Reduce secondary packaging by 80%, green express delivery can be expected by the end of the year | Express | Express | State Post Bureau_Sina


Source: Beijing Commercial Daily

Original Title: Reduce Secondary Packaging by 80%, Expect Green Express Delivery by Year-End

The volume of express shipments is increasing rapidly and efficiency, green and standardization are particularly important. On January 4, at the 2021 National Postal Management Work Conference, Ma Junsheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the State Post Office, said that in the next five years a network will be built that handles more of a billion pieces per day. Faced with the ever-increasing volume of materials and fluids, the industry must develop in a more standardized and greener direction. The goal that e-commerce express mail no longer has a repackage rate of 80% has been inserted, and the corresponding improvement measures will be carried out again. empower.

  Courier volume will reach 95.5 billion pieces

Ma Junsheng said at the meeting that in the next five years, it is necessary to focus on expanding domestic demand, implementing a series of major projects with a solid foundation, increasing functions and long-term benefits, and building a delivery network that handle over 1 billion items per day and serve over 1 billion people. According to the data from the State Post Office, the express delivery turnover is expected to be 95.5 billion pieces in 2021, a year-on-year increase of about 15%; business revenue will be 980 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 12%.

The fast growing express delivery industry is vigorously promoting the industrial item flow and consumer cycle. The data shows that during the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, express delivery business volume and commercial revenue increased 3 times and 2.1 times respectively, and the express parcel market has consistently ranked first in the world for years. More than 1 million new jobs have been created in the past five years, the annual output value of the manufacturing industry has exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan, and the sales of industrial and agricultural products in cities have exceeded the 1.5 trillion yuan.

It can be seen that the rural market shows strong consumption power. According to data from the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, in December 2020, the rural turnover index of e-commerce logistics was 126.8 points, an increase of 0.4 points from the previous month and the level highest of the whole year. Regarding the different regions, with the exception of the decline in the Northeast, rural e-commerce logistics in other regions has increased, with the central region growing the most, with a month-on-month increase of 3.8 points in December. Rural e-commerce business volume in the Western and Northeast regions is higher than the national average.

Since last year, China’s express delivery business growth rate has transitioned from negative to positive and then back to the high range. Entering the second quarter, as the resumption of work and production continued to resume the market, the express delivery business growth rate has accelerated significantly, returning to the high-speed growth range of more than 30% . At present, the express postal industry has a daily average of more than 200 million pieces that has become the norm, and the average daily users of the service is almost 400 million.

  Control over packaging

While stimulating the connection between supply and demand, logistics will become greener in 2021. According to reports, the State Post Office will carry out special management of heavy metals and specific substances in excess of packaging bags and excessive packaging, and will strive to reach 5 million recyclable express boxes by the end of the year, and e-commerce express mail will no longer be 80% repackaged. Add 20,000 express postal outlets with standard packaging waste recycling devices.

According to the data, as of December 2020, the electronic consignment note has basically reached full coverage, the proportion of thin-ribbon packaging has reached 95%, the rate of e-commerce express mail no longer repackaged has reached 70.1% and the rate of use of transit bags in circulation has reached 91.5%. Install 76,000 packaging waste recycling devices.

Already in January 2020, the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission updated three “Opinions on further strengthening the control of plastic pollution”, which clearly indicated that a batch of replicable and marketable plastics should be formed in emerging fields such as e-commerce, express delivery, and takeout. Green logistics and reduction model. The recently revised “Beijing Municipal Household Waste Management Regulations” also clearly stipulate disposable express containers and tableware, which will be formally implemented on May 1.

Greening express delivery is imperative, and companies have come up with their own responses to increase the packing cycle rate. During the “Double 11” period in 2020,JingdongThe Qingliu Logistics plan reduced a total of 100,000 tons of disposable packaging waste, and the average utilization rate of the transit bags in circulation exceeded 90%.

In order to continue to promote the development of environmentally friendly mail, the State Post Office will also introduce the management measures for express postal packaging and the express postal industry green development action plan, will promote the implementation of environmentally friendly certification of express packaging products, will increase the promotion and application of new energy or clean energy vehicles in the industry, and will continue to do good work on pilot projects for the construction of green outlets and distribution centers. It is understood that there are currently more than 370 distribution centers equipped with fully automatic sorting systems throughout the country.

Not only that, the express end market will mark the beginning of standardized management. A reporter for Beijing Business Daily learned from the Beijing Post Administration that the Beijing Post Administration has recently identified the first batch of 110 standardized outlets based on the site environment, management system, development ecological and other related indicators, which will drive the development of the industry for demonstration purposes. Improve the capacity and service level of express terminals.

  Centrally complement cross-border logistics

A reporter for Beijing Business Daily also learned from the State Post Office that logistics companies will receive political support in terms of deepening the industrial chain and traveling abroad. The State Post Office stated that it will build a supply and demand coupling platform for delivery companies and manufacturing companies, guide companies to strengthen the construction of express logistics networks, improve supply chain service levels and select a group of leading and effective integrated development projects across the country to bring together in the manufacturing industry. The district will build a batch of advanced areas for the deep integration of the express delivery industry and the manufacturing industry.

In addition, in the cross-border area, the State Post Office stated that it will support companies to strengthen independent aviation capacity building on international trunk lines, accelerate the promotion of China-Europe freight express mail, and use express ships to complement deficiencies in transport capacity; encourage companies to continue cultivating Southeast Asia and Northeast Asian businesses, effectively serving key national markets; supporting the strengthening of distribution centers abroad, warehouses abroad and the construction of land distribution networks,Rio TintoDevelop a global service network.

In 2020, the State Post Office will carry out comprehensive “two entry, one exit” pilot projects in many locations, implementing express delivery to villages, express delivery to factories and express delivery outside the sea. In fact, the high-performance space of cross-border logistics attracts the urgent industry to collectively “go abroad”. It is becoming the norm for Chinese brands to use e-commerce to go abroad. The e-commerce logistics and storage system in foreign markets, the influence of the platform and big data cloud computing behind it, It has become the main criteria for Chinese companies to choose e-commerce to expand its overseas business, and the establishment of the corresponding logistics supply chain system will naturally also adapt to the fast pace of going abroad.

Beijing Business Daily Reporter Zhao Shuping He Qian
