Over 5 million verification codes intercepted by 3.3 million aging machines implanted with Trojans-Warning! -CnBeta.COM


“Zero cost, no investment, you can earn pocket money while playing mobile phones at home …” In QQ, Moments and WeChat groups, most people have seen such an exciting ad. Tong Mou is no exception. Since March 2019, he has been employed in this “part-time job.” In just 5 months, Tong Mou used more than 6,000 pieces of personal information of citizens illegally purchased from “whole wool” and earned more than 70,000 yuan. . The amazing thing is that this personal information came from the mobile phones of the elderly, and millions of mobile phones of the elderly were illegally controlled after the “virus.”


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Recently, more than 70 people involved in a black and gray industrial chain that used the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the elderly as a criminal method were sentenced by the Xinchang County Court of Zhejiang Province.

Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor's Office

Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor’s Office

Why can’t the elderly people’s mobile phone receive the verification code?

In August 2019, Xiao Zhu from Xinchang County bought an elderly phone for her grandmother. When you changed the phone package in the online business room, you found that you could not receive the verification code, but installed the calling card in your phone, but the verification code was Can be received normally, suspected that the old machine of the grandmother was installed with a Trojan horse, and immediately called the police.

After receiving the police, the Xinchang Police launched an initial investigation. After testing, it was discovered that Xiaozhu’s grandmother’s elderly machine had been implanted with a Trojan horse program. The verification code was intercepted by the Trojan horse and sent to a technology company in Shenzhen. The police also found out that this phenomenon is not a For example, they have successively tested more than 20 old machines of the same model and found the same phenomenon.

Source of captured image: Official WeChat account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor's Office

Source of captured image: Official WeChat account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor’s Office

In view of the seriousness of the case, the public security organs of Shaoxing and Xinchang established the “8 · 12” working group against the personal information of citizens led by the cybersecurity department. After identifying the organizational framework of the entire criminal gang, they rushed to travel to Shenzhen to bring this technology company All the people involved in the case “one extreme.”

Wu is the manager of this company. In its operations, the company found that there are more elderly mobile phone users and the elderly are not familiar with the operation of mobile phones, making it more convenient and more private to retrieve their personal information.

Wu confessed that the company developed a transplant package with the Trojan horse program and cooperated with various manufacturers of older machine motherboards to implant the transplant package on the motherboard. Once the calling card is inserted into the elderly machine, the Trojan horse program can obtain information such as mobile phone numbers. It can also automatically intercept the verification code and transmit it to the back-end database, which is the so-called “code-matching platform.”

The company has specialized personnel dedicated to code matching work to ensure that each verification code is consistent with the mobile phone number in order to enter the next circulation link …

Where are the millions of personal information about citizens?

What’s amazing is that, in addition to using a small number of illegally obtained mobile phone numbers and verification codes for app registration and swiping for profit, most of Wu’s company sold personal information to citizens like the platform “Fanshu” “. Wholesalers.”

These platforms are an important link in this chain of the black industry. They are called “code reception platforms” in the “industry”. They buy personal information from companies like Wu at low prices and sell it through QQ groups and WeChat groups at a premium. Give gangs and individuals that “all the buzz” so they can benefit from the price difference.

Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor's Office

Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor’s Office

Every old mobile phone, every mobile phone number and verification code, citizens’ personal information entered the black market and was later traded and used for profit, forming a very large criminal network across the country.

The Tong mentioned at the beginning of the article is a member of “Lana” and belongs to the most descending part of the criminal chain. So how do these “wool wool” gangs and individuals use the purchased mobile phone numbers and verification codes to make money?

After in-depth research, it is found that these groups and individuals use the e-commerce platform to issue coupons, red envelopes for newcomers, and other opportunities for newly registered users. After receiving them, they can collect money. There are also some people who have registered a large number of accounts in the brushing application I like and brush. Traffic makes money.

And so on, the forms and methods of “wool wool” come in various forms and are not surprising. This part-time job makes it no longer a dream for many to earn 10,000 yuan a month, which is extremely attractive.

Who can tell that behind the ease of making a lot of money from these people, tens of thousands of personal information of citizens have been illegally obtained, resold and exploited? What is scarier is that Wu mentioned in his confession that the company is already preparing to “enter” the children’s telephone watches …

How to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly?

Through an ordinary old age machine, the working group “8 · 12” has unearthed an intermediary from the more “secondary” groups and individuals, to resell second-hand the personal information of citizens and responsible for receiving the codes, and then a huge criminal network of tech companies that design and produce Trojan horse programs and are responsible for encryption, as well as motherboard manufacturers and mobile phone manufacturers that cooperate with technology companies.

Court Hearing Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor's Office

Court Hearing Image Source: WeChat Public Account of Zhejiang Provincial Prosecutor’s Office

Millions of personal information from older people are actually “running around naked” every day. The legal rights and interests of the elderly cannot be effectively protected. Who will put the “coat” on them?

Due to the large number of people involved in the case, the complexity of the case and a new type of criminal case with a relatively high level of evidence, the working group of the public security body immediately requested the prosecution body to intervene with anticipation. Public security agencies and prosecutors formed a joint force to put an end to the procedures, evidence, materials, and the qualitative “four barriers,” and jointly resolve the case in a comprehensive manner. Upstream, midstream and downstream behaviors were studied and qualitatively, with special attention to the collection and setting of transaction contracts, back-end services data Objective tests, such as execution invoices and salary lists, will establish solid foundation for the next step of the prosecution’s review and prosecution work, and they will ensure that everyone involved in the case is “all caught in one place.”

Since June 2020, the Xinchang County Prosecutor’s Office has successively brought prosecutions before the Xinchang County Court for the crimes of illegal control of computer information systems, crimes of infringement of the personal information of citizens and fraud crimes for more than 70 people, including Wu.

Recently, the Xinchang County Court found that through these “virus-carrying” motherboards, Mr. Wu’s company illegally controlled more than 3.3 million elderly phones, obtained more than 5 million verification codes of mobile phones and sold more than 7.9 million yuan in profit. Elders are found in 31 provinces, cities, and districts across the country!

With the fall of the legal gavel, Wu was sentenced to four years and six months in prison for the crime of illegal control of computer information systems, and a fine of 600,000 yuan, and 6.16 million illegal profits were pursued; Tong Mou committed the crime of infringing on the personal information of citizens. He was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for four years and fined 80,000 yuan, and 70,000 yuan of illegal profits were recovered.

The original title of 3.3 million phones for seniors was implanted with Trojan horses, and they have to “fast” children’s clocks …
