PDC Home Tour has a false start: ‘The Internet and England don’t mix’ | NOW


The PDC Home Tour had its baptism of fire on Friday and was not yet an absolute success. The darts were of a decent level, but that was overshadowed by the hesitant connection, causing the image to drop sometimes. “It is a good initiative, but it cannot be maintained for the viewer.”

Jamie Lewis doubles the 7th in the first leg of the duel with Niels Zonneveld. At least, that’s what he calls from his living room. Not visible to viewer and presenter Dan Dawson, to whom players have to pass scores, has his reservations. “Is it really there?” He asks through his laptop’s microphone.

Poor image quality is not the only flaw on the Home Tour, which is an alternative during the crown crisis. The PDC site is also blocked once because it is overloaded and the image is duplicated twice, surprising enough both times that the player is doubled, black because Dawson’s internet is flying.

“I had to laugh at the requirement that the players have a good internet connection. So you can rule out all the English players. The words internet and England don’t go together. If the PDC had thought a little more beforehand, they might have. made themselves. ” think the internet would be the bottleneck, “says dart reporter Arjan van der Giessen of RTL 7.

‘The Home Tour is a good initiative’

The PDC is aware of technical issues and sent a statement after the first night of play. “We want to thank all of our fans for their patience and support for tonight’s broadcast and the Home Tour concept and assure everyone that we are working to avoid further problems,” he said.

“The Home Tour is a good initiative. I also like the fact that they also give a £ 500 fee to all players for every night they go into action. They have no income at the moment.” The PDC is that it can only make a first impression once and it was not positive, “says Van der Giessen.

“Obviously, this cannot be maintained for the viewer. Of course, not everything can be perfect and that is not necessary, but if you are looking and the image turns black while someone is in a double, then you ask yourself I ask what you’re doing. So you’re always afraid it will happen again and at some point you’ll end it. “

‘The tournament is susceptible to fraud’

In no way have the 128 Tour cardholders on the PDC signed up for the Home Tour, all for the most diverse reasons. For example, Michael van Gerwen does not have a quiet room in the house, Gary Anderson and Daryl Gurney were struggling with a poor WiFi connection, and Wesley Harms feared sabotage.

“The idea is very good, but everyone should have the same equipment. If you look now, you can see that some images are blurred. I can say I threw a 180’er, but you don’t see that on the camera or it should automatically zoom in,” he explained. Harms to RTV North Holland.

“The tournament is susceptible to fraud,” says Van der Giessen. “You could, so to speak, agree with your wife that she turns off the system when she’s on a double. Then, go back to making the correct connection and say you got double. But you would be stupid to do that.”
