Reform and Development Commission: Intensifies the revision of the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment |


Original title: National Development and Reform Commission: preparing to review the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment

On the 16th, the National Development and Reform Commissionnews spokespersonMeng Wei said at the press conference that at present, the Development and Reform Commission is stepping up the review to encourage foreign entrepreneursinvestmentindustryThe catalog will further broaden the scope of foreign investment promotion, so that foreign investment projects in more fields can enjoy relevant preferential policies.

He said that since this year, affected by the epidemic, the cross-border worldDirect investigationIn such a context, China plans to promote the prevention and control of epidemics and the economysocietydevelopment ofjobsImportant results have been obtained and the use of foreign capital has gradually stabilized. From January to August, 89 billion of foreign capital was actually usedAmerican dollarI andA decrease of 0.3%, especially since April, the rate of decline in the use of foreign capital has been reduced month by month, and the overall situation in the use of foreign capital has been better than expected. September 9, published by the American Chamber of Commerce in ShanghaireportSaid mostbusinessStay optimistic about Chinamarket, 78.6% of the companies surveyed said they would not transfer their investment in China, an increase of 5.1 points over last year; On September 10, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China released a report indicating that investment by EU companies in China is generally stable, with only 11% of surveyed companies considering relocating or changing plans investment, which are close to the lowest level in 10 years. “These data also show thatForeign companieslongInvest in ChinaOperatingYour confidence has not changed. “

He presented that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will further deepen the openness, continue to optimize the investment environment, and stabilize the confidence in the long-term development of foreign entrepreneurs in China. One is to get it rightNegative listImplement. The 2020 version of the negative list of access to foreign investment further reduces the scope of the restrictions and increasesServiceindustry,manufacturing, The level of openness in the agricultural sector, we will effectively implement the list to ensure that domestic and foreign companies enjoy equal treatment in areas outside the negative list. The second is to expand the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment. The third is to do a good job guaranteeing services for foreign investment projects. We will continue to actively coordinate and solve pending problems exposed in the implementation of projects with external financing. At the same time, intensify efforts to improve the coordination of major foreign investment projects at the local level.mechanism, Strengthen the reserves of the follow-up project. Take the work of major foreign-funded projects as demonstration and leadership, and comprehensively improve the service level of foreign-funded projects. The fourth is to continually optimize the foreign investment environment. The key point is to continue cleaning, reviewing and abolishing foreign businesses.Investment lawLaws, regulations andNormative documentsTo ensure the promotion, protection andadministrationVarious regulations can be better detailed.

(Source: Daily economic information)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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