Postponement of retirement cites heated debate, experts say it will not cause a “squeeze effect” on employment _Reform plan


Original title: Delay in retirement generates heated discussions Experts say it will not cause a “compression effect” on employment

Beijing Business Daily (reporter Tao Feng, internal reporter Ruan Hangda) At the press conference of the State Information Office held on February 26, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released two important signals Recent: the personal pension The system is starting up at full capacity Study the specific reform plan for the progressive delay in retirement. Delayed retirement progresses gradually, but how to formulate specific delayed retirement policies? Will the current pressure on social employment increase? Related topics have attracted people’s attention and heated discussions.

The Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, You Jun, said at the press conference that day that the plan will not only be based on international practices, but will also be based on current national conditions, cultural traditions and evolution. history of my country. In the process of research and formulation of the plan, we will also listen to opinions from all sectors.

Lu Quan, an associate professor at Renmin University of China, wrote on CCTV that when formulating a plan, attention should be paid to the combination of unity and flexibility. One is that the unified national plan guarantees equity between the regions, the other is that people have a certain right to choose and cannot be “one size fits all.” In addition, he also suggested that supportive measures should be taken to prevent the appearance of injustices between groups, and that different groups and individuals have different job characteristics and different treatment. Only when the measurements are flexible and complete can the greatest common divisor be obtained.

Furthermore, a general concern of public opinion is whether delayed retirement will affect employment opportunities for young workers. Feng Jin, a social security expert and professor at the Fudan University School of Economics, said in a media interview that from a dynamic point of view, the gradual delay in retirement will not significantly increase the labor supply, but it will help to improve the income and purchasing power of older workers, which in turn promotes consumer demand and job growth. He said that according to international experience, raising the retirement age can significantly alleviate the problem of the decline in the workforce caused by aging and reduce the burden of social pensions.

Delaying the retirement age is a common practice in countries around the world to cope with an aging population, and the aging pressure facing our country is also increasing by the day. During the period of the “XIV Five Year Plan”, the elderly population of my country is expected to exceed 300 million, and society will enter a stage of moderate aging of mild to moderate aging. According to You Jun, compared to the average life expectancy of about 40 years when New China was founded, the average life expectancy in 2019 has increased to 77.3 years. However, the number of the working-age population in my country has decreased by more than 3 million per year since 2012, and the age at which people start working has been delayed, the average working life has shortened and human resources have been reduced. been wasted.

Responding to the aging population problem, Fang Lianquan, Secretary General of the World Social Security Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter for the Beijing Business Daily: fertility. On the other hand, from a foreign perspective, delay retirement, which will increase the elderly. This is also a solution to the future labor shortage. For example, Japan and Germany have relatively high employment rates for older people. “

Today, the retirement age in the world’s major economies is generally above 65 years. The current retirement age of 60 for male employees, 55 for women and 50 for female workers currently stipulated in my country is a mandatory retirement system based on the initial conditions of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Given the difference in the retirement age between men and women, and given the gender difference in the retirement age, it is understood that there are two schemes, one is for women and men to be equal first, and the other is for both to expand . In this regard, Fang Lianquan said: “There are two big plans now. One is to delay the retirement age of female employees first, and then to delay it together after it is equal to that of men. The other is to start in the same way. time for both men and women. It will be faster. “Return to Sohu to see more


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