
On November 19 Beijing time, the journal “Nature” published the latest research advances of Professor Pan Jianwei and Yuan Zhensheng of the China University of Science and Technology, who solved the Schwinger equation in an ultra-cold atomic quantum simulator with 71 lattice points. This achievement successfully solved complex physics problems using quantum simulation methods and large-scale quantum computing.
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Schematic diagram: Gauge field theory describes the process of interaction, generation and annihilation between elementary particles, which can be simulated by the interaction between ultracold atoms in the crystal lattice and their arrangement mode. (Drawing: Shi Qianhui, Liang Yan)
The research team is reported to have cooperated with German and Italian scientists to develop a dedicated quantum computer, a 71-site ultra-cold atomic optical lattice quantum simulator, which successfully simulates the Schwinger model of the quantum electrodynamic equation through control and manipulation. precise. The ultracold atoms bound in it simulated the interaction and transformation between the gauge field and the matter field for the first time, observed local gauge invariants, and used microscopic quantum control methods to verify charge and charge description in a quantum system of many bodies for the first time. Gaussian theorem of electric field relations.
Reviewers for “Nature” praised: “This is an important milestone in the study of lattice measurement fields in quantum simulation methods. It will attract the attention of many disciplines, from elementary particles, lattice measurement fields and quantum information. From theorists in the field, to experimental physicists in the fields of atomic and molecular optics and solid state physics. “;” A real step in the simulation of lattice measurement field theory: from the realization of the module from quantum simulation to full simulation of a specific model “.
Indicator field theory is the foundation of modern physics. For example, quantum electrodynamics and the standard model that describes the interaction of elementary particles are all indicator field theories that satisfy the symmetry of a specific group. However, the computational complexity of solving various gauge field equations is so high that it represents a challenge for supercomputers, and quantum computers have high expectations. Hence, a dedicated quantum computer quantum simulator was born. However, in the current international preliminary quantum simulation research in the gauge field model, or the system is too small, with only 2 to 4 particles, and does not have local gauge invariance; or the gauge field and the matter field cannot be generated at the same time. The interaction and transformation between these two fields cannot be studied. Therefore, previous studies have failed to observe the most basic feature of gauge field theory: local gauge invariance.
To solve this problem, the research team of China University of Science and Technology has developed unique quantum measurement and control technologies, such as spin-dependent supergrid, microscope absorption imaging, particle number resolution detection, etc. , and first performed the Z2 measurement in the ultracold atom quantum simulator. Research on the hamiltonian of the gauge field model, the unit of gauge symmetry, related results were published in “Nature-Physics” in 2017. In June this year, they also proposed and performed deep cooling of atoms in the optical network, which solved the problem of excessive temperature in the quantum simulator and too many defects. The experiment prepared about a hundred large-scale quantum simulators at the atomic level, and the results were published. In the journal “Science”. This latest development has represented a breakthrough in the use of large-scale quantum simulators to solve complex physical problems.
In the future, the team will use more quantum simulation methods to study measurement field models with other group symmetry and higher spatial dimensions, and it can be expanded to measure field systems far from equilibrium to study vacuum decomposition and dynamics related to topological angles. Major physical problems such as the learning process.
This research work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, and Anhui Province.