No Rock Werchter and Pukkelpop: Belgian government bans festivals until August 31


Photo: RIVM

The Belgian summer festival can go to waste. Government It has banned all festivals until the end of August 2020 due to the prevailing corona virus. With this decision, Rock Werchter, Pukkelpop and Graspop, among others, are canceled.

It’s been on the air for a while, but now there’s the final confirmation: There may be a streak during the Belgian festival’s summer. This can be read on the HLN live blog, which reports on the Belgian Prime Minister’s press conference. Following the advice of the Belgian Security Council, the government decided to ban all festivals until the end of August due to the crown virus. Holding festivals would endanger the health of visitors, artists and employees. The decision will include Rock Werchter, Graspop, Pukkelpop, Dour and Lokerse Feesten on the agenda.

In recent weeks, mayors (Graspop territory, Rock Werchter and Tomorrowland) have already made several calls to cancel festivals. Mayors have now proved themselves right. With the cancellation of festivals until September 1, the Belgian government follows the example of Denmark.

Corona and festivals

The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has increasing consequences for festivals worldwide. Artists cancel, festivals are canceled, and governments work out measures.

Since it is unclear with the upcoming festival season how the virus will develop in the coming months, you can stay informed of all developments related to the coronavirus and festivals through our special page. You’ll find a live blog, the latest news, festival statements, and an explanation of crucial moments in the near future.
