Nine departments jointly issued 16 measures to support the healthy development of individual business owners _ 东方 东方网


Original title: Nine departments jointly issued 16 measures to support the healthy development of individual companies

A few days ago, our city’s market oversight, development and reform, finance, human society, commerce, health, tax, administrative approval, and the People’s Bank Center sub-branch jointly issuedIndividual business“Various measures for healthy development”, based on four aspects to promote the resumption of production, reduce operating costs, facilitate the registration of companies and increase service efforts, clarified 16 specific measures to reduce the impact of the epidemic in individual industrial and commercial homes. His confidence in resuming production and resuming production has promoted the stable and healthy development of the city’s economy.

Individual economyIt is an organic part of the socialist market economy, it isNational economyCapillaries play an irreplaceable role in guaranteeing people’s livelihoods and stimulating employment. However, the economic strength of individual industrial and commercial households is relatively weak, and their ability to resist risks is relatively poor. The 16 measures introduced this time are high strength, high gold content, fast results and great operability, which are of great importance in helping individual industrial and commercial households increase confidence, resume work and production, and overcome difficulties.

In terms of promoting the resumption of production and production, the “Measures” clarify that counties and districts must not establish additional prerequisites and conditions for the resumption of production and normal operation of individual industrial and commercial households, and assist individual industrial and commercial households in solving epidemic prevention supplies necessary for resumption of production; And other industries resume work as soon as possible; bring game to e-commerce platformsBusinessFunction, to provide supply and demand matching information resource services to individual industrial and commercial homes online and offline. In addition, individual industrial and commercial households seriously fulfill the primary responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, and comprehensively resume work and production based on the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures.

In terms of reducing operating costs, the “Measures” clearly reduceSocial SecurityReduction of rates and taxes. From February to June, exemption from pensions, unemployment and work-related injuries for small and medium-sized businesses in the city and individual industrial and commercial homes participating in unit insurance.insurancePart of the unit payment. Continue running publicTrafficAt the same time that income from transportation services, living services and the delivery of essential living materials for urgent delivery services for residents are exempt from the VAT policy, from March 1 to May 31, the collection rate of Small-scale taxpayers dropped moderately. From January 1 to December 31, our city strictly implements the reduction of national and provincial taxes. For large commercial buildings, shopping malls, and other leases that reduced rent for individual industrial and commercial homes during the epidemic, property tax, and urban uselandIf the use tax is really difficult, you can apply for a reduction or exemption.

Reduction of house rent. For Lease ManagementInstitutionHousing goods, government establishmentEntrepreneurshipIndividual industrial and commercial households that operate park houses, etc., that are determined to be affected by the epidemic will be exempt from rent from February to March; Individual industrial and commercial households that have difficulty paying rent may differ from rent collection; those who rent other operating premises are encouraged. The landlord reduced or waived the rent for the tenant.

Reduction of test fees. During the epidemic prevention and control period, open a green channel for measurement services, shorten the time limit for evaluation and inspection, and open the measurement laboratory. Provide free measurement comparison services for all temperature measurement and monitoring instruments used in the prevention and control of epidemics in our city; moderately reduce or exempt verification and calibration fees for measuring instruments used in the operation of individual industrial and commercial homes;productsThe cost of quality inspection and testing is moderately reduced. The municipal special inspection office conducts safety evaluations for lifts over 15 years old and free of charge; reduction and exemption of reinspection costs for special mechanical and electrical equipment, such as elevators and lifting machinery; inspection and testing fees for special mechanical and electrical equipment and special pressure equipment.

IncreaseCreditSupport efforts. Guide financial institutions to flexibly adjust payment arrangements for individual industrial and commercial households that have been severely affected by the epidemic, are struggling with payment due, and temporarily lose their source of income. Effectively implement peopleBankThe special installment policy for small refinance loans helps individual companies alleviate their difficulties.

In terms of convenient merchant registration, the “Measures” stipulate that individual business owners can log in to the entire electronic registration system in Shanxi Province to handle related businesses online. If the materials are complete and legal, they will be processed the same day and the business license will be mailed. Promote “a multi-photo site” and allow eligible homes to register as individual industrial and commercial residences. For sale farmersBy-product, Daily needs or people use their skills to participate in conveniences that do not require permissionLabor serviceActiveFreelancersIn addition, counties and districts will further expand their locations and activity times and will be exempt from registration in accordance with the law. Encourage individual companies to expand their online operations, and the city’s online trading platform relaxes entry conditions for individual companies and reducesCommission, Software usage fees, advertising fees, etc., to help individual business households make live broadcasts, short videos, and other methods on the online trading platformCommodityExposition

In terms of increasing the intensity of the service, the “Measures” stipulate that, in general, in addition to users of industries that consume a lot of energy, in generalBusinessFor electricity users of electricity prices and large industrial electricity prices, from February 1 to June 30, when network companies collect electricity bills from previous electricity users, will be settled at 95% of the original level of electricity prices. The “supporting two-party electricity rate policy” will be implemented until June 30; From February 22 to June 30, the city’s urban fuel companies will implement the off-season ahead of schedule.PricePolitics. Encourage urban fuel companies to provide more favorable gas supply prices to the most affected industries; From March 2 to April 30, non-residential pipeline natural gas for the lodging and catering industries in the tourism and service industry will be replaced by the deployment of residents Use the price of gas. Reduce the price of urban tap water for the hospitality and catering industry by 10%. The selling price of urban tap water in urban areas, mining areas, development areas, suburban housing and catering industries has been moderately reduced.

Reasonably extend the period of administrative leave. For individual business households whose business license registration items have changed during the epidemic prevention and control period, and changes to the license registration items for small food shops, small business stores, and small stalls are not they can process on time, they will be postponed until a month after the epidemic rises. Extend the time of the annual report. For individual industrial and commercial homes registered before December 31, 2019, the annual reporting time can be extended from before the end of June to before December 31.

Play the role of individual and private business associations and other social organizations, through the implementation of the “contactless loans micro support plan”, implement the micro-ten “contactless loans” measures to help small and micro companies, individual industrial and commercial households and farmers to resume production; Through measures such as safeguarding rights and promoting advertising and education, we can solve the problems of individual industrial and commercial households. Carry outCreditHelp companies. Advance “Internet ++ Supervision “and supervision” Double random, one open “to promoteCorporate creditSupervision of the risk classification will reduce the proportion and frequency of spot checks in individual industrial and commercial homes with good credit status. Maintain a fair development environment. Policy measures affecting the development of individual industrial and commercial homes in violation of fair competition review standards will be resolved and abolished with resolution. Strictly investigate and address violations of laws and regulations that do not implement preferential pricing policies and increase the burden on individual industrial and commercial households.

(Editor in charge: DF527)

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