Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi Anxin: Cybersecurity Helps Fight the Global Digital Epidemic_ 东方 Fortune.com


Original title: Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi Anxin: Cybersecurity Helps Fight the Global Digital Epidemic

“In the digital age, building a network security backplane requires an endogenous, data-driven security framework.” World 2020 held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang on November 23The InternetConference · Internet Development Forum, Qi Anxin GroupdirectorChang Qi Xiangdong published the topic “Network security helps fight the global digital epidemic”SpeaksNetwork security is the foundation of digital technology. Without network security, the role of digital technology will be greatly reduced.discount

In the first three quarters, China’s economic growth turned from negative to positive. International organizations generally predict that China will become the world’s only major economy to maintain positive growth this year. Qi Xiangdong said: “On such a large scaleNetwork activity, Is the network security technology,productServiceIn the grand system test, this good result is not achieved out of the blue, but is the result of prior planning and preparation. “

First, there is cyber securityindustrybase. The scale of China’s network security industry has nearly quadrupled in more than six years, becoming an industry leader; second, there is a real network security system. At present, there are more than 100 offensive and defensive exercises of real networks organized by various departments, industries and units in our country every year; Finally, there is the ability to innovate network security technology. Third-generation network security technology has become widely used, greatly improving the ability to resist attacks. Second-generation network security technology is focused on finding vulnerabilities and patches, this technology is difficult to solve security problems caused by unknown vulnerabilities. The third-generation network security technology represented by the “Tengu” engine is no longer focused on the discovery of vulnerabilities, but is focused on the discovery of attack methods. It can be achieved even without patching and disconnecting from the internet. Detect attacks effectively and lock back doors.

Qi Xiangdong said in his speech that the widespread application of digital technology is a key factor in China’s success in fighting the epidemic. These digital application scenarios have provided network attack and defense technologies and experts with a niche, accelerated network security technology innovation, and promoted the network. The formation of a new security technology system.

As far as China is concerned, there were no catastrophic cybersecurity incidents during the epidemic, reflecting to some extent that China’s core ability to resist cyber attacks has initially taken shape. And in this process, the government andcompanyclientFully recognize the importance of network security, take the initiativeto acceptNew productAnd new services Cybersecurity listedthe companyRevealedreportShow, the third quarterFinanceThe average revenue growth rate exceeded 35%, and Qi Anxin was the fastest growing, reaching 89%.

“The wooden barrel is not filled with water if there is a short board, but if the bottom of the wooden barrel has holes, it cannot be filled with water. We must be good at compensating for the short board, but also pay attention to strengthening the base”. Qi Xiangdong believes that in the digital age, building a network security floor depends on endogenous data-driven security framework.

The core of building a data-driven endogenous security framework are three key points, namely building a base of operations, building systems, and recruiting operations. It helps various industries establish a coordinated network security defense system to ensure the cyberspace security of state, government, and business organizations.

This framework is understood to have been used in network security for nearly 100 major customers.planningThe implementation of the plan, which includes energy, finance, aviation and other industries, has been highly praised by clients. At the same time, at the “World Internet Conference 2020 · Internet Development Forum” held on the same day, 15 cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, including the new generation of cybersecurity framework (endogenous security framework ) launched by QiAnxin Winning the award fully demonstrates the progressive and leading nature of the framework on a global scale.

(Article source:ValuesDaily News)

(Editor in charge: DF537)

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