Pudong “Thirty-Five”: Strengthening Global Resource Allocation Capabilities Shanghai Free Trade Zone Offers Comprehensive Comparisons CPTPP_ 东方 Fortune.com


Original title: Pudong “Thirty Standing”: Strengthening Global Resource Allocation Capabilities, Shanghai Free Trade Zone Fully Evaluates CPTPP

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the development and opening of the Shanghai Pudong New Area (hereinafter “Pudong”).

In the “Development of high quality, highqualityAt the Shanghai municipal government press conference of the “Life” series, Weng Zuliang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Pudong District Party Committee, said that Pudong has become a An important symbol of China’s reform and opening-up and the epitome of Shanghai’s modernization.

According to statistics, Pudong’s GDP reached 1,273.4 billion yuan in 2019, per capita.GDPUSD 33,200, creating 1/80 of GDP and 1/15 of goods in 1/8000 of the countryimport and exportLump sum.In the first 8 months of this year, Pudong recently establishedcompanyYear with yearIt increased by 32.8%, real foreign investment increased by 4.7% and the value of industrial production increased by 7.3%, which is an emerging strategy.industrymanufacturingThe value of production increased by 21.5%, the whole societyInvestment in fixed assetsThey increased by 12.4%, industrial investment increased by 22.4% and imported goodsTo exportThe total increased 0.9%.

Today, Pudong is at a turning point in history. Weng Zuliang pointed out that, on the basis of a new starting point, promoting high-level reform and openness is the main mission assigned to Pudong by the central government and an important responsibility that Pudong must assume for its future development.

Shanghai Free Trade Zone expandspressure test, CPTPP fully comparative

Openness is the innate mission and main characteristic of Pudong. In recent years, Pudong has insisted on taking the construction of the pilot free trade zone and Lingang New Area as the leader, continuously improving the level of openness and striving to create a border window for full opening.

Weng Zuliang said that looking back at the past, eating reforms, taking an open path and playing innovative cards have always been the distinctive characteristics and valuable experience of the development and opening of Pudong. Going forward, Pudong must be built as an “open flag, window to power, functional high ground and model of government.”

September 29 marks the seventh anniversary of the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. In the last seven years, the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone has taken institutional innovation as its core and has led the construction of an institutional system in line with internationally accepted rules in the fields of investment, trade, finance and supervision in process and post-event. More than 300 institutional innovations have been replicated and promoted throughout the country. .

According to Hang Yingwei, Undersecretary General of Shanghai Municipal Government, Undersecretary of the Pudong New Area District Committee, and Hang Yingwei District Mayor, the negative foreign investment list of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has been continuously reduced in the years. last seven years, from 190 in the 2013 version to 30 in the 2020 version.international trade“One-stop shop”, currently ShanghaiPort100% cargo declaration, declaration of all vessels andExport Tax RefundThe business has been managed through the “one-stop shop”.

Yang Chao, deputy director of the Pudong New Area, said that the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has four main characteristics:

The first is to focus on deepening the decentralization, management and service reform, and comprehensively strengthening the integration of the reform systems. Take the initiative in the country to test the “separation of licenses and licenses”, “one industry, one license”, and improve the supervision of “six doubles” during and after the event, etc.

Second, with trade and investment liberalization and facilitation at the core, we will comprehensively promote institutional openness. Explore the inclusion of the negative list management model in the “Foreign Investment Law”, lead the implementation of a series of pioneering national projects in 55 open areas, etc.

Three is to serve betterNational strategyOriented, it comprehensively improves global resource allocation capabilities. Promote the integrated development of the financial factor market and the Yangtze River Delta, and create a core economy serving the whole country and facing the world.

The fourth is to use reforms to stimulate the vitality of the market and promote high-quality development comprehensively.

Relevant statistics show that as of August this year, a total of 67,000 new companies have been established.Foreign companies12,000 households. From January to August, the actual foreign capital in the pilot free trade zone was $ 5.92 billion, an increase of 9.2%; the total import and export volume was 1.06 trillion yuan, accounting for nearly half of the city’s share, of which exports increased nearly 3% year-on-year.

Weng Zuliang pointed out that the further opening of Pudong is not limited to institutional openness.In the future, Pudong will continue to expand the open areas, from the manufacturing industry to the service industry, and from the goods trade to the service trade. At the same time, Pudong will strengthen its global resource allocation function and accelerate the development of a top-tier headquarters economy.

According to Weng Zuliang, Pudong is currently meetingthe companyThere are 348 regional headquarters. Since this year, CSSC, Sinochem, Minsheng Securities,Market openerAfter the headquarters of the headquarters companies and foreign companies and private companies landed one after another, Volvo Construction and Dassault Systèmes moved their Asia-Pacific headquarters from Singapore and Japan to Pudong, respectively, and Hema established its world headquarters in Pudong.

Yang Chao said that in the next step, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone will take the lead in the implementation of Shanghai’s “four main functions”, namely, strengthening the global resource allocation function, strengthening the the role of scientific and technological innovation sources, strengthening the leading role of high-end industries and strengthening the role of open hub portals.Perform comprehensive benchmarking of CPTPP and other international standards to increase stress testing, Strive to create an improved version and strive to be the first to build a functional demonstration zone to open central portals that is in line with international high-level trade and economic rules, a functional demonstration zone of global resource allocation that integrates global capital, information and talents, and brings together global innovative resources Demonstration area of ​​the scientific and technological innovation source function, focusIndustrial chain, The high-end, industry-leading function demonstration area at the center of the value chain and green chain.

Pudong was launched again, starting from the optimization of the business environment

Optimizing the business environment is an important content of the reform and opening of Pudong. In recent years, Pudong has taken as a reform focus the improvement of an internationalized, legalized and market-oriented business environment, and has continued to optimize government services throughout the company’s life cycle from establishment to exit.

In terms of business access, Pudong has successively introduced reforms such as “license before license”, “separation of license from license” and “one industry, one license”. This year, it took the lead in launching the company name registration notification commitment system and piloted the business entity registration confirmation system in the new Lingang area. The registration speed has increased from “one day” before the reform to “real time”.

inSMEsIn terms of funding, Pudong andBank of ChinaWaiting 10BankSign the bank-government cooperation agreement to promoteBankProvide enterprises with special projects totaling more than 160 billion yuanCreditSupport, it is estimated that there are more than 12,000 service companies, and 4,527 loans of 71.24 billion yuan have been implemented.

In addition, in order to serve companies more precisely, Pudong took the lead in launching a specific composite web page for mobile end companies that integrates policies and services, providing companies with exclusive policies, exclusive services, exclusive stores and exclusive dynamic services to achieve demand intelligence. Discovery, accurate policy push, and active reminder when handling issues, performing “thousands of businesses, accurate services.”

With the help of a series of simplified management, the development speed of Pudong has increased again. In 2019, Pudong created “Tesla“Speed” only took half a year from the signing of the project to the start of construction. This year, Pudong created the “Sam Speed” and settled inWaigaoqiaoGuaranteedSam ChinamemberFor the flagship store, it only took 76 days from signing to inception.

Li Lisheng, director of Shanghai Pudong New Area Reform and Development Commission, said there is no best business environment, only better. Pudong will delve into the world of benchmarkingBankThe Nationwide Business Environment Report and Assessment Standards focus on the pain points and difficulties that companies have strongly reflected and strongly promote the “two filing exemptions” and other powerful measures to continually create a world-class business environment.

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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