National Health Commission: “Overweight” the policy of returning home to prevent epidemics is a lazy policy and a waste of resources for the prevention of epidemics


National Health Commission: “Overweight” the policy of returning home to prevent epidemics is a lazy policy and a waste of resources for the prevention of epidemics

Golden Goat Author: Wang Li 2021-02-01

Wang Dengfeng said that the Ministry of Education has started the review of the new version of the school’s epidemic prevention and control technical plan, which will be completed as soon as possible. When the spring semester begins, schools in various regions will have new technical plans. …

There are answers to today’s epidemic prevention hotspots

Wang Li, reporter for the Yangcheng Evening News in Beijing

Return home policy

● To make “six nos”

Recently, there has been a “one size fits all” situation in some places with regard to health screening and nucleic acid testing of returnees, which has caused widespread concern. On January 31, Mi Feng, spokesperson for the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department, pointed out at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council that “overweight at all levels” and ” one size fits all “are both Lazy and correct policy. For the waste of valuable epidemic prevention resources, all localities should standardize and implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements during the 2021 Spring Festival transportation period, scientifically and accurately carry out prevention-related work and epidemic control, and you should not be “overweight” or “overweight” based on existing policies. “One size fits all” at work.

“Based on the experience and lessons of the previous stage, the country formulated the policy of prevention and control of the epidemic during the travel season of the Spring Festival in accordance with the law, in order to minimize the risk of spreading the epidemic, thus protecting people’s health. Control the necessary obstacles. “Mi Feng said.

At the meeting, Mi Feng emphasized that for provinces other than Beijing, there must be “six no’s”: not arbitrarily banning people from returning to their places of origin for the New Year, not implementing concentration and home isolation measures for the returnees, and not to move through provinces in low-risk areas Non-key populations going to cities undergo nucleic acid testing, non-key populations returning from low-risk areas in the province will not be screened for nucleic acid test certificates, home health monitoring should not be performed on returnees in the province, and the home health monitoring period should not be arbitrarily extended.

Regarding the phenomenon of “overlap” and “one size fits all” of epidemic prevention policies in individual places, Mi Feng said that localities should correct deviations in time, and the Comprehensive Team of the Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism State will pay close attention to the implementation of local policies, and the implementation of policies obviously does not meet the requirements, the situation will be notified and immediate rectification will be required.

Epidemic situation

● The overall risk of the national epidemic is controllable.

Mi Feng introduced that since January this year, there have been a total of 2016 new local confirmed cases across the country, which is the highest number in a single month since March last year. The epidemic situation is intertwined with a spread sporadic and clustered epidemics in local areas.

However, he also said that in the second half of last week, the number of local confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections existing in the country has begun to decrease, and the effects of prevention and control in areas where conglomerates of epidemics occurred in the stage initial have started to decline. It began to manifest itself and district and qualification prevention and control measures are being promoted, the general risk is controllable.

Vaccine progress

● The number of vaccinations has exceeded 24 million doses.

According to Xu Wenbo, director of the Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of now, the cumulative number of reports of new corona vaccines has exceeded 24 million doses.

Xu Wenbo said that our country’s current national defense control strategy focuses on “preventing external defense and internal defense from rebound.” First, we will carry out inoculation of key populations and do our best to ease the pressure on prevention and control. of imported epidemics. At a later stage, my country will adjust immunization strategies in a timely manner in accordance with the epidemic characteristics of new coronary pneumonia, progress in vaccine research and development, vaccine supply, and prevention and control strategies. the epidemic, and organize the vaccination of the relevant populations in an orderly manner. conduct.

Regarding adverse reactions, Xu Wenbo said that preliminary monitoring analysis shows that the overall reaction rate of the new corona vaccine is basically the same as the post-market vaccine reporting rate in my country in 2019, and the The rate of reports of serious abnormal reactions is slightly lower than the rate of vaccines that have been administered in 2019 .. The reported incidence of serious abnormal reactions to the new coronavirus vaccine is not higher than that of the flu vaccine.

Traceability progress

● The WHO expert team has visited Jinyintan Hospital and other locations.

Mi Feng presented at the press conference that the WHO international expert team had lifted the centralized quarantine medical observation on the afternoon of January 28 and visited the Hubei Provincial Hospital for Traditional Chinese and Western Integrated Medicine and Wuhan Hospital. Jinyintan, and conducted interviews with medical staff. During the exchange, I also visited the special exhibition “People First, Life First” to fight the new corona pneumonia epidemic.

Mi Feng said that China and the WHO expert team have reached an agreement on the next step of the working arrangements. On the basis of continuing to comply with local epidemic prevention and control regulations, visits will be made to relevant scientific research institutions and commercial disease control markets. Scientist, Strictly carry out joint research work on the traceability of the new coronavirus. China, as always, will maintain an open, transparent and responsible attitude, will continue to cooperate with WHO, and will make its own contributions to better prevent future risks and protect the lives and health of people in all countries.

Hot questions and answers

Why has the number of asymptomatic infections increased recently?  

Xu Wenbo, Director of the Institute for Prevention and Control of Viral Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Recently, the number of asymptomatic infections reported in my country has increased, mainly because the capacity to detect cases and action has been taken. taken to actively detect cases, many of which are still in the incubation period. Of the cases were detected. In addition, the time interval for nucleic acid tests has been shortened and the number of nucleic acid tests increased. This also makes it possible to detect earlier or lower levels of infection. Many of these infected people are asymptomatic.

Currently, most areas of my country are in low-risk areas, and medical isolation measures and observation of asymptomatic infections discovered through various channels have been taken in time. Xu Wenbo emphasized that early case detection is the key to preventing the spread of the epidemic. This requires everyone’s cooperation and daily personal protection. If suspicious symptoms such as fever occur, we must actively cooperate with epidemic prevention measures.

Is it contagious if the food is positive for nucleic acid?

Li Ning, deputy director of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment: Recently, imported foods like frozen cherries and squid have tested positive for nucleic acid in many places, causing widespread concern. The novel coronavirus nucleic acid test is primarily for virus nucleic acid fragments. Whether it is a live virus or a killed virus, it can be positive for nucleic acid. Therefore, a food positive nucleic acid does not mean it is infectious. . Positive nucleic acid detection from these foods can only indicate that it has been contaminated by the new coronavirus. So far, there have been no reports of consumers contracting the new coronavirus while purchasing and processing food. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus, which is transmitted primarily through respiratory droplets and close person-to-person contact, and the possibility of infection through the digestive tract is extremely small.

Judging from the nucleic acid testing of food and its outer packaging, especially imported food and its outer packaging, the overall positive detection rate is low, less than one in ten thousand, and it is mainly concentrated on the outer packaging of food, and general pollution The amount is also relatively low. In the case of increased preventive disinfection and nucleic acid testing, the possibility of live viruses in food is also very small. Especially after the problem food was discovered, it was immediately thrown away. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that consumers will contract the new coronavirus from food contact.

Can school normally start in the spring semester?

Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Response Group of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts Education: Regarding the start of the spring semester this year, the current The requirements are for a comprehensive, normal and safe start to school. Schools in various regions have formulated their startup plans. It will be adjusted in time according to the development and changes of the epidemic prevention and control situation.

Wang Dengfeng stressed that schools in various places should analyze and judge the epidemic situation at any time and make preparations for the start of the spring semester in advance. In special circumstances, it may be necessary to batch start schools. If there are still high-risk areas after the Spring Festival, students in these areas may need to postpone their return to school. At the same time, schools in all regions must be prepared for the connection of online and offline teaching, and can start teaching online at any time when needed.

Wang Dengfeng said that the Ministry of Education has started the review of the new version of the school’s epidemic prevention and control technical plan, which will be completed as soon as possible. When the spring semester begins, schools in various regions will have new technical plans.

Publisher: Zhenglong
