“Only with the vaccine will life return to normal” – The Daily Standard


The president of the National Crown Center (LCPS), Bas Leerink, crushes all false hopes of a speedy return to normality. “Not without a vaccine,” he concludes. But of course he doesn’t notice anything!

The pressure on intensive care seems to be decreasing, the number of new infections is slowly decreasing, as is the daily number of new deaths by crown. This creates the vain hope that we can safely return to “normality.” That’s not there according to Leerink: “I even wonder if it will ever go back to normal. I honestly think that only happens when we have a vaccine. This virus can flare up again at any time. So In any case, it will not be normal in the next 1.5 years.. “

The first reason he gives for this is the fact that an infected person in a crowded room is enough to cause another wave of infections. That the new daily numbers for the various crown cases appear to be falling is good news in itself, but it is also a turning point. His second reason: Now that the measures are relaxed, the risk of (still) a capacity overload increases.

The third reason is the rest. acute care (not yet specifically completed) has largely stopped. People who could wait a few more weeks have gradually run out of time. Relaxing measures would immediately put a huge burden on healthcare personnel, and certainly deprive them of the already small chance of much-needed respite.

The fourth reason is economic in nature, as several hospitals may be distressed. The uncertainty involved is, of course, a problem.

With these situations in mind, it can be clear why it is so important that measurements should not just be relaxed. And that is very annoying, yes, but we only have to bite the sour apple until there is a vaccine. 2020 still has enough dramatic potential for the rest of the year, and it got off to a fast start …

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