Poverty alleviation is not the end, and the future will be effectively connected with rural revitalization-Finance News


Poverty alleviation is not the end and the future will be effectively linked to rural revitalization

Author: sweet wish

On November 23, Guizhou Province announced that the remaining 9 impoverished counties would withdraw from the impoverished counties sequence. So far, China’s 832 impoverished counties have lifted themselves out of poverty. The millennium dream of the Chinese nation to completely rid itself of absolute poverty and realize a well-off society in a comprehensive way will soon come true.

Getting out of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. The State Council’s Office of Poverty Alleviation stated that preventing the return of poverty will become the focus in the future, and how to link poverty alleviation with the rural revitalization strategy will also be the main task in the future.

500 billion “buy, buy and buy” help fight poverty

Industrial development, consumer poverty alleviation, relocation, ecological compensation … Behind the poverty alleviation of every poor household is a systematic project, a tough battle that requires a lot of work. Since 2013, the total number of poor people has fallen by more than 93 million, with an average annual poverty reduction of more than 10 million. After this year’s efforts, the remaining poor people have lifted themselves out of poverty on schedule.

On March 6, Secretary-General Xi Jinping attended the Seminar on Decisive Victory over Poverty and delivered an important speech. He noted that after completing the poverty alleviation task this year, China will achieve the poverty reduction goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. There is nothing in the world. One country can help so many people lift themselves out of poverty in such a short time, which is of great importance to China and the world.

Consumption poverty alleviation is an important measure to promote poverty alleviation, the strongest support for industrial poverty alleviation, and a powerful measure in the context of the epidemic. According to preliminary statistics, since early 2019, all Sectors of society have bought or helped sell characteristics from poor areas directly.Agricultural productsAlmost 500 billion yuan. Among them, it was more than 160 billion yuan in 2019 and more than 330 billion yuan in the first 10 months of this year, which is twice the size of the full year in 2019.

On November 24, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on consumer poverty alleviation to help win the battle against poverty.

Guo Lanfeng, Assistant Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that consuming products and services from poor areas is not only a way to help the poor increase their income and get rid of poverty, but also to help the poor. poor to sell specialty agricultural products and, most importantly, to guide the poor. Continue the glorious tradition of “working to get rich and get out of poverty”, not only to promote production and supply in impoverished areas, but also to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and forming a new pattern of development.

The Wulong District of Chongqing City is located in a contiguous area of ​​the poverty-stricken Wuling Mountain, where 13 ethnic groups are inhabited, including Han, Miao, Tujia and Gelao. In an interview with CBN, Wulong District Mayor Lu Hong said that consumer poverty alleviation has improved the quality of poverty alleviation. Over 3,500 industrial demonstration bases and 5 direct mining and direct supply bases have been built in the district. These demonstration bases are 80%. The aforementioned poor have established a narrow interest-linking mechanism. The poor throughout the district only through the consumption poverty alleviation model, the average household income has increased by more than 5,000 yuan.

The sudden new corona pneumonia epidemic this year has had a considerable impact on the sales and circulation of agricultural products. “Through the live broadcast, the salted duck eggs were sold out during this year’s Dragon Boat Festival.” Du Jianbin, deputy magistrate of the People’s Government of Laifeng County, Hubei Province, told China Business News that the live broadcast has expanded the market for specialty agricultural products in Laifeng. Meeting the trend of networking, digitization and intelligence not only activates the spring water of consumption, but also turns crises into opportunities, helps farmers increase their income, and realizes rural revitalization.

Live delivery of goods has become a highlight of consumer poverty alleviation, but there are also problems like uneven products and imperfect after-sales service. How should the level and quality of the supply of agricultural products in poverty alleviated areas be improved in the future?

Tong Zhangshun, director of the Regional Revitalization Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, responded to questions from a China Business News reporter at the press conference of the State Development and Reform Commission on 24, saying that the considerations The preliminary plans will begin with the following two aspects: First, vigorously support the expansion of large-scale production in poverty-stricken areas. , Improve the standardization system of agricultural products, improve storage and logistics facilities, improve the competitiveness of agricultural products in the market, increase market share and achieve survival of the fittest through market means. The second is to study and adopt some incentive and containment measures to strengthen the supervision of the behavior of market players and promote the continuous development of consumer assistance in a standardized, orderly and sustainable direction.

Effective connection with rural revitalization

By the end of this year, China will enter an era without absolute poverty, but the statistical disappearance of the poor does not mean the end of rural poverty.

Xing Chengju, associate professor at Northwest A&F University, told CBN that although China has formed a unique and effective development path for poverty alleviation, this does not mean that China’s poverty alleviation work can be done in a single way. once and for all.

“Our poverty alleviation work will achieve gradual victory, but the arduous, long-term, phased and complex nature of poverty alleviation work forces us to continually promote innovation and development of poverty alleviation work. in the continued practice of poverty alleviation. Let China’s poverty alleviation route become a dazzling star in the international poverty reduction route and continue to make new contributions to the global cause of poverty reduction “Xing Chengju said.

The “Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the formulation of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Term Goals for 2035” approved by the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that “achieving the consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation is effective in the rural revitalization Convergence.”

For details on how to connect, Liu Yongfu, Party Secretary and director of the State Council’s Poverty Alleviation Office, wrote an analysis. First, you need to connect by thinking. Before 2020, the priority task of rural revitalization in the central and western regions is the alleviation of poverty. During the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, the hat area still needs to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation as the focus of rural revitalization and ensure that the people who have escaped poverty and the hat area do not remain back in rural revitalization.

Second, there is a need for policy convergence and the comprehensive ordering of policies that must continue, policies that must be adjusted and refined, policies that must be phased out, and policies that must be created and strengthened. You also need to bond at work. Post-2020 poverty alleviation work will shift from extraordinary measures to normal assistance, and will shift from concentrated efforts to long-term mechanisms.

Lu Hong told a China Business News reporter that from the specific practice of the grassroots, the quality control of agricultural products from the source, increasing the deep processing of agricultural products, brand cultivation and improvement of infrastructure construction such as cold chain and logistics are areas for poverty alleviation. Continue to achieve a long-term plan for sustainable revenue growth through industrial development and consumption.

“The key is to trust the industry.” Du Jianbin told China Business News that from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, industries are on the same line. Consumption poverty alleviation is just one entry point. We must use this to force the upgrading of industries, promote the combination of upstream and downstream industries and industrial chain upgrading, and form a complete industrial system, which can not only prevent poverty, but also improve hematopoietic capacity and endogenous motivation of poverty alleviation areas. key.

Guo Lanfeng introduced that the National Development and Reform Commission is working with relevant parties to study working ideas and policy measures to promote consumer poverty alleviation and improvement during the period of “XIV Five-Year Plan”. Adhere to the market-oriented orientation and promote the formation of a sustainable development model of “government orientation, market leadership and social participation”, which makes it an important measure to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, avoid return poverty to poverty and help the general revitalization of rural areas.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Qi Qiqi
