Pass Beijing Secret and “Join” Biden’s Team – Closed-Door Meeting News | Biden | Election fraud | American elections | Biden Project | Xi Jinping | Wang Xiangsui


[Voice of Hope 16 de noviembre de 2020](Full report from our reporter Yue Wenxiao)Biden’s side fraud continued to be exposed in the general election, and the actual outcome of the U.S. general election was undecided, but the mainstream media announced that Biden had won the election and Biden himself won the election. victory. Although Beijing’s statement is still unclear, “Project Biden” was reportedly launched in secret. A pro-Communist Hong Kong media reported the news that the Communist Party of China and Biden’s team “teamed up.”

According to a report by Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post on Nov. 15, after major media announced Biden’s victory in the presidential election, semi-official contacts between China and the United States are being reestablished. The report noted that such semi-official exchanges were primarily accomplished through former officials, think tank academics, and business leaders.

Wang Xiangsui, a professor at Beijing Aeronautics and Astronautics University and a retired colonel in the CCP air force, reportedly revealed the news in a closed-door discussion.

Wang Xiangsui said that in recent months, due to the deterioration of Sino-US relations, these exchanges have been interrupted and are now gradually recovering. The main people who have reestablished contact with the Democratic Party are related parties. He said people close to Biden have recently contacted a Chinese think tank to discuss how to restore relations between the two countries.

The report quoted a Chinese Communist Party adviser as saying that he had met with Kurt Campbell and Jake Sullivan from the Biden camp and that former Democratic Party officials had visited Beijing many times in recent years. They expressed their desire to improve relations between the two countries.

On November 7, after Biden and the main left-controlled US media declared that Biden won the election, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany successively congratulated Biden, but the Beijing authorities were rarely silent on the matter. . Delay in making a statement. In particular, Xi Jinping did not publicly congratulate him.

The Foreign Ministry of the Communist Party of China finally congratulated Biden on November 13, but did not mention the “president-elect” and was cautious in its wording. Many analysts believe that the Chinese authorities are concerned about Trump’s return and will duplicate Trump.

However, the latest news revealed by Wang Xiangsui, a retired CPC air force colonel and professor at the Beijing Astronautical and Aeronautical University, can confirm that the CCP authorities have secretly communicated with Biden.

Biden has an unusually close relationship with the CCP and Xi Jinping for a long time.

Biden is a veteran American politician. In 1979, he visited China for the first time as a senator from Delaware. He met Deng Xiaoping, the most powerful figure in the Chinese Communist Party.

In 1991, the president of the United States, Bush Sr., prepared to extend the MFN status of China. When the United States Senate discussed this issue, Senator Biden voiced his opposition. He said: “If the CCP continues to act like gangsters on the issue of arms proliferation, we should pay. With unequivocal information … refuse to grant MFN status to the CCP.” This is Biden, who is young and uncorrupted by the CCP.

After Biden and Jiang Zemin met in Beidaihe in August 2001, when the CCP joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) that year, Biden, then chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, changed, but not expressed opposition.

During the Hu Jintao era, when Biden was re-elected as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, his son Hunter Biden began entering the international business community and benefited greatly in China from the consulting firm “Seneca Global Advisors” which founded. Subsequently, Biden, then vice president of the United States, met many times with the chairman of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao.

However, Biden’s relationship with various former CCP leaders is not as close as his relationship with Xi Jinping, who later rose to the top of the CCP.

According to US media reports, in the 18 months since early 2011 alone, Biden and Xi Jinping have met between China and the United States at least 8 times and have shared meals privately for more than 25 hours.

In August 2011, when US Vice President Biden visited China, Xi Jinping, then Vice President of the Communist Party of China, accompanied him throughout the trip.The two also watched the men’s basketball match between the universities of the two countries and they went to Dujiangyan, Sichuan to play.

In February 2012, when Xi Jinping, then vice president of the Communist Party of China, brought several provincial governors back to the United States, Biden accompanied him throughout the trip. The two ate chocolates together at the meeting of the governors of China and the United States in Los Angeles. During this period, Biden’s son Hunter’s company received a US $ 1.25 billion investment from China for Great Point, a US energy company.

Because the relationship with Xi was so good, Biden no longer directly criticized the CCP for its proliferation of weapons and his human rights. In 2014, Biden stated very clearly: “I want China (the CCP) to succeed because its economic success is in our interest.”

Previous reports from Hong Kong’s pro-communist media “Wen Wei Po” revealed that the “personal friendship” between Biden and Xi Jinping is extraordinary.

In November 2013, the CCP unilaterally established an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea, which is sparking protests in Japan. After US Vice President Biden visited Japan on December 2, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe welcomed Biden on the evening of December 3. Responding to the topic of the Defense Air Identification Zone China National, the two sides agreed that “China can not accept the use of force to make unilateral changes.” Consensus “as the challenge of the status quo.

Then, on December 4, Biden visited China and met with Xi Jinping, the then general secretary of the Communist Party of China. Although Japan hoped the United States could join him in asking China to abolish the East China Sea Defense and Control Identification Zone, Biden did not make any similar requests to China.

According to Japanese media, Biden did not tell Abe why the United States rejected Japan’s request, but did reveal his thoughts when he met with the opposition chairman of the Japan Democratic Party on the morning of December 3: “President Xi Jinping is in a difficult period to start his career. I can’t give him trouble. “

Editor-in-Chief: Yuan Ming Qing

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