Overcome difficulties, achievements are not easy to achieve, focus on opening a new chapter of development: all sectors of society hotly discuss the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference-Xinhua


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19 Topic: The achievements of overcoming difficulties, obtained with so much effort, are difficult to achieve. Concentration and efforts to open a new chapter of development: the spirit of the Central Conference of Economic Work of all walks of life

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Xinxin, He Zongyu, Gu Xiaoli, Zhou Lin

The epidemic of the century and the turns of the century are intertwined, and the coming 2020 is extremely extraordinary. The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing on December 16-18 to summarize the economic work in 2020, analyze the current economic situation and plan the economic work in 2021.

People from all walks of life believe that this year has been through difficulties and obstacles, and the achievements have not been easy. In the new year, we must firmly grasp the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, concentrate our efforts and overcome difficulties together to ensure a good start to the “XIV Five-Year Plan” and celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party with excellent results.

  Deliver extraordinary responses under severe challenges

The new corona pneumonia epidemic is spreading globally and the situation facing economic and social development is complex and serious. The meeting noted that this was “an extraordinary year in the history of New China.”

In the face of serious challenges and great difficulties, China has maintained its strategic strength, accurately judged the situation, carefully planned and deployed it, took decisive action, worked hard, and achieved significant results in the overall planning of the prevention and control of epidemics and economic and social development.

“The conference is summed up as ‘people’s satisfaction, world attention, can be recorded in history,’ which is very appropriate and exciting,” said Jiang Xiaojuan, Tsinghua University School of Public Administration. China insists on putting people’s safety of life and physical health first. , Intensify the response to macroeconomic policies, and do a solid job of “six stability” and “six guarantees”, a series of measures unprecedented in intensity.

In April, the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size and the growth rate of exports turned positive; in May, the service industry production index and the industrial profit growth rate turned positive; In June, the growth rate of foreign trade imports and exports and the growth rate of tax revenue turned positive … An extraordinary course of struggle.

After a year of ups and downs, front-line companies are deeply affected.

On March 28, more than 9,300 people returned to work; full production resumed in April; The automated assembly line for the Internet of Things went live in June … Lenovo’s Wuhan base “up-and-running” “acceleration” made Guan Weizhi Senior Vice President of Lenovo Global Supply Chain Call “not easy”. “It is a series of national policies supporting ‘chain stabilization’ and the ‘fixed chain’ and supply chain network that Lenovo has built over many years to ensure that thousands of major suppliers’ do not leave the chain ‘”.

The meeting noted that China has become the only major economy in the world that has achieved positive economic growth. According to Wang Peng, vice president of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, this “unique” is a difficult achievement for a country with a population of 1.4 billion, demonstrating the strong resilience and resilience. vigorous vitality of the Chinese economy, and also brings confidence to the world under the darkness of the epidemic. .

Xi’an “post 95” boy Gou Chaoyang is an online learning services teacher in school. Over the past year, he has witnessed efforts by online education to “suspend classes without stopping school.” “For children in remote areas, online education may bring more possibilities, and technology-induced changes are just beginning.”

More than 700,000 5G base stations have been completed and opened, and the industrial Internet has spread to many fields … China’s economy has stimulated more potential.

“The three great battles have made decisive achievements, scientific and technological innovation has made significant progress, and people’s livelihoods have been effectively guaranteed … In an extraordinary year, China has delivered an extraordinary report card,” Wang Peng said.

  Firmly tighten the development initiative

At present, China’s economic performance is gradually returning to normal, but there are many uncertainties in the epidemic situation and the external environment, and the basis for economic recovery is not yet solid.

The meeting clearly outlined the five rules of economic work under severe challenges. Emphasize that “we must improve our sense of concern, strengthen our confidence in victory” and “do our business right and stick to basic thinking.”

“The more you face uncertainty, the more you should take the initiative,” said Wang Jun, a member of the Academic Committee of the China International Economic Exchange Center. On the basis of maintaining the continuity and stability of macro policy, the meeting added “sustainability”, reflecting the short-term and long-term integration.

While China’s economy is steadily recovering, there are still some fields and industries that have not fully recovered to normal. Some policies introduced in the early stages to deal with the epidemic cannot be rushed.

“The meeting made it clear that ‘leverage time and policy effectiveness’, and pay more attention to relevance and scope,” believes Pan Helin, executive dean of the Institute for Digital Economy at the University of Economics and Law. Zhongnan.

“Fiscal policy places more emphasis on improving quality and efficiency. For example, strengthening the financial guarantee for the main national strategic tasks and taking the initiative to promote technological innovation.” Yang Zhiyong, vice dean of the Institute of Financial Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, proposed to maintain adequate spending intensity and practice Combining efforts to solve the hidden debt risks of local governments, pay more attention to risk prevention.

“Strengthen the main line of structural reforms on the supply side”, “focus on the management of the demand side” and “make effective use of some key points” … A series of proposals at the meeting attracted attention .

“Future reforms will pay more attention to the two extremes of supply and demand, and more emphasis on unlocking.” Fang Fang, a professor at the School of Applied Economics at Renmin University of China, believes that it is necessary to improve the quality and adaptability of the supply system, while at the same time strengthening demand-side management and opening lock points. A higher level of dynamic balance between supply and demand.

  To build a new pattern of development, take the first step

The meeting called for a good first step in building a new pattern of development next year, seeing the new perspective, and rolling out key tasks in 2021.

Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Automobile, is very excited to place “strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological force” as the first key task next year. “We are conducting a limit operation test on the fully independent intellectual property rights Blue Whale NE1.5T engine, running at no less than 5500 rpm for more than 200 hours to verify stability and reliability,” said Changan. Automobile We will increase innovation and focus on solving a number of “stuck neck” problems.

“In the future, deep learning frameworks and digital city operations will undergo a transformation from quantitative to qualitative changes.” Baidu founder Robin Li said that Baidu will leverage its technological advantages and open up its digital capabilities to drive more SMEs to innovate.

The security and stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain are the basis for building a new pattern of development.

Not long ago, the relevant departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui signed an agreement to jointly promote the high-quality integrated development of the new display industry in the Yangtze River Delta. Regional joint efforts to create a flexible and efficient industrial ecology, the Yangtze River Delta is in practice.

“Next year we will focus on key areas such as integrated circuits to promote agglomeration and the development of high-end industries.” Zhang Quan, director of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, said improving the stability and competitiveness of the supply chain should be placed in a prominent position, focusing on making up for shortcomings. Strengthen and lead the advantage.

The formation of a strong domestic market is an important support to build a new pattern of development. The meeting emphasized the need to combine the expansion of consumption with the improvement of people’s quality of life.

“Our consumption scale continues to expand, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in the consumption environment and the level of consumption,” said Wang Zhijie, deputy executive director of the Chongqing Liangjiang New District Management Committee. Liangjiang New District is building a set of knowledge on “food, housing, travel, entertainment, shopping” The new business districts promote improvements in consumption with improvements in quality.

“Implement a high-level openness to the outside world”, “optimize the environment for private economic development”, “promote the healthy development of the capital market” … The meeting clarified a number of key reform measures and focused on seeds, arable land and houses in big cities for their deployment.

“Accomplish the deployment of problem-oriented tasks and a series of measures have the effect of influencing the whole body and will vigorously promote the realization of new development breakthroughs in the first year of the” XIV Five-Year Plan, “said Wang Zhijie.
