PV poverty alleviation benefits 4.15 million poor households in China’s first targeted poverty alleviation sample program, which can generate around 18 billion power generation revenue per year


Original Title: PV Poverty Alleviation Benefited 4.15 Million Poverty-affected Households, Becoming China’s First Specific Poverty Alleviation Sample Program, Which Can Generate Around 18 Billion In Generation Revenue of energy each year.

Energy is modernsocietyThe important basis and driving force of development is also economic development,to get betterBasic conditions indispensable for the sustenance of the people.

On October 19, the Information Office of the State Council held a meeting on the decisive victory of the energy industry on poverty alleviation.Press conference

Zhang Jianhua, director of the National Energy Administration, stated at the press conference that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Energy Administration has focused on deeply impoverished areas such as the “three regions and three states” , and coordinated the promotion of energy development and construction and poverty alleviation and energy poverty alleviation.jobsObvious results have been obtained.

The rural electrification rate increased to around 18%

Regarding the effectiveness of energy poverty alleviation work, first of all, rural electricity conditions have improved considerably.

Zhang Jianhua said that in 2015, China completed the power construction project in areas without electricity, solved the electricity problem of 40 million people without electricity, and took the lead in making electricity for everyone in developing countries.

“It must be said that this achievement is very great, because there are still 800 million people in the world without electricity, mainly in developing countries.” Zhang Jianhua said that in the first half of this year, China completed the “three regions and three states” ahead of schedule. The three-year action plan for the transformation and improvement of rural electricity grids in the villages of Dibian has significantly improved the basic production and living energy conditions of more than 210 poor counties statewide and more than 19 million of people in deeply impoverished areas.

At present, the average power outage time in rural areas has been reduced from more than 50 hours in 2015 to about 15 hours, the comprehensive voltage rating rate has increased from 94.96% to 99.7% and Average domestic power distribution capacity has increased from 1.67 kVA to 2.7 kVA.

At the same time, there have been profound changes in rural energy use. On the one hand, the level of electrification has increased significantly. The current rural electrification rate is around 18%, an increase of 7 percentage points over 2012; the utilization rate of refrigerators and washing machines has increased significantly, and thePropertyThis is more than double that of 2012. Induction cookers and rice cookers have become common kitchen tools, and motorcycles and agricultural vehicles have gradually been replaced by electric vehicles.

On the other hand, the degree of clean energy consumption is constantly improving. In 2018, clean energy representedconsumption21.8% of the total, an increase of 8.6 percentage points compared to 2012, and the use of straw and firewood decreased by 52.5%. Electricity, natural gas and biomass energy are used more for heating in winter in the northern regions.

The effect of poverty alleviation driven by energy poverty alleviation is increasingly evident. “The revenues from PV poverty alleviation projects are stable and effective, and have a direct effect on poverty alleviation.” Zhang Jianhua said that a total of 26.36 million kilowatts of photovoltaic poverty alleviation plants have been built across the country, benefiting nearly 60,000 poor villages and 4.15 million poor households, which can generate income from power generation every year. About 18 billion yuan, corresponding to public welfareSend1.25 million.

Not only that, energy development and construction have also created manyjobopportunity. Since 2012, a total of 31 large-scale hydroelectric plants, 64.78 million kilowatts, and 39 modern coal mines have been built in poverty-stricken areas.Production capacity160 million tons, clean and efficient energy from coal exceeds 70 million kilowatts, and a total of more than 100,000 jobs have been created.

Focus of PV poverty alleviation work shifts to operation and maintenance

Among the energy poverty alleviation methods, photovoltaic poverty alleviation is China’s developmentindustryA new attempt to alleviate poverty and asset income. It is the world’s first Chinese specific poverty alleviation plan.borrowJian sample.

According to Li Chuangjun, head of the Department of New Energy and Renewable Energies of the National Energy Administration, PV poverty alleviation is widely welcomed in poverty alleviation, mainly due to its various characteristics: one is the popularization of resources. , “light resources are available everywhere”; The maintenance is simple, “the photovoltaic panels can be assembled to generate electricity”, the third is stable income, “the generation income is monthly”, the fourth is sustainable operation, “the general useful life of electricity generation can reach 20 -25 years”.

Li Chuangjun said that the Energy Office will work with the State Council’s Office of Poverty Alleviation,financialThe Ministry and other relevant departments have worked hard to support PV poverty alleviation. In addition to making solid progress in construction, they have also continually improved the policy system, which can be summarized as “four benefits and two no.”

“Four excellent” is to prioritizeConstruction scaleAnd plan, prioritize schedulingWarrantyFully consumed and listed firstFinancial subsidyCatalog, prioritize financial grant funds. The “dos not” mean that as long as the cost of PV plants has been continuously reduced in recent years, the electricity price of PV plants for poverty alleviation will not be tendered or decreased. These policies have effectively guaranteed the benefits of photovoltaic poverty alleviation.

In fact, in recent years, the pace of the photovoltaic parity grid has been accelerating. President of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association,Trina SolardirectorChang Gao Jifan formerlyto acceptThe “Daily Business News” reporter stated that while the development of projects connected to the photovoltaic parity grid is oriented, reasonable subsidies should be provided to projects that need subsidies, especially for the benefit ofCommon peopleHousehold photovoltaics should be subsidized.

“At present, all relevant construction tasks have been completed and the current focus of the work has shifted to operation and maintenance.” Li Chuangjun said the next step is to standardize operation and maintenance.administrationEnsuring the operation and maintenance of professional forces, make good use of national photovoltaic energy to help the poor.Information managementPlatform in the cloud, through moderninformation technologyMeans to achieve full life cycle monitoring to ensure normal operation of the plant.

In addition, asset management must be regulated. “All PVPs for poverty alleviation that comply with the policy and included in the subsidy list must be unifiedcoding, Registered. Li Chuangjun said that this will achieve a clear picture, clear conditions and effective management of photovoltaic power plants for poverty alleviation, and will make photovoltaic power plants for poverty alleviation a “ray of sunshine” that cannot be remove from poverty.Bank“The” Blue Poverty Alleviation Task Force “that cannot be withdrawn makes it a high-quality asset that can truly help alleviate poverty.

(Source: Daily Economic News)

(Editor in charge: DF387)

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