“Personal data of almost 200 people are on the street!” – The Daily Standard


You’ve already been warned, but hastily designed crown applications are anything but reliable. Already, one of the 7 government-approved apps seems to be leaking like a basket. The personal data of almost 200 people are now on the street.

One of the 7 official crown applications this weekend turns out to be as permeable as a basket. RTL News revealed that the source code for the Covid19 Alert app, which went online less than 24 hours ago, allows it to retrieve the names, email addresses, and passwords of nearly 200 people.

Meanwhile, the app developer has taken some of the conscious source code offline, but it appears the damage has already been done. According to technology experts, the leaked personal data can still be found with some detective work.

The developer of the Immotef application accidentally used a database from another application in the rush to develop it. And as it is often shown now, “Running is rarely good.” Because almost 200 people now have to realize that much of their personal data is now on the street.

“We released the code as soon as possible,” a Covid 19 Alert spokesperson told RTL Nieuws. “In that process, we accidentally put this data online.” The data breach is reported to the Dutch Data Protection Authority and to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

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