New twists and turns in the US elections: Biden expands his leadership and the two states can recount the votes | american election


Original Title: New Twists and Turns in the American Elections: Biden Expands His Leadership and the Two States May Recount Votes

[Lin Riqingmu Wei Hui, reportera del Global Times]In the tense confrontation between “counting every vote” and “stop stealing,” the state of the American election results is becoming clearer. On the 6th, Biden made overtaking in the key states of Georgia and Pennsylvania, and he appeared to be only one step away from final victory. Trump’s re-election hopes are growing slimmer, but he still takes a stance of refusing to admit defeat. In addition to accusing opponents of “stealing votes,” the Trump camp also launched a series of legal proceedings. Behind the dramatic turn of the key state is a deep rift in the United States. Supporters from the two camps have launched protests in many places in recent days. Once the end result is announced, if it will trigger a bigger storm and become a major worrying suspense. . In the eyes of the public opinion, even if Biden wins the White House, the radicalization of American politics and social opposition will tie him hand and foot. The “blue wave” expected by the Democratic Party did not appear, “Trumpism” has taken root in this country and the spirit of political commitment has disappeared. “Is America becoming a failed country?” He asked worriedly in a “New York Times” column on the 5th. Bloomberg quoted Ian Bremer, an American political risk expert, as saying on the 6th that “exceptionalism American “no longer exists. In 2020, almost no one in the world will look at the United States and say that I hope our system works like this.

  Biden overtakes in two key states

With the release of final postal votes in several key states, the situation is increasingly favorable for Biden. According to Fox News, in the early hours of 6:00 local time, Biden took a turn in Georgia, leading by a small margin of 917 votes (0.02%). At this time, the state’s vote recount rate was about 99%. Since 1996, no Republican presidential candidate has missed Georgia. According to Fox News statistics, Biden has won 264 electoral votes and Trump has 214. Georgia has 16 electoral votes, if Biden wins the state, he will exceed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election.

A few hours later, Biden surpassed Trump in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes and the two sides compete fiercely. Before mailed ballots were counted, Biden was a dozen points behind Trump in state. Plus, Biden is also leading the way in Nevada. Among several states that have yet to finish counting votes, Trump leads only in North Carolina. The American media generally predict that Biden is close to victory and Trump’s hopes of re-election are very slim.

However, at midnight of the sixth Beijing period, Georgia Secretary of State Ravensperger said that because the gap between the two sides is very small, the state will count the votes. Later, the Associated Press said Pennsylvania can also count the votes. But the Speaker of the Democratic House of Representatives, Pelosi, said that Biden will become president-elect. Earlier, the Trump campaign issued a statement claiming that any prediction of Biden’s victory was “incorrect” and that “this election is not over yet.”

On the night of 5pm local time, Trump held a press conference at the White House, accusing the Democratic Party of “stealing votes.” He said: “If you count the legitimate votes, I win easily. If you count the illegal votes, they will try to steal our election.” CNN said that Trump actually pointed out that even if he ultimately loses the election, he does not intend not to fight. And retire. This is Trump’s first public appearance since election night. But when he accused the Democrats of “stealing the election”, many television networks like ABC interrupted the live broadcast because they believed that Trump’s allegations had no evidence and were “spreading false information.” The New York Post used an unusual word to describe Trump’s depressed state of the day.

On the 6th, Trump continuedTwitterChina accused of “illegal votes”, saying that “the Supreme Court should fail”. Fox News quoted sources as saying that Trump currently has no plans to admit defeat.

Before Trump’s speech, Biden gave a short speech to the media in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, saying, “Every vote must be counted. This is what we are going to see, what we are experiencing now.” He called on supporters to remain calm and patient, emphasizing that “we have no doubt that when the count is complete, Senator Harris and I will be declared winners.”

The British “Guardian” cited informed sources on the 6th that the United States Secret Service will send reinforcements to Wilmington from that day on to help protect Biden. Biden’s campaign team is gearing up for his “may be about to announce his victory.” Biden’s campaign team has reminded the United States Secret Service that Biden can give an “important speech” on the 6th.

  “Count every vote” VS “Stop stealing”

From clearly falling behind in a few key states to striking a striking reversal, Biden’s overtaking seems extremely dramatic, but it also fits with previous media speculation. Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, many Biden supporters chose to mail ballots in advance, while Trump supporters are more inclined to go to the polling station to vote. In places like Pennsylvania, save early voting until the final count. CNN said on the 6th that people knew for a long time that Biden would benefit from voting by mail, which is why Trump has been shooting votes by mail during his campaign months, saying he is prone to fraud.

This also leaves the hidden danger of intensifying contradictions. According to Reuters, Trump and Biden supporters staged their own protests in front of polling stations in several battlefield states on the 5th on social media.FacebookActivists supporting Trump posted a post with violent comments on the previous page, calling for the deployment of personnel under military orders to protect the fairness of the elections. Biden supporters’ slogans “Every vote counts.” Local media said that Philadelphia police received a report on the night of the 5th that someone was about to attack a conference center where votes were being counted. Police are investigating the incident and arrested two men.

“In a year full of protests, now it’s ‘count every vote’ and ‘stop stealing.’ The New York Times said on the 6th that protests broke out in various parts of the United States this year, with the vote counting process occurring after Election Day. China has not stopped. In downtown Portland, Oregon, protesters chanted, “Count all the ballots!” At the Detroit Convention Center, protesters demanded that the vote count stop. When Biden outplayed Trump in the campaign, protests erupted in highly competitive areas like Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Some protesters said they were convinced the election was stolen.

Trump’s team has filed a series of lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and requested a recount in Wisconsin. However, no judge has made significant rulings on these lawsuits. CNN said Trump is adopting radical legal strategies to counter the election results. On the 5th, a Pennsylvania court declared that observers for the Trump campaign could be closer and observe the handling of the votes in Philadelphia. This is a relatively irrelevant ruling, but the Trump campaign quickly declared it a “great victory.” Analysts say legal challenges are unlikely to change the election results.

After Trump accused him of electoral fraud, some of his political allies also began attacking the legitimacy of the vote count. Agence France-Presse said on the 6th that Trump’s two allies in the Senate have warned that if the vote count is reversed, they may refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the vote results. Senators Graham and Cruz voiced their support for Trump on Fox News. Cruz said: “I tell you that the president is angry, I am angry and the voters should be angry.”

However, some Republicans have started to steer clear of Trump. According to the US “Business Insider” report, Republican Representative Adam Kinsinger of Illinois said on Twitter that “this is crazy.” He wrote: “We want all votes to be counted, yes, all legitimate votes. But if you have real concerns about fraud, show evidence and present it to the court. Please. Stop spreading false information that has been exposed.”

  “American exceptionalism” no longer exists

“What does the outcome of the 2020 elections say about the future of the United States?” Britain’s “The Economist” said these elections have been through months of insane campaign activities, spent $ 13.9 billion in campaign spending and suffered a devastating epidemic. Escalate ethnic protests. The article believes that even if Biden is elected, he will be in charge of a severely divided country. The “blue wave” Democrats hoped for did not appear, and Congress is likely to split between the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and the Republican-controlled Senate. The British “Financial Times” stated that the real message from the record number of voters is that the divide in the United States is very fierce, it contains a lot of energy and the two sides are almost even. Barring a major accident, the Republican Party will continue to control the Senate. What can you do if you log into the main White House? The answer is: much less than I expected.

According to Atlantic Monthly, Americans proved once again that their country is a severely divided country, where populism remains an attractive and enduring force. Even if Biden manages to enter the White House, American populism will continue to exist. To sway the 68 million Americans who voted for Trump this year, the rhetoric of unity is not enough.

“Is America becoming a failed country?” Asked well-known columnist Paul Krugman in the “New York Times” on the 5th. The article believes that the United States is currently facing serious challenges, the new corona epidemic it is out of control and the economy is suffering severe damage. The politics of the two parties are severely divided, and whether Biden is truly capable of ruling the country becomes a real problem after taking office.

“The concept of ‘American exceptionalism’ no longer exists.” Bloomberg said on the 6th that Ian Bremer, an American expert on political risk and founder of the Eurasian Group, said that the incredible division and “de-legalization” of the elections The erosion of the political system may be the most important result of this election. The division of the political system has exacerbated several differences: the media almost entirely caters to the political preferences of the primary audience, and social media acts as a loudspeaker to exacerbate the differences, all of which tear American society apart. According to the article, in 2020, “almost no one in the world will look at the United States and say, I hope our system can work like this.”


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Editor in Charge: Wang Yongsheng
