Popular “Gene Magic Scissors” Won Nobel Prize Related Company Stock Prices, But Challenges Persist | Nobel_Sina Finance_Sina.com


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Original title: Popular “Genetic Magic Scissors” Won Nobel Prize, and Related Company Stock Prices Have Soared, But Challenges Persist

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded CRISPR / Cas9, a gene-editing technology known as “Magic Scissor.”

“This gene editing tool has tremendous energy and will affect each of us. It has not only brought about changes in the field of basic science, it has also produced many groundbreaking results and will bring new original treatment methods.” The Nobel Chemical award selection committee stated in a press release on October 7.

On the same day, two scientists, Emmanuelle Charpentier (Emmanuelle Charpentier) from France and Jennifer A. Doudna (Jennifer A. Doudna) from the United States were awarded for their contributions to the research field of genome editing methods. Become a new Nobel Prize winner.

Gene editing technology appeared as early as the 1990s, but it used to be time consuming and even difficult to complete. With CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technology, the code for vital deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be changed in a few weeks.

CRISPR / Cas9 technology revolutionized biological research and spawned a new generation of biomedical companies.

A researcher at the Shanghai Pasteur Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences told the CBN reporter: “CRISPR / Cas9 has not been used as a clinical diagnosis of diseases, but many concepts are being tested, such as the diagnosis of Zika, COVID-19 and cancer. Sensitivity; A positive proof of concept has also been obtained for the correction of genetic diseases or the highly controversial human genetic modification. “

He also said that CRISPR / Cas9 has become an indispensable tool for related systems in research laboratories and has a wider range of applications. Its importance even exceeds the meaning of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry “Green Fluorescent Protein” (GFP).

  Shares of gene editing companies soared

“This award deserves its name.” Professor Michael Levitt, one of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, told CBN reporters: “Many people hope to win prizes with CRISPR, but in the end they were only awarded to two female scientists, I think that’s correct.”

Randy Schekman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, expressed his joy at his colleague Dudner’s award.

Professor Schekman told CBN reporters by email that he believed “Jennifer and Emmanuel will definitely win awards. It’s only a matter of time.”

Professor Schekman told the CBN reporter that regardless of whether CRISPR won the Nobel Prize, gene editing technology has “spread into the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology like wildfire.” “People have used CRISPR technology to develop the first treatment for sickle cell anemia. This is just the beginning. The most active attempts are accompanied by some coups and are driving the application and development of this revolutionary technology.”

After the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the share price of gene-editing companies rose sharply in foreign markets on October 7. US shares closed on Wednesday, the share price of Swiss gene translation company CrisprTherapeutics rose more than 11%, the share price of gene therapy company EditasMedecine rose almost 8%, the share price of IntelliaTherapeutics is up more than 13% – All three named companies are co-founded by Dudna or Carpentier OR a joint venture.

CrisprTherapeutics is a company co-founded by Dudner and Carpentier, and it is also the company that has gone the furthest in bringing gene editing to the clinic.

In the first phase of clinical trials, he has started treating people with sickle cell anemia, and this therapy has allowed some people to get rid of the terrible symptoms of the disease.

EditasMedecine was co-founded by Dudner, Harvard University Professor George Church (George Church) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Senior Lecturer Zhang Feng (Jin Qilin analyst). The company is also applying CRISPR / Cas9. The forefront of the industry.

Other gene editing biotech companies founded by Dudner include CaribouBiosciences, MammothBiosciences, and ScribeTherapeutics.

On the 6th, ScribeTherapeutics announced the establishment of a partnership with the biotechnology company Biogen. The first is using CRISPR technology to develop a treatment for neurological diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (i.e. Lou Gehrig’s disease) If the method is successfully developed, it can generate at least more than US $ 400 million in revenue .

  The technology is not yet fully mature

Gene editing technology offers hope for unique treatments that can cure genetic diseases caused by human birth defects.

The first gene therapy to enter the clinic to treat sickle cell anemia. This therapy programs the protein so that the protein can cut the defective part of the DNA very precisely and then let the edited cells repair it. Segment the cut DNA and insert it into the position of the cut DNA.

The principle of using CRISPR / Cas9 for gene editing is to correct faulty genes by introducing new genetic codes, thus repairing certain genetic diseases and making cancer treatment more successful. The technology has the ability to discover and manipulate specific genes, and it also has the potential to be a daily tool for exploring all of physiology and diagnosing disease.

“How much room is there to improve CRISPR technology? At present, there is no problem to achieve an accurate cut, but there is still a gap to achieve an accurate repair,” a national cellular immunity expert told a China Business News reporter . But he believes that CRISPR technology has limited room for improvement.

A researcher at the Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Medical Genetic Reprogramming Technology told a China Business News reporter: “The technical problems facing CRISPR include improving safety and efficiency.” He also said that the Nobel Prize is expected to promote the acquisition of this technology. More capital attention.

It’s a shame that Zhang Feng, a Chinese scientist with a higher voice, didn’t win the award. Zhang Feng works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Broad Institute at Harvard University (BroadInstitut). He is considered to be the person who really brings gene editing technology to human cell therapy. He is the owner of many key CRISPR / Cas9 patents. Feng Zhang and Harvard University Professor George Church published the first paper on the application of CRISPR / Cas9 technology to human cells.

There have been many patent disputes surrounding this popular technology. The United States Patent Office has ruled that Zhang Feng is the inventor of gene editing technology.

Professor Church once said in response to CRISPR patent disputes: “Patent disputes will always be resolved. Also, if CRISPR / Cas9 technology can really be used as a drug for research and development, many improvements are needed. techniques and research. If there is no doubt “With the support of the technical base of Na and others, Zhang Feng is impossible to realize the application in human cells, but if there is no new scientific research to improve the technology, then neither the neither Dudner’s research nor Zhang Feng’s will be enough to back up the drug. Investigation and development.”

Anthony Zador, a professor at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the United States, said in an exclusive interview with a China Business News reporter: “CRISPR / Cas9 is not possible, but it will definitely win the Nobel Prize, but the question is who will get it. Awards. The influence of this gene editing technology has spread to almost every laboratory in the world. “

CRISPR technology was awarded the Nobel Prize, which is expected to drive the commercialization of the technology. Dudner is optimistic about the commercial prospects for CRISPR technology.

In an interview with a China Business News reporter in 2016, Dudner once said: “This will create jobs and drive the development of new technologies. The potential is very great. Personally, I hope to see this technology transform as soon as possible to solve reality. The real problems of the world. “

  The ethical challenges remain enormous

Although almost everyone in the academic community praised the revolutionary importance of CRISPR / Cas9 technology, which can rewrite the code of life, there are also scientists who are concerned that this technology will be used incorrectly or excessively. For example, when gene editing becomes so simple, people can edit human embryos and reproductive cells at will to create “transgenic babies”, which means that in the future, people can create a part of “elite people “based on design. Appearance and features are superior to those of ordinary people and can be passed down from generation to generation, that is, they can affect human evolution, prompting protests from ethical advocates.

The British government once approved experiments on human embryos; In the United States, some private funds also invested large sums of money to support basic genetic research.

Dudner realized early on that a balance had to be found between science and ethics. In recent years, she has been reaching out to people from all walks of life to make sure the red line of social ethics is not crossed. Dudner once told CBN reporters: “We must be very careful with technologies that can affect human evolution, because their consequences are far-reaching and irreversible.”

He also said that scientific progress should not be stalled due to concerns about ethical issues. Basic research is very important and can help scientists explain many fundamental questions.

Zou Xiaodong, additional member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, a professor at Stockholm University and an academic at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with the media after the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry: “Any scientific method or scientific discovery has the potential to benefit humanity, and it can also be abused. Dangerous. CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technology is no exception. From technology development to application, scientists must make sense At the same time, the relevant departments should also formulate relevant regulations and clear guidance to monitor and prevent abuse of various methods, because this is a very serious ethical problem. “

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