Observation and blessings, writing in unforgettable memories of youth (see true feelings in times of suffering and fight together against the epidemic) | Epidemic | Pneumonia of the New Crown


Original title: Observation and blessings, writing in unforgettable youthful memories (see true feelings in times of suffering and fighting the epidemic)

Fragrant clumps of water grow on the shoreline, and East Lake’s green trail is lush.

From the “Severe Winter Examination” where the new coronary pneumonia epidemic emerged, to the “unblocking” of Wuhan on April 8, and the cleanup of patients with new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan on April 26, to the declaration of the Defensive Outcomes in Hubei and Wuhan The National War on Epidemic Prevention, Control and Blocking has made important strategic achievements … The epic anti-epidemic course of the decisive battlefield has become a common memory of the people who moved the world.

A journalist from this newspaper recently came to Wuhan for an interview and invited many young foreigners to speak about Hubei’s experience in fighting the epidemic, and he approached a period of youthful memory that they greatly appreciate. “Hubei refueling” “Wuhan refueling”. Vigilance and blessings without distinction of nationality and race show the strength of perseverance and warmth.

Stay in Hubei, never regret

Looking back on the life of isolation, what are your feelings? The most answered by journalists in this newspaper is “without remorse.”

Oleon Leviade, from France, the “post-90” guy, works for the French online business exhibition group called “Virtual Expo”. Beijing and Wuhan have made their mark on school, work and life. He left Wuhan in mid-January and originally went to Suizhou, Hubei, where his wife’s mother’s family is located. He gave up the opportunity to evacuate the Chinese abroad, determined to take responsibility and overcome difficulties with his Chinese family. Now he said it turned out that he was right, and that his parents in France were even luckier, because Hubei won and Wuhan won … He lamented, “China is the first country in the world to win this war!”

Noor Huda, a Pakistani girl from the “post-90” period, received a scholarship from the Chinese government to enter the Academy of Sciences of the University of China, studied a doctorate in aquatic biology at the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of China and completed a thesis defense. This plan 1 On September 29, he returned to China. However, the Lihan Canal was closed on January 23. Where to go Standing at the crossroads of life, shame suddenly hit her. Fortunately, the door of the Aquatic Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was still open for her, and she received meticulous attention like other international students; her guardian continued to care for her and help her as her own daughter … Huda felt warm when she spoke about this process.

“It is the right decision to stay in Wuhan.” The journalist who responded to this report also had Pakistani doctoral student Sanji Kumar from the Aquatic Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indian postdoctoral fellow Anila, and Moroccan doctoral student from Wuhan Hanani Ta Mick University (she would like to her Chinese friend called her Xiaona He), Tajikistan undergraduate student Dafratov Khalikin (Chinese name Wei Dong), and Algerian master student at Sulaymani Aimin (Chinese name Mo Han), Centralian China PhD student Rafael Mwatela … Everyone is proud of their perseverance.

Unexpectedly, they did not describe too much the difficulties of the life of isolation to our journalist, but they said very sincerely that they wanted to express their gratitude!

Viade, who has experienced life in different countries, said that in the face of catastrophes, foreigners living in foreign countries often face more difficulties, only in China is such warm care possible. He spoke of poignant moments as a few treasures: the Suizhou Foreign Office arranged to send masks and disinfectants, and the district police took the initiative to ask if they needed help … “I feel like I’m a member of the people’s anti-epidemic Chinese”. The sincere words of Germany are also the common sentiments of many foreigners who have experienced an epidemic in Hubei.

I was deeply moved and loved love

Looking back at the defensive battles of Hubei and Wuhan, what moved you the most?

“It takes only about 10 days to build Vulcan Hill Hospital and Raytheon Mountain Hospital, and the whole world is very moved: First, it is because the Chinese government does everything possible to do everything possible to save lives; it must be” “In such a short period of time, so many square cabin hospitals have been built, the facilities are well equipped, and patients are admitted, which is really amazing!” “I can’t do it” … It’s the same thing, and they sincerely praised the rare and powerful force that is difficult on one side and supported by all parties.

Through all the truth, goodness, and beauty, he perceives heroic people and the actions of heroes, and appreciates the love of the world.

Huda spoke of masks. The moment the medical personnel took off the mask, they grabbed his heart; People spontaneously sent masks to the police without leaving a name, and they were also deeply moved.

Anila spoke about the doctor. A doctor in protective clothing was deeply impressed when she spoke to her mother during work break. She said she was not afraid to stay in Wuhan. Even if you are infected, you fully believe in Chinese medical standards and believe that Chinese doctors can cure you.

Mohan talked about donating. Seeing an old man donate all his savings to fight the epidemic on television, the scene made him unforgettable.

He Xiaona told the story. Every day, she explores a wealth of inspiring stories reported by the Chinese media and is very excited. The story of his donation to Wuhan University to fight the epidemic was told by the teacher to the students, spread by word of mouth, and was thanked and praised.

Kumar talks about the community. Speaking about the extra care community staff took when her ears inflamed in mid-February, she said she felt right at home.

Viade speaks of “neighbors”. The logistical support staff of the Jiangxi medical team who attended Hubei lived with him at the Suizhou Hotel. From there, he became more intuitively aware of the extraordinary contributions and important contributions of the Chinese medical team, and also realized that he was comfortable cooperating with the isolation measures, that is, participating in the fight against epidemic. Action.

He whispered the precious and precious fragments into the memory, all feeling deeply. Rafael summed it up this way: those tireless doctors and security guards, dorm managers and volunteers who are on duty day and night, “are all unknown heroes we trust and are the true heroes in my heart.”

The real situation is that China is great

China has adopted the most comprehensive, strict and comprehensive prevention and control measures. As an experienced person, how would you comment on this?

Still coincidentally, they counted the order “unexpectedly”: large numbers of support teams arrived quickly, anxious but not terrified, busy and chaotic, effective treatment; unprecedented stringent isolation measures were introduced, residents actively cooperated and their lives were guaranteed … … The “Chinese government and the Chinese people stand side by side” when Anila puts him in the people’s war, the general war and the blockade war of prevention and control of epidemics. Kumar’s wonder at the “strictly closed city” can also be given to residents of the local community, including “Students studying abroad in China supply fresh vegetables and live fish from other countries,” which impressed these young foreigners.

“I really appreciate the ‘Fengcheng’ decision! This is the most important decision, very timely and perfect. Send the central guidance team to Wuhan to deal with the most difficult people … I am a witness, and China has given the example! ” Hu Give praise.

Raphael has a formula of judgment in his mind: a basic element is essential to survive any crisis, that is, people believe that the actions of the government are in the best interest of the people. He believes that “the Chinese people have great confidence in their own government.” It is based on this judgment that he is very confident in Wuhan.

“I feel the value of the power of collectivism and I see the superiority of the Chinese political system,” Viad said with emotion.

“I just want to say that everyone should learn from China’s method of immediately cutting off the spread of the disease across the country,” Xiaona stressed.

“All the heroes are united, risking their lives every day on the front line to save the patients … All the Chinese people are working together to fight the virus. In my opinion, this is a great symbol of unity ” Mo Han preached.

“World history must remember such a great nation and the great sacrifices made for the safety of people around the world.” Wei Dong opened a broader perspective.

Choose justice and oppose rumors and defamation

The field of international public opinion presents a competition between good and evil due to the worldwide spread of the new epidemic of coronary pneumonia. In their eyes, they decided to choose justice because they knew the truth.

They told their family and friends abroad about what happened in China, actively posted on social media platforms, produced videos that showed what they saw, and designed anti-epidemic slogans to inspire and warm people up. They told the world: China is doing everything possible to safeguard people’s right to life, and China’s actions have been fruitful; China does not have racial discrimination, and foreigners living here can testify … Raphael’s views are very representative: attacking some people in the Western and Western media Prejudice, they should be real activists.

They see through the reason behind discrediting China’s actions: the more people in the world recognize the important results of China’s anti-epidemic actions, the more reluctant some Western forces will be. He Xiaona believes that “all the rumors are people who do not want to see China develop too quickly,” and Viad believes that “the misfortune is due to fear and the fear of being overcome by China.”

“The reports that stigmatize China are fabricated facts. I hope Westerners can choose the truth!” Hu Da said.

“Speaking of synthetic viruses in China? It’s completely a rumor. Scientists around the world are conducting research, and no one has come to this conclusion at all,” Kumar said.

“The epidemic is spreading across the world. Countries should focus on the mission of fighting the virus and protecting people’s safety, rather than blaming China,” Anila said.

“Actions against China’s epidemic cannot be denied and misled. I have always said that, I think it is China’s powerful measures that have protected my security,” Mo Han said.

“In some countries, politicians prefer to waste their time on irreproachable acts of discredit, it is better to think more about saving people and to learn more about the Chinese experience,” said Wei Dong.

They pay attention to the international media reports and sincerely await the conscience of the western media. Viad told our journalist that he had been reluctant to read some comments from the western media, but was more pleased to find that the French media recently reported that “in the course of the war, France and China are the best friends, and we have to establish the deepest friendship relationship. “

Admiration for the heroes, optimistic about the future of China.

If a word or a sentence sums up the experience of anti-epidemics, what would you say?

“Roller coaster,” Hu Da said on his trip: There was regret for the lonely birthday and passed away during isolation, but there was even more relief and excitement after seeing the resurgence of vitality after “unlocking.”

“Harvest”. Raphael felt that he had taken a valuable lesson, and was deeply enlightened by the dialectical thought of human common interests, the common future, and personal dedication and sacrifice.

“Unit”. Mo Han realized the weight of the word for China’s actions, which is also his original intention to join the ranks of volunteers.

“Together”. Anila believes that a mind is the most important reason why China can overcome all difficulties.

“A brave man well deserved.” Xiaona deeply admired the hard work, courage and dedication of the Chinese people and emphasized that “the international community should thank China and learn from China.”

“Win the war”. Viad sees China’s success and is more optimistic about China’s key point of opportunity. The longing for future development in China is also successful.

“China has won, China has been successful.” Kumar not only positively evaluated the effectiveness of the anti-epidemic disease, but also expressed “100% confidence that the Chinese economy will soon fully regain its vitality.”

Wei Dong did not give his own answer, but said, “The real heroes who rush into the front line are the people who have the most voice.”

The unusual experience against the epidemic has further strengthened his confidence in China.

“Although the world economy is deeply affected by the epidemic, China’s economy is full of resistance and is increasingly diverse, with both manufacturing, information technology and financial services. China’s huge domestic market can help it resist any external shock. ” Rafael I think with certainty.

“I am full of confidence in the future of China!” His response was the same again …

The city of heroes, the people of heroes and the land of heroes are so fixed on their unforgettable youthful memories. Among them, they left a beautiful page with the destiny of the Chinese people, mutual aid and mutual blessing.

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