New Industry Catalog Launch Welcomes Positive Foreign Investment | Foreign investment | Encourage foreign investors | Catalog_Sina Technology


Original title: Foreign investment introduced the new version of the industry catalog

Every time the reporter Zhang Huaishui Every time the editor Chen Xu

On December 28, the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission announced that, with the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce publicly issued the Order No. 38 on December 28, 2020, publishing the full text of the “Catalog of Industries that Encourage Foreign Investment (2020 Edition)”. “(Hereinafter, the” Catalog “), effective as of January 27, 2021. At the same time, the” Catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment (2019 edition) “will be repealed.

The “Catalog” is an important part of our policy to promote foreign investment and one of the main bases for foreign investors and foreign capital companies to enjoy preferential treatment.

Those responsible for the National Development and Reform Commission responded to journalists’ questions about the 2020 version of the Catalog of Industries that Promote Foreign Investment and said that the total number of entries in the Catalog is 1,235. Compared to the 2019 version, 127 items were added and 88 items were revised, which further broadens the scope of encouraging foreign investment.

Add items like online education

In response to a journalist’s question about the “Catalog of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment (2020 Edition)”, the Ministry of Commerce stated that in June this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce reviewed and published the 2020 version of the Negative List for Access to Foreign Investment in the National and Pilot Free Trade Zones. Reduced to 33 and 30 respectively, greatly increasing the opening level.

At the same time, the two departments launched the revision of the Catalog in March of this year, so that on the one hand, they “made a subtraction” in the relaxation of access to markets, and on the other hand they “made an addition” in the preferential policies, forming a joint force to stabilize foreign investment policies.

Speaking of the characteristics of the “Catalog”, the competent person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce stated that, firstly, to further increase the promotion of foreign investment and expand the scope of the stimulus.

This revision is only one year from the previous edition. To maintain policy continuity and stability, while reflecting the needs of industrial optimization and improvement and regional coordinated development, new investments in line with the direction of support can enjoy preferential policies, and inflows will only increase and not decrease . .

Second, further encourage foreign investment to invest in modern service industries and improve the quality of service industry development.

According to the Ministry of Commerce, in the field of R&D and design, elements such as R&D of fifth-generation mobile communications technology, development of blockchain technology, and design of wastewater treatment facilities have been added or modified.

In the field of business services, new elements were added for the maintenance of high-end equipment, the transformation and integration of the digital production line and industrial service network platforms.

In the field of modern logistics, elements such as cross-border e-commerce retail, bulk import and export distribution centers, and community chain distribution have been added or modified.

In the field of information services, new elements such as online education, online medical treatment and online office have been added.

Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, told the “Daily Economic News” reporter that trade in services is a deficiency in China’s trade structure and an area with great potential for development. In particular, the development of the digital economy has added “wings” to the development of trade and investment in services.

“Encouraging foreign investment in online medicine, online education and other service industries will promote competition in related fields, thus further promoting the high-quality development of the service industry,” Bai Ming said.

Encourage foreign investment in the Midwest

A “Daily Business News” reporter examined the “Catalog” and found that the document covers the “Catalog of Advantageous Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central and Western Regions”. There are a total of 755 catalogs of encouraged industries, an increase of 62 over the previous edition, representing around 61 of the total catalogs. %.

The interpretation of the Ministry of Commerce indicated that the Catalog further encourages foreign investment in advantageous industries in the central and western regions to promote coordinated regional development.

For example, provinces like Heilongjiang and Yunnan have added new elements such as agricultural product processing and tourism development. Henan, Shaanxi, Guangxi and other provinces have added new items such as medical equipment, epidemic prevention and protection products, and raw material medicine production. Hubei, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces have added new items such as semiconductor materials and industrial ceramics. Enrollments were added to vocational universities in Anhui, Shaanxi, and other provinces. Hainan has added trade, shipping, finance, tourism, and other related elements to support the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

In addition, foreign investment in the fields of the “Catalog” that meet the conditions may enjoy the policy of tariff exemption for imported equipment for own use within the total investment. Foreign-funded companies that encourage industrial establishment in the western region may be taxed on corporate income at a reduced rate of 15%; for intensive land use to encourage foreign investment in manufacturing projects, land supply can be prioritized and the base price for land transfer can be determined not below the local land level Corresponds to 70 % of the national minimum price for the transfer of industrial land.

Bai Ming told reporters that cities in the central and western regions have the advantages of unblocked access to the “Belt and Road” countries in terms of regions and transportation; second, in recent years, in the context of the creation of new open interior highlands, the central and western regions have better land. Conditions and resources such as manpower, policies, etc., are more attractive to foreign entrepreneurs.

Zhang Jianping, director of the Regional Economic Research Center of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that differences in resource endowment, human resource structure and product structure in the eastern, central and western regions of China exist objectively.

For example, labor-intensive processing projects. In the eastern region, labor costs have risen and the costs of other factors have also risen. Therefore, the encouragement of foreign investment in the central and western regions will help foreign-invested companies to enjoy better business opportunities. On the other hand, it is also useful for the gradual transfer of advantageous industries to the central and western regions, and gradually reduces the development gap between the different regions.
