Promote the implementation of responsibilities and improve the long-term mechanism | Emergency Management Department | Long-term Mechanism_Sina


Original title: Promote the implementation of responsibilities and improve the long-term mechanism

Recently, the Office of the State Council Safety Committee organized a “review” on the implementation of rectification measures for 12 particularly serious and 120 major production safety accidents that occurred between 2015 and 2019. At the Office’s press conference of Information of the Council of State held on the 29th, the head of the Emergency Directorate presented the relevant situation.

“Looking back” achieved the expected results

“Overall, this ‘look back’ has delivered the hoped-for results, and has played the role of ringing the bell to remind relevant venues to ‘turn over old accounts’ and find loopholes.” Shen Zhanli, spokesperson for the Department of Emergency Management and Analysis of the Director of the Department of Press and Publicity.

According to Li Wanchun, Chief Engineer of the Department of Emergency Management and Director of the Department of Research and Statistics, the work of “looking back” on 12 particularly serious accidents was organized at the national level and the rectification of the accident sites was progressing smoothly. and achieved significant results. However, from a national perspective, risks still exist in high-risk industries. For example, the problem of coal mine overcapacity has not been effectively curbed, the illegal construction and production of coal mines have been repeatedly banned; the security management base of small and medium-sized chemical companies is relatively weak, and the entire chain of supervision of hazardous chemicals exists. Some loopholes, the lack of safety oversight of operational vehicles such as tour buses, and the problem of disguised links still persists.

The work of “looking back” on 120 major accidents was organized and carried out by the provincial safety committees. “By combing and analyzing the evaluation results, it can be concluded that the responsibility for safe production has not been implemented; On the other hand, risk source control, investigation and routine management of hidden hazards are not yet in place. For example, security access control is not strict, security standards are not high, security levels are low, security monitoring methods are lagging, and monitoring efficiency is not high. Li Wanchun said.

The Occupational Safety Committee of the State Council Office will urge all localities and departments to take solid and effective measures, improve the long-term mechanism for safe production and resolutely stop the occurrence of major accidents. Regarding the problems discovered in this “hindsight”, especially the problems that clearly require rectification in the accident investigation report but which have not been implemented, and the problems that still have great risks and hidden dangers, it is necessary to push firmly rectification.

Improve endogenous motivation of business security production

In recent years, the security production situation in my country has continued to improve steadily. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Emergency Management, in 2020, the chemical industry, fireworks, non-coal mines, industry and commerce and other key industries in my country have not experienced major accidents at the same time, which is the first time since the founding of New China.

“My country’s security production base is still weak, existing risks and incremental risks are intertwined, and various unstable and uncertain factors have increased significantly. We must make great efforts to prevent and control major security risks.” Shen Zhanli said that in 2021, the Safety Committee of the State Council Emergency Management Department will strengthen the implementation of various liability measures for safe production and put the safety of people’s lives first.

In terms of promoting the implementation of safety responsibilities, this year the first evaluation of the member units of safety committees will be organized and implemented at all levels to promote the implementation of regulatory responsibilities. In addition, systems such as security assessment report disclosure, risk classification management and control, and active reporting need to be implemented to improve endogenous motivation for enterprise security production. In terms of striving to improve the level of intrinsic safety, it is necessary to accelerate the implementation of the action “Industrial Internet + Safe Production” and integrate the enterprise surveillance video and enterprise electricity data shutdown into the monitoring platform; the automation system The equipment rate of key hazardous chemical production companies should reach 100%; Implement the three-year action for smart mine construction and promote the classified disposal of coal mines with an annual production of 300,000 tons or less.

The security production situation around the Spring Festival remains grim

As the Spring Festival approaches, many factors are intertwined such as epidemic prevention and control, cold spells and low temperatures, returning home for the Chinese New Year, etc. What is the safety production situation? Li Wanchun analyzed that in previous years, about a month around the Spring Festival was a period when there were few accidents and the total number was very low. However, since the beginning of this year, while the total number of production safety accidents across the country has maintained a downward trend year-on-year, the largest accidents have risen both year-on-year and month-over-month.

He recalled that the security production situation before and after the Spring Festival is still grim and should not relax. First, the lanyard must be adjusted in traffic. Water transport and travel safety in rural areas, especially in bad weather conditions, require great attention. Second, the energy, manufacturing and construction industries are currently active in the market and demand has rebounded. Vigorous production and operation of companies will also put a lot of pressure on safe production. It is necessary to refine and strengthen safe production. Third, the gathering of people and the accumulation of goods in key places will also bring some risks to public safety. You need to improve awareness of fire safety and do a good job in preventing and controlling fires.
