North America Watch 丨 It’s Too Soon for America to Have Vaccines to Overcome the Epidemic


North America Watch 丨 It’s Too Soon for America to Have Vaccines to Overcome the Epidemic

CCTV News Client Author: 2020-12-20

In recent days, vaccine safety issues have cropped up one after another, especially three consecutive cases of adverse reactions among vaccinators in Alaska. Public opinion in the United States has expressed great concern in this regard.

On December 18 local time, Modena’s emergency use authorization request for the new corona vaccine was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), making it the second new corona vaccine approved. The previously approved Pfizer vaccine has started vaccination work on the 15th local time, and the first batch of vaccines is primarily for medical personnel.

However, in recent days, vaccine safety problems have exploded one after another, especially the three consecutive cases of adverse reactions among vaccinators in Alaska. Public opinion in the United States has expressed great concern in this regard.

△ American Broadcasting Corporation reported that on December 18 local time, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the application for an emergency use authorization for the Modena vaccine.

Frequent vaccination problems

According to CNN, there have been three consecutive cases of adverse reactions among medical personnel in Alaska after being vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

The first case occurred on day 15. A local medical staff experienced allergic reactions such as tachycardia, shortness of breath and skin rash 10 minutes after vaccination. The second case occurred on day 16. Also 10 minutes after vaccination, the vaccine presented symptoms such as swollen eyes, dizziness and itchy throat. The hospital believes that the second case is by no means a simple “allergic reaction.” The third incident occurred on the 17th. A doctor also developed allergic symptoms, such as swollen tongue, hoarseness and shortness of breath 10 minutes after being vaccinated with the new crown the same day, and was immediately sent to the hospital to receive treatment.

△ CNN reported on the 17th that two members of the medical staff in Alaska had adverse reactions after being vaccinated

The FDA previously recalled that the Pfizer vaccine and the Modena vaccine can cause adverse reactions and said you should be alert to allergic reactions and facial nerve paralysis. The FDA noted in a report published on Dec. 15 that in the Pfizer and Modena phase III clinical trials, 4 subjects each developed symptoms of facial nerve palsy, and the subjects typically developed 22 days after vaccination. These symptoms appear within 32 days and the cause is not yet clear.

Additionally, due to the harsh shipping conditions for Pfizer vaccines, there have been many vaccine discard incidents recently and many states are unable to obtain the original quantity of vaccines. General Gustav Peña, who is in charge of the federal government’s vaccine project, revealed on the 16th, local time, that in a batch of Pfizer vaccines sent to California, the temperature of two pallets dropped to 92 degrees below zero during the transportation, which was below standard temperature. 80 degrees centigrade. The delivery of this batch of vaccines has been urgently stopped. Similarly, vaccines shipped to Alabama and New Mexico also experienced similar situations during their transportation. Experts said that if the temperature abnormality is not detected in time, vaccinators can have unpredictable adverse reactions.

△ CNN reported on the 18th that the third case of adverse reactions caused by medical personnel in Alaska after vaccination

Wealthy and giant companies compete for priority vaccination privileges

Despite never-ending safety concerns, newly released vaccines still display great temptation, drawing wealthy Americans to use various forces to try to gain priority vaccination privileges.

The Los Angeles Times broke the news about multiple attempts to buy high-priced vaccines. Some people even went straight to the hospital to ask if they could get a dose of vaccine if they donated $ 250,000. The experts recalled that some members of the medical staff responsible for vaccination can use their functions to obtain vaccines and sell them at high prices on the black market. Also, because of the more expensive medical services for the wealthy in the United States, they would have received the vaccines earlier than ordinary people.

△ “Los Angeles Times” reported that wealthy Americans are competing for the new crown vaccine at high market prices

In addition to people using their financial power to obtain priority vaccination privileges, some large companies and consortia in the United States are also trying to obtain vaccines early.

Recently, Amazon in the United States has been exposed to lobbying by the Centers for Disease Control, trying to include its employees in the list of “essential personnel”, to obtain vaccines before the common people. Additionally, according to the “Wall Street Journal” report, the CDC has received similar requests from multiple giants in the catering, aviation and real estate industries.

In fact, the bank employees have already booked the priority vaccination site in advance through this method. Public opinion has strongly criticized this and believes that the CDC’s placement of bank clerks before teachers and nursing home care workers is the result of government capital penetration.

△ “The Wall Street Journal” reported that Amazon is pressuring the government to try to get the vaccine sooner.

Medical staff and people are unwilling to get vaccinated

Yet despite unscrupulous competition between the wealthy and big business for vaccination privileges, medical personnel have greatly reduced their willingness to vaccinate due to successive adverse reactions.

The University of California, Los Angeles, conducted an investigation of local medical staff and found that many medical staff had reservations about the vaccine. Two-thirds of the medical staff expect or are unwilling to postpone vaccination; More than half believe that pressure from the federal government has led to over-hasty research and development of vaccines, greatly reducing their confidence in vaccines.

△ CBS reports that most medical staff want to postpone vaccination

Besides medical personnel, ordinary people are unwilling to get vaccinated. A report recently released by the Pew Research Center in the United States shows that nearly 40% of Americans still say they will not receive the new corona vaccine. Additionally, African Americans are more concerned about vaccines than other ethnic groups, and the proportion of this group that is reluctant to get vaccinated is close to 60%.

The American people, especially medical personnel, are so unwilling to vaccinate, which will bring great challenges to the prevention and control of the new corona epidemic in the future. Because if you want to rely on vaccines for herd immunity, at least 75% to 85% of the population must get vaccinated.

Experts believe that when vaccine problems occur one after another and people’s willingness to vaccinate is low, the United States still faces great difficulties in preventing and controlling the new epidemic crown. Obviously, it is impossible to trust vaccines to overcome the epidemic in the short term.

Publisher: Bao She
