Persevere in “Question of Heaven” and embrace the sea of ​​stars


337687372020-04-25 06: 30: 27.0Persevere in “Questions from Heaven” and embrace the stars and the seaHeaven24108Guangming DailyGuangming Daily/ enpproperty->

Persevere in “Questions from Heaven” and embrace the stars and the sea

—— Side note on the launching ceremony for “China Aerospace Day” in 2020

Guangming Daily reporter Chen Haibo Zhang Lei

“In the early days of antiquity, who preached? The upper and lower forms are not visible, and why is it proven? Who is the best when they are dark and dark? Feng Yiweixiang, how to know? … What is heaven and earth? Twelve Yanfen? Sun and Moon Anhui? Li Xingan Chen? … “

More than two thousand years ago, in the long poem “Questions from heaven”, the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan, from the origin of the universe to the transformation of Yin and Yang, from the structure of heaven and earth to the passage of stars, carried out all kinds of phenomena such as heaven, earth, nature and human life. Imagine and ask questions. After more than two thousand years, the Chinese will fly to Mars and the planets further afield, embracing the stars and the sea, in the spirit of “question from heaven.”

On April 24, the launching ceremony for “China Space Day” in 2020 was held online and the name of the Chinese planetary exploration mission “Tianwen” was announced. The first Mars exploration mission was called “Tianwen-1”.

Affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the launch ceremony was first attempted online, and most netizens felt the growing power of China Aerospace in an Internet broadcast. From the lunar exploration project “Chang’e” to the planetary exploration “Sky Question”, the Chinese flying dream is moving higher and higher. Fifty years ago, when China’s first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong-1, flew into space, the answer to the Chinese nation’s “question from heaven” was destined to be revealed step by step.

Persevere in

On April 23, the scientific and technical staff of the China 513 Aerospace Institute explained the orbit map of the Chang’e satellite to the audience via an Internet broadcast. Tang Ke Photo / Brilliant Image

Dreamcatcher: come on, we can’t help but leave

The Chinese nation has never lacked an imagination of the universe. From “Chang’e flying to the moon” to “10,000 homes flying to the sky”, from Qu Yuan’s “question of the sky” to that of Wang Bo “the sky is high and the earth is infinite, the universe is infinite “Behind this romantic imagination, a search is brewing. Desire, the power of a dream.

Explaining the naming problem of China’s planetary exploration project, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration stated that the “Question from Heaven” was used as the name of the project, expressing the tenacity and perseverance of the Chinese nation in seeking of truth, reflecting the cultural heritage of natural and cosmic space exploration, and involving the pursuit of science. The journey of truth is a long one, and the search for technological innovation is endless.

The search for science and innovation has made our dreams of flying on the moon come true from myth. “Dongfanghong No.1” we knocked on the door to space, manned space flight brought our footprints into space, and the lunar exploration project brought us the first intimate contact with extraterrestrial objects … on the great journey to the stars and the sea Previously, generations of astronauts dared to chase dreams and explore.

At the launch ceremony, the three prominent representatives of China’s three major events, one of the satellite technology leaders “Dongfanghong-1”, the chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft, academic Qi Fake, the academic head of China’s moon exploration engineering, Wu Weiren, China Liu Yang, the first female astronaut, was hired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as the “Ambassador of Public Space Welfare of China.” These three astronauts tell us why we should pursue our dreams.

In Qi Fachun’s opinion, space is the “fourth environment” of human life and the “fourth territory” of national sovereignty. “We are leaving, we cannot but leave.”

Trust? Trust in aerospace technology. “We must have this dream,” said Qi Faxu.

This dream was also continually promoted by a scientific desire for knowledge. Wu Weiren believes that it is human nature to explore the unknown world. “We always want to understand the origin of life, the origin of humans, the origin of the universe. This curiosity is the spirit of science.”

For Liu Yang, this dream can be expressed more simply: “Aim to fly higher and fly farther.”

Inheritance: now we need more self-sufficiency

Every time he carried out his mission at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Liu Yang had to go to a place, the Dongfeng Revolutionary Martyrs’ Cemetery, where hundreds of heroes slept.

“They used their youth and passion to send rockets, satellites and spacecraft into space. They used their own light to illuminate the long journey of the Chinese nation in the exploration of the stars,” said Liu Yang. Their ability to endure hardship, fight, tackle key issues, and dedicate themselves in particular has become our driving force and source of space for the country.

“Promote the aerospace spirit and embrace the stars and the sea” is the theme of this year’s Space Day. Regardless of whether it is “flying to the moon” or “question of the sky”, embracing the stars and the sea, the aerospace spirit united by generations of astronauts will be inherited forever.

What is the spirit of the aerospace industry? The Qi witness, who witnessed the start of China’s space flight and went one step further, has a clear understanding of this. In his opinion, the core of the aerospace spirit is self-sufficiency: “Everything depends on oneself, not on others. That was the case in the past and now it is the same”.

Qi Fachun believes that the tasks astronauts face now are more difficult and glorious than those of the previous generation. “We have solved the problem of“ when others have us, we have to have. ”Now what you have to solve is the problem of“ other people have us and we have to do better. ”Therefore, the spirit of self-sufficiency is more necessary. now. “

“Exploring the vast universe is our relentless pursuit. Deep space exploration is endless, and it is full of challenges and opportunities. It must be passed down from generation to generation and continue the fight,” said Wu Weiren.

The cause of the aerospace industry is the embodiment of China’s comprehensive national force, and the dream of the aerospace industry is also the dream of a powerful country. Qi Fachun hopes that young people have the dream of becoming a powerful country; Under this dream, they will contribute to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

As Zhang Kejian, director of the National Space Administration, said at the launch ceremony, promoting the spirit of space flight not only encourages astronauts to face risks and setbacks, and builds a strong space flight country in the fight. It continues, but it also encourages young people to establish lofty ideals, advocates exploration and creativity, and calls everyone to social patriotism and dedication to pursue dreams and pursue careers with determination.

“Guangming Daily” (April 25, 2020, version 03)

[[[[Publisher: Yuan Qing ]
