory to the United States.” 9 years later, Apple still regards China as the most important production base.

In this interview, Ren Zhengfei also responded to his motivation to donate anti-epidemic materials to countries like Canada, the United States, and Spain. We donate only after they ask for help. In general, people should take care of and help each other. As long as there is help, we will do our best to provide support. These donations belong to humanitarian aid, there is no purpose, not any change of terms. “

Some time ago, the director of Ren Zhengfei’s outgoing subsidiary was fired. Many people speculated that this was in preparation for retirement. Ren Zhengfei clarified this: “This is to clean some subsidiaries for decades. It is not a sign that a young man is in a position. The company allowed us to resign from the subsidiary according to the procedure, and withdrew us from the procedure according to the procedure. This is a normal operation and doesn’t mean anything. “

The following is the full text of the interview:

Jia Zheng: Hello, Mr. Ren, thank you for inviting Shenzhen Huawei to take a look and accept an exclusive interview with Dragon magazine. Everyone is no stranger to you or Huawei. Especially in the last golden sentences of your interview with Chinese and foreign media last May, there are countless admirers. The answer to the journalist’s question last year was in the context of the suppression of Huawei by the United States. At the time, he also mentioned that despite the conflict with the United States, Huawei will eventually contribute to human society with the United States. Secretary-General Xi Jinping noted at the Center’s Foreign Affairs Working Conference in June 2018: “China is currently in the best period of development since modern times, and the world is in a state of change without precedents “. The understanding of “a great change that has not been seen in a century” has been deepened. As an entrepreneur, this time, how do you think about the community of human destiny, global economic integration and the future?

Ren Zhengfei: Today, the most important thing for China is to continually improve its own strength, relying on science, talents, and education to bridge the gap with the United States. Without science, talent and education, there can be no good industrial and agricultural development. First of all, China still needs to be strong. For example, our agricultural products have a certain gap with American agricultural products in terms of price and quality. How to promote the future progress of the biological sciences requires learning from the United States. Should we seriously analyze our weaknesses? For example, many low-end industries have moved to Thailand and Vietnam, but now Thailand and Vietnam have also started industrial modernization and are constantly striving for the migration of Chinese high-tech companies. Now we must not only compare the advantages of our policy with the United States, but also with Thailand and Vietnam, if our advantages do not exceed them, our objectives and ideals will not be easy to achieve. Therefore, we need to constantly optimize and update the industrial environment and improve national competitiveness.

Jia Zheng: Secretary General Xi Jinping pointed out that education is strong and that the country is strong, while education is strong and the country is strong. You said in an interview that a country’s prosperity is complete on the podium of a classroom in an elementary school, and you have repeatedly mentioned the importance of basic education in China, especially basic education in rural areas. However, today’s exam-oriented education has made society focus on the high school sprint. How to improve the quality of education and improve the primary and secondary education system, especially primary education in underdeveloped areas. What is your opinion on this?

Ren Zhengfei: If we want the country to be more prosperous and stable, we must first let young people have thoughts and morals. Who gave you these ideas and morals? She is a primary school teacher. Before the age of ten it should be the best time to cultivate the imagination and creativity of children, because they do not know the world and are not obligated. If a good educational method is adopted, children’s talents can be cultivated well and the capacity for innovation will improve considerably. At a certain time, they will choose their own subjects to study. Education in a country must be colorful and not standardized.

The main problem now is that there is very little investment in rural education. The reason is that all the funds are used to build a house. Teachers’ incomes should increase considerably. In fact, teachers are the foundation of social stability. In general, children will listen to the teachers’ words. Many of the houses under construction are now empty. Can you use the funds to build some houses to increase the nutrition of children in underdeveloped areas? Children will prosper to serve the country and contribute to the country. “The prosperity of a country is made on the podium of an elementary school teacher.” This phrase was presented by Marshal Prussian Mao Qi in 1870, and I have just quoted it.

Furthermore, not everyone can be admitted to a prestigious university and assume the great responsibility of society. There are some high level positions. You can’t get this far. Vocational education must be developed. You can get a job learning a technology and get rid of poverty. Including the placement of demobilized soldiers, there are now tens of millions of demobilized soldiers. The Veterans Support Department has done a good job over the years and has contributed to the stability of the country. Can you connect to vocational and technical schools when demobilized soldiers change jobs? Finding a job is not difficult and you will make a great contribution to society.

We cannot take elite education entirely. Many people do not need to take that step. They must carry out diversified professional training. There is no need for professional training to participate in a teaching method in which one or two thousand people learn together. Teachers and apprentices are also vocational trainers. In many vocational schools in Germany, there are twenty or thirty people, that is, teachers and apprentices. Training fees charged by teachers can feed a family, and apprentices are also removed. Especially as a German car manufacturing plant, I once went to Stuttgart, Germany. The Dean of the Academy of Engineering Sciences took me to see the freshmen at the School of Engineering. When they entered the school, everyone sent in an iron block and a gear drawing. Students are asked not to use the machine, file this equipment with a file, and then install it on the broadcast, go to the practical test, and pass the test to grade. Why is the quality of German cars good? Compared to our education, we have drawn drawings without practice, so the manufactured cars cannot reach the quality level of German cars. A country as big as China must depend on physical companies to completely solve employment. Because the physical company needs talents from multiple levels, including scientists, experts, engineers, technicians, technicians, workers, etc., all these people are employed and the society is stable.

Jia Zheng: You said that only a calm flow of water can go further without realizing it. Please talk about the philosophy of this.

Ren Zhengfei: The stream of the stream is always a stream; great rivers and rivers have submerged currents and great power. The Yangtze River is the best way to do nothing, no matter if you control it or not, it will not leave the rivers forever.

Jia Zheng: Faced with the new crown epidemic and further repression by the United States, starting in 2020 appears to be even more difficult than last year. How does Huawei face such a double challenge?

Ren Zhengfei: It is even more difficult. Huawei has resumed production since February 1 without interruption. Many people also work overtime during the Spring Festival because we have to race against time. This epidemic has a certain impact on our production, sales and deliveries. Some supporting manufacturers cannot increase the production number, and logistics cannot be delivered. Under the condition of guaranteeing health and safety, we help upstream and downstream companies to start their work. In addition, international logistics also has an impact. Now the number of international flights has been greatly reduced, and the cost of air freight has increased 3-5 times, which has an impact on us.

Faced with the suppression of the United States, we have yet to gradually overcome it. We cannot catch up with the United States on basic research. It is still very difficult to make up for this lesson. In particular, compose the basic science subject. We used to do our homework in the past. We bought it again. Now that we have to do this, we need to spend more money and some time, and the income will decrease.

Jia Zheng: In the context of the widespread impact of the global epidemic and the profound difficulties of global economic development, how is Huawei’s production and sales in China and abroad? Has the epidemic disrupted the entire pace of Huawei’s development this year?

Ren Zhengfei: The epidemic has not affected the electronics industry very much, because everyone has to work at home and have meetings at home, and the network is now very busy. Huawei’s growth in the first quarter was 1.4%, and the growth was slightly less, and we didn’t stop working, because our health care government believes it is good and increased investment during peak time. The industries with the greatest impact are the hospitality industry, tourism, aviation, hotels and other industries. The epidemic doesn’t have much of an impact on the electronics industry, but demand is higher than before.

Jia Zheng: Many people think that the epidemic will restructure the global industrial chain. The countries of Europe, America and Japan will accelerate the transfer of the central links of the industrial chain to their own countries. How do you see this trend? What impact do you think this trend will have on China’s manufacturing industry?

Ren Zhengfei: It is wrong to transfer the industrial chain to the country, because the economy must be globalized, only globalization will be competitive and without globalization there will be no competitiveness. It is impossible for a country to develop full factor capacity alone. The cost of building a full factor industrial chain with the power of one country is very high. Currently, a large number of low-end manufacturing industries in China are moving to countries like Thailand and Vietnam, and the United States is suppressing China’s high-tech industries. Chinese manufacturing industry is at the middle level. It must be very difficult to have too many fantasies.

Jia Zheng: We have noticed that there is nothing from Google on Huawei P40 phones, it is equipped with Huawei’s HMS mobile service. How is the progress of promoting HMS abroad now and what are the advantages of HMS compared to Google? In a recent interview with Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, Huawei’s mobile phones can no longer use American components. Is this true?

Ren Zhengfei: It’s okay not to wear American pieces, but what if others don’t buy them? Sales of the Android and Apple operating system are huge in the world, and consumers are already familiar with these two operating systems. Huawei is late and it is difficult for consumers to recognize our operating system. Therefore, it may take a long time for Huawei’s operating system to outperform Android and Apple operating systems, but it will not exceed 300 years.

We have a very friendly relationship with Google and Apple. Although our mobile phones are not equipped with Android systems, Samsung and other brands of mobile phones are available. Our 5G base stations are sold worldwide. Apple, Samsung and other mobile phone brands use our base stations and have a green environment. . We want to thank Apple and Android, 5G performance plays well, it’s equivalent to helping us. Android is doing us a favor, and Apple is also doing us a favor. If they don’t have their ecology, what good is our base station? Therefore, Huawei’s operating system doesn’t have ruthless competition, it only says it when others don’t give us a way out. Our operating system has just started, the Android ecosystem has 2.8 million applications and our ecosystem has tens of thousands, with a large gap. Of course, our system is further developed and will have some advantages, but the advantages should be recognized after the consumer experience.

Jia Zheng: Will Huawei replace all parts of the United States on mobile phones in the future?

Ren Zhengfei: No, the United States will always be our good friends. We purchased $ 18.7 billion in parts and components in the United States last year. In the past, we only had $ 11 billion, which significantly increased the number of parts purchased in the United States. The US government. USA He also approved that some American companies supply us. The proposal of a few American politicians does not fully represent the opinion of the United States government. Many American companies have been approved by the United States Department of Commerce to supply us with parts. We have no idea to replace American parts.

Jia Zheng: In this epidemic, Huawei donated many masks and medical protection items to the United States and Canada, but some people questioned this, thinking that the move was to allow Canada to allow Huawei to enter the construction of the local 5G network and affect Ms. Meng Wanzhou. How do you answer those questions in the Canadian extradition case?

Ren Zhengfei: We have provided epidemic prevention support to many countries. These are not our core business. Our main business is information and communication. For example, the King of Spain called me and we urgently sent a batch of anti-epidemic materials. We donated to the United States and Canada only after they asked for help. In general, people should take care of each other and help each other. As long as there is help, we will do our best to provide support. These donations belong to humanitarian assistance. There is no purpose or conditions of exchange.

Jia Zheng: What do you think is the key to gaining confidence abroad as a Chinese company? How can Chinese tech companies improve to gain the world’s trust?

Ren Zhengfei: It is necessary to put the interests of clients in the most important position, to be honest and trustworthy, and to observe discipline and the law. Only in this way can we adapt to the international environment and survive in fierce international competition.

Jia Zheng: China-US relations directly affect Huawei. How do you see the development of China-US relations and are you optimistic about relations between the two countries?

Ren Zhengfei: Huawei is a purely commercial company and has no sales in the United States, which currently does not have much impact on Huawei.

Jia Zheng: As far as I know, Huawei has at least 700 mathematicians, more than 800 physicists, more than 120 chemists, six or seven thousand basic research experts, and more than 60,000 engineers. How does Huawei attract and train top talent?

Ren Zhengfei: Society may think that Huawei will not have as many scientists, because they have myths about scientists. Scientists are committed to the theory, there are applications and algorithms. We have made a lot of progress on the underlying algorithm. We also call on these great experts who don’t create value directly. Most of them are high-end foreign employees, which constitutes a breakthrough in the theoretical structure. High. Of course, in the research and development of some operating systems, secondary and tertiary students also occupy a certain proportion. The key to attracting talent is a sense of mission, and providing a platform for wanting to do something and accomplish things satisfies the greatest desire of scientists. In fact, scientists don’t care about other things, just how they realize their ideals.

Jia Zheng: President Ren, I have read many articles about Huawei that you have written, such as “How long can Huawei’s red flag last?”, I would like to know that if Huawei ever enters the post-Ren Zhengfei era, it has inherited a 33-year-old corporate culture Will genes mutate? What is your plan for the development of Huawei in the next 10 years or more?

Ren Zhengfei: I will not affect my presence or absence. Huawei will advance in the same way. I cannot affect Huawei now. I am a person without power in Huawei. Power is not in my hands. Power is in the company process. I can Talk about my thoughts and opinions, but it does not affect decision making and planning.

Jia Zheng: You are the current family member and founder of Huawei, at the age of 76. In the past few days, the media reported that he has stepped down as director of a Huawei subsidiary twice in six months. I think this is your external message to withdraw. You’re going? If you retire one day, what are the arrangements and plans for your life?

Ren Zhengfei: This is to clean up some subsidiaries in the past few decades, and let youth on the bases take over after retiring. This does not signify. The company allowed us to withdraw from the subsidiary in accordance with the procedure, and removed us from work in accordance with the procedure. This is a normal operation and does not mean anything. I have no hobby. If I retire one day, I drink tea, and if I have no problem, I drink two more. At work, he drinks coffee to absorb the energy of the universe and drinks tea for hobbies.
