Postoperative retinal detachment from renowned anti-epidemic physicians, Aier Ophthalmology’s share price may be “first year steal”


Original title: Well-known anti-epidemic doctors postoperative retinal detachment, Aier Ophthalmology’s share price may be “first year theft”


[Reconocidos médicos antiepidémicos desprendimiento de retina posoperatorio, el precio de las acciones de Aier Ophthalmology puede ser un “robo de año nuevo”]The well-known anti-epidemic doctor Ai Fen, director of the emergency department of Wuhan Central Hospital, said that cataract treatment at the Wuhan Aier Ophthalmology Department caused retinal detachment in the right eye. He questioned the inadequate treatment of the Wuhan Aier ophthalmology department, “the implantation of the lens was performed without examination of the fundus, which delayed the treatment time.” After the operation, Ai Fen reported to the hospital that his vision was blurry but it did not attract attention and he lost the opportunity to remedy it. (Business herald of the 21st century)

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At the beginning of the new year, 300 billionMarket valueWhite horseOphthalmology Aier(300015.SZ) He encountered the “Black Swan”.

Well-known anti-epidemic doctor WuhandowntownAi Fen, director of the hospital’s emergency department, said that in WuhanOphthalmology AierTreatment of cataracts that cause retinal detachment in the right eye Wuhan questionedOphthalmology AierInadequate treatment, “the lens was implanted without checking the fundus, which delayed the treatment time”. After the operation, Ai Fen reported to the hospital that his vision was blurry but it did not attract attention and he lost the opportunity to remedy it.

After the incident was exposed, in the face of Ai Fen’s doubts, on the night of December 31, the Wuhan Aier Ophthalmological HospitalMicro ExpoA statement was issued that the preoperative examination, surgery and postoperative review by Aifen and other links meet medical standards. The results of the preoperative B ultrasound and the OCT examination provided by the patient in the three best hospitals showed that the retina of the fundus was flat; the results of the postoperative follow-up also showed that the patient’s vision improved significantly and the fundus retina was flat.

However, the clarification of Aier Ophthalmology did not calm the incident and public opinion continued to ferment.

In the early morning of January 2, Aier Ophthalmology WeChatpublicAccording to the announcement issued the first, the Aier Eye Hospital Group attaches great importance to the diagnosis and treatment of Ms. Ai Fen’s eye disease at Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital, and the group will immediately be established to investigate.jobsThe team rushed to Wuhan overnight on January 1, 2021 for their investigation.

As an institutional group share, Aier Ophthalmology has always been regarded as a model for the growth of A-share white horse shares. Since listing, the market value has increased from 6.9 billion yuan to 300 one billion yuan. And now I meet a black swanmarketPeople hope their stock price may suffer “the beginning of the year.”

  Cataract surgery is an important business sector

“The incident at Aier Ophthalmology can be compared to the impact of the liquor plasticizer incident. Cataracts are an important business section of Aier Ophthalmology.the companyThe impact will be greater.In addition, this incident involved celebrities in society, and the pressure from public opinion was enormous, which amounted to a huge negative impact.advertising, Has great damage to the reputation of the hospital. Although the final result of the investigation has not yet come out, it is definitely bad news for the company. “Said a source of private capital in southern China.

Public data shows that in 2017, Aier cataract ophthalmic surgery project revenue was 1.714 billion yuan, accounting for 23.77%, and revenue in 2018 was 15. 4.4 billion yuan, which accounting for 19.29%, the revenue in 2019 was 17.6 billion yuan, accounting for 17.62% .In terms of growth rate, 2018Year with yearThe increase was 9.01% and year-on-year growth in 2019 was 13.97%.

  The 2019 annual report shows that cataract surgery is the third largest business sector, while in 2017 and 2018, it is the second largest business sector.

It should be noted thatIn the 2018 and 2019 annual reports, Aier Ophthalmology mentioned the contribution of the transformation of the cataract business.

The 2018 annual report indicated that during the reporting period, revenue from cataract project services increased 9.01% year-over-year, primarily due to the increase in applications such as high-end multifocal lenses and femtosecond cataract surgery. Affected by the national implementation of the transition of integration and adjustment of the health insurance policy of urban residents and rural cooperative health care, and the optimization and adjustment of the health insurance spending structure in some provinces and regions, the growth rate of cataract operations has slowed in stages.

The 2019 annual report said:In the last two years, cataract projects have been under the control of health insurance policies and the growth rate of surgical volume has slowed down in stages. With the transformation and improvement of consumption, progress has been made in the transformation and improvement of the cataract business. Refractive cataracts have become refractive cataracts, like high-end multifocal lenses. The increase in applications such as femtosecond cataract surgery has ensured the constant growth of the project.

According to Ai Fen, after Aier’s vision exam, the doctor said that his right eye had a cataract and suggested that it should be replaced with a high-grade intraocular lens.

  Annual report data shows that in 2019, the Aier Mao Ophthalmic Cataract Surgery Projectinterest rateIt was 40.10%, compared to 37.69% in 2018. The high-end transformation has obviously delivered results.

“Aier Ophthalmology’s cataract business has been transformed into high-end surgery and its growth has been relatively good in 2019.dealFor the organization, this is a relatively correct decision. However, this is also the point that current public opinion is questioning, that is, in the process of this transformation, is there something that is done for commercial interests and ignores the interests of patients? This is a relatively large hat for private hospitals. This won’t be clear until the survey results come out, but it will have an impact on market sentiment. “Previous private equity sources said.

  Will the logic of 300 billion white horses change?

As a well-known white horse of A shares, Aier Ophthalmology is a group share of many institutions. The share price has more than doubled since this year, and the total market value has exceeded $ 300 billion.P / E ratioUp to 149.7 times.

Despite the impact of the epidemic, Aier Ophthalmology’s third quarterly report showed that the net profit was 1,546 million, a year-on-year increase of 25.6% .In recent years, itsPerformanceThe growth rate remained at around 30%.

  The three quarterly reports show,Share208 institutions own shares of Aier Ophthalmology, representing 56.26% of its outstanding shares.

It is said that Aier Ophthalmology is the Moutai in ophthalmology, although there are also some in its developmentGoodwillWait for the doubt, but from wherecompanyIn terms of development and performance, it is relatively stable and, like Moutai, there is a group of die-hard fans and they have actually made a lot of money from it. “A longtime investor in Aier Ophthalmology told reporters.” This event will definitely cause stock prices to fluctuate, as for how much it falls depends on the market.GameAbove. “

In the stock market, there are investors who buy sauces and cut meat.Some investors believe it is necessary to avoid short-term risks and will cut meat on Monday. However, some investors said that if the limit drops, they will definitely buy funds.

Institutions also have differences in this.

“There will be short-term effects, but I do not believe that this incident will have a subversive impact on the growth logic of the company. Aier Ophthalmology has developed a more mature experience in handling such incidents, unless the business development policy of the country has fundamental changes, otherwise, I think it will not have a big impact. As for whether to buy the fund, it depends on market sentiment. As a setup, I think there is no problem, “said a Shenzhen private equity source.

And on December 29 of last yearInvestigationin,In answering the question “How to control medical accidents, Aier Ophthalmology” stated: “The quality of medical care is the lifeblood of Aier and the trust and commitment of patients and families. The medical quality of the company has always been well controlled. The standard is higher thanNational standardAnd put it in place, so that the accident rate and the dispute rate are extremely low, the risk control system is constantly improving, and the company also has medical liability insurance.Background thinkingIn fact, the vast majority of medical disputes are not medical accidents, they are caused by problems with communication or quality of service.attitudeBetter okay then the service is endless. “

However, the aforementioned private equity sources in southern China said. “This issue involves celebrities, and the social effect is still quite large. The question now is how the investigation of the incident turns out, how far will it ferment, whether it will lead to commercial rectification and punishment of hospitals.If the cataract business is hit hard, that’s rightcompany achievementsThe impact will be greater and the valuation logic will have to be rethought. So before the outcome of the matter comes to light, I think the negotiation should be cautious. “

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Responsible editor: DF537)

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