On the third night of ups and downs, the situation is even more unfavorable for Trump, and some people around him “remain silent” |


Original title: The third night of ups and downs, the situation is even more unfavorable for Trump, and some people around him “keep quietly away”

Did some White House officials start to quietly “walk away” from Trump? According to CNN citing White House sources, given the current electoral situation in Pennsylvania and Georgia,Some senior White House and campaign officials believed Trump would not win re-election and began quietly “distancing” Trump out of self-protection.

Screenshot of CNN reportScreenshot of CNN report

CNN reported that a key White House adviser said when discussing the election: “It is over. He said that in addition to whether Trump will recognize the election (outcome), people are also concerned about what Trump will do. . When asked what Trump would do next, the consultant said, “OMG, who knows?” At the same time, he also admitted that after hearing Trump’s series of “false statements” at the White House on the night of the 5th,,Many campaign and White House officials shake their heads

Regarding the decision of some members of Trump’s team to make unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud, the consultant said:Trump has every right to question the election results, but his approach is completely wrong. Another campaign adviser said Trump is increasingly isolating himself in what he says is “electoral fraud.”

CNN said another pressure point for Trump is that some people in his administration have begun to set their sights on the 2024 campaign. Some advisers said that some people in the administration and the Republican Party have begun to consider their next actions based on the next round of the electoral cycle.

  After being attacked by Trump, the mayor of Philadelphia unceremoniously defended himself: All he needs to do is put on his big boy pants and admit that he has lost.

In response to Trump’s attack, according to CNN, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenny responded at a press conference on the 6th. He said that “President Trump’s accusation of fraud is ‘unfounded.’ “.

Screenshot of CNN reportScreenshot of CNN report

Kenny said: “Although some people, including the president, continue to allege unsubstantiated fraud … but what we see in Philadelphia is a simple and clear democracy.” For the current signs that Trump may lose in the elections Situation, Kenny said“We want a peaceful transfer of power. I think all the president has to do is frankly put on his big boy pants. He must admit that he has lost and must congratulate the winner.

For the past two days, Trump has been accusing the Democratic Party of “stealing votes” on social media and in his first public appearance after election night, and has complained about the existence of certain elections.“Ogre” . At 6th local time, Trump also took aim at Philadelphia directly on Twitter, saying that “Philadelphia has a very poor record of electoral integrity.”

According to Philadelphia elections official Lisa Deeley, it may take a few days to count the remaining 40,000 votes. The local municipal commissioner urged everyone to be patient.

  Republican Congressman Romney: Trump is wrong to say that votes were “stolen”

At the sixth local time, Republican Senator Mitt Romney (Mitt Romney) attacked Trump’s claim that “Democrats are trying to ‘steal’ votes” on Twitter. The claim is unfounded.

Screenshot of Associated Press reportScreenshot of Associated Press report

Romney said on Twitter:“Trump has the right to request a vote recount and request an investigation if there is evidence of violations, but Trump’s claim that the election was rigged, there was corruption, and that the votes were ‘stolen’ is incorrect.”

Romney (data map)Romney (data map)

According to public information, Mitt Romney is currently the United States Senator from Utah. He was a Republican candidate in the 2012 US presidential election, but ultimately ended in defeat.

  The difficult moment of Trump, his niece invented: “This is what a loser looks like when he fails”

The Republican presidential candidate of the United States, Trump, is going through a difficult time in the general election and his niece, Mary Trump, returns to attack his uncle.

Trump and his niece Mary (data map)Trump and his niece Mary (data map)

On the night of 5th local time, Mary Trump tweeted:“This is what a loser looks like when he fails.” ↓

At the time of publication, this tweet has been forwarded more than 25,000 times.

The US “Newsweek” mentioned in its report that on the night of Mary Trump’s announcement on Twitter (the night of the 5th), Trump was speaking at the White House. However, many US media stopped broadcasting the speech and criticized the content of the speech.

“USA Today” criticized Trump for attacking the fairness and results of the elections without evidence. The Associated Press also tweeted: “(Before it is too early to draw conclusions about the election results of) various states, the Associated Press has not announced who will win the presidential election. But President Trump reiterated some. Under the argument, Democrats are trying to ‘steal’ the elections. He also has no evidence to support his claim. “

It is worth noting that in the fourth local time, Mary Trump once tweeted to attack Trump and said:“Every vote must be counted, Donald is lying.”

Mary Trump’s comments also sparked discussions among Twitter netizens, with someone leaving a message to support her: “Yes, you’re right.” ↓

Someone also said, “I don’t think Mary is invited to a family reunion.” ↓

There is also manpower to support Trump: “He is not a loser at all. Trump will always be one of the most prestigious people, regardless of whether he wins this election.” ↓

According to previous reports, on September 14, Trump’s niece, Mary, broke the news that Trump’s new book “Too Much Is Never Enough: How My Family Makes the World’s Most Dangerous Man” was officially published. On September 24, Mary took two uncles and an aunt, including Trump, to court, indicting them for fraud and conspiracy, depriving her of interest in the Trump family business. Maria said that she will get back “the things that belong to her.”

  The Biden campaign responded that “Trump does not admit defeat” – the US government is fully capable of escorting “intruders” out of the White House!

According to CNN, Biden’s campaign team responded to reports that Trump did not plan to leave the campaign. He said that “the United States government is fully capable of escorting ‘intruders’ from the White House.”

Screenshot of CNN reportScreenshot of CNN report

  “As we said on July 19, the American people will decide this election. And the American government is fully capable of escorting intruders out of the White House.” Biden’s team responded.

Biden (data map)Biden (data map)

  US Media: Pennsylvania Republicans Asked Supreme Court To Suspend State Statistics On Mailed Votes Received After Election Day

CNN news, at 6th local time,Attorneys for Republicans in Pennsylvania asked the Supreme Court to suspend state statistics on mailed votes received after Election Day (November 3). , Requesting the Supreme Court to order the Pennsylvania Secretary of State to record and separate these votes, and to temporarily take no further action on the votes, including recount.

According to the report, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Bukova has ordered that votes received between November 4-6 be separated from those received before Election Day in response to ongoing litigation. Bukova said on the 4th that “there are not enough votes to affect the elections.”

Earlier, Fox News updated Pennsylvania’s vote count data, showing that Democratic candidate Biden (49.47%) has outstripped Trump (49.39%) in state votes.

  Source: World Wide Web / Wu Xiaobao, Zhao Jiandong, Zhang Xiaoya, Guo Xiaopeng

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Editor in Charge: Liu Wanli SF014
