Moyu, Xinjiang, income growth and poverty alleviation by households and households (visiting the first line of the fight against poverty alleviation) | Xinjiang_Sina


Original title: Moyu, Xinjiang, a home and a publication to increase income and get rid of poverty.

“Go to work!” Early in the morning, Patty Mesaip Apal scattered the courtyard and walked out the door. After a 10-minute walk, he reached the cooperative in the village and began weaving mats.

In Yingwusitang village, Zawa village, Moyu county, the workforce of poor families living on the land used to live, most of them now have work on their doorstep like Patti Maisaip.

Moyu County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, is located at the southern tip of the Taklimakan Desert. Natural conditions here are poor, resources are scarce, cultivated land per capita is less than one mu, and the industrial base is fragile. At the end of 2019, there are still 83 poor villages in the county that are not out of poverty. The remaining poor population is 36,500, which represents about 1/4 of the remaining poor population in Xinjiang.

“Moyu County has more people and less land, and every possible means to guarantee employment for the poor is the key to winning the battle against poverty.” Zhang Yuguan, secretary of the Moyu County Party Committee, said that as one of the 52 poverty-stricken counties designated by the State Council Development Leadership and Poverty Alleviation Group, Yu forcefully squeezed the nose of employment, he took multiple measures and took a multiple approach, trying to increase income one by one and get rid of poverty.

Industry promotes development.

More than 36,000 people worked nearby

Since the beginning of the year, the villagers’ eyes have gone out to work, and Patima Saip sighed secretly.

Some time ago, the mother’s high blood pressure and heart disease increased, and the boy was still in high school. Once he went out to work at home, no one was taking care of him. Patima Saip was concerned. “Although I was freed from poverty last year, if I don’t go out to work, my income will decrease. I am afraid that one day I will put on the poverty hat.”

“Don’t worry, he will work in the village in the future.” Cao Zhongming, the team leader in the village, brought good news.

In mid-March, Patty Mesaip and 25 sisters joined the village’s “Poverty Alleviation Command”. His first job was making cane mats at the village’s Jasper Agricultural Products Professional Cooperative, earning more than 2,000 yuan a month.

Working at the door of the house, earning money and making a good home, the stone in the heart of Patty Maisaip fell to the ground: “With a stable job, life will have hope.”

“Close employment is an important way for poor households to get out of poverty, and the development of industry is the basis for solving employment.” Cao Zhongming told reporters that the village team worked hard to help the village develop the industry according to local conditions, create jobs, and solve the employment problem of some poor workers who cannot go out to work. .

Yingwusitang Town has more than 500 acres of wetlands with dense reeds. Relying on this characteristic resource, the task force helped the village introduce funds, build popular villages and farms, and attract more than 20 villagers for employment. Several village-run businesses have insufficient commercial space and limited development. The team has coordinated funds to build a small and microenterprise park. So far, 3 companies have been established and 31 people are employed in their homes.

“Promoting employment with industry is an important task of Moyu’s current poverty alleviation work.” Zhang Champion introduced that Moyu County is actively building “the county has leading companies, the municipalities have certain companies at scale, the villages have poverty alleviation workshops and households have small workshops.” The industrial development system nurtures 8 industries including textiles and apparel, electronic assembly, knitting, and embroidery. Since this year, 36,760 people in Moyu County have found employment nearby.

Interregional collaboration

More than 6,000 poor people realize the transfer of employment in Xinjiang

“The oldest daughter has called! She is very happy to work and live in Fuhai County. She received a salary of 2,600 yuan two days ago.” On April 19, when she saw Qu Jianping, a painting by Baohu, Aini Sahan Tudi Shares this good news with her.

Aini Sahan’s family is a poor family with a family of six and only two acres of land. The husband suffers from congenital heart disease and the family burden is heavy. For the past two years, the oldest daughter, Buzhainaip Alaihai, has been doing odd jobs, but her income has been unstable.

“The county is organizing the establishment of archived poor homes to transfer jobs to the better-off northern cities of Xinjiang. Salaries and incomes are stable. Do you want to try it, too?” In early March, Qu Jianping came to the house and encouraged Buzhainepu to sign up. Although the workplace was far from home, Bu Zainup was still tempted to think about making more contributions to his family.

It didn’t take long for Buzenaipu to join the dozens of villagers on the northbound train to Fuhai County in the Altay region. With the help of Nanjiang migrant worker management services department in Fuhai county, Bu Zainup, who is more proficient in Mandarin, became a ticket seller in a tourist area. “You must work hard, earn more money, and strive to help the family out of poverty at an early date.”

This year, Xinjiang launched the implementation of the organized transfer of labor from poor housework to poor Lika counties in the three prefectures of the three prefectures in southern Xinjiang. Before the end of March, the workforce in Hetian, Kashi and Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture was transferred. 50,000 people went north of Xinjiang, east of Xinjiang and elsewhere to stabilize employment.

On March 18, more than 1,400 workers from poverty-stricken families in Liyu County, Moyu County, took a special train and headed to businesses in Urumqi to work. They signed an employment contract with the company for more than 3 years, which includes food and housing, deducting the personal payment from social security and the monthly salary received is not less than 2,000 yuan, and the highest can reach more than 5,000 yuan.

“We take this opportunity to widely mobilize the county’s poor workforce to register. Through the employment service, special class docking, labor dispatch company contact and other methods, through 20 April, the county had 6,197 people affected by poverty in Xinjiang. Transfer jobs within, “said Zhang Champion.

Guarantee stability

Relocate poor households at least one household with stable employment and employment

A kang is the place where the whole family sleeps. The wind and the sand are full of houses. The house with a wall nearby is sad to live. This is shame before the relocation of the Bhudiche Maimaitim house. In April 2019, the Buhedic family moved to the Xingminjiayuan Community, the largest poverty alleviation and relocation site in Moyu County, where 697 impoverished households from 12 county municipalities were accepted.

Ma Shengbin, deputy secretary of the Moyu County Party Committee, said: “Relocating poverty alleviation through relocation is not just ‘moving’, the key is solving the employment problem.”

In accordance with the standard that every relocated poor workforce has a job and the real salary is not less than 1,500 yuan, Moyu County provides security, sanitation, business operator and other positions for the poor workforce in Xingmin Homeland, and also provides facades for some families. Room

“Now my lover is working in a public welfare position at the county highway office. I work as an assistant for community staff, which amounts to 3,800 yuan per month.” Speaking of the current situation, Buhediqi is satisfied and full of expectations. Take off your poverty hat. “

According to Ma Shengbin, based on the real situation of the relocated poor households and the intention of employment and entrepreneurship, the county divides the positions of community workers, tertiary services, workers without work and pocket guarantees. Pairing and pairing to ensure stable employment for at least one household in a poor household.

Since 2018, Moyu County has resettled 4,402 poor workers who have been relocated to achieve stable employment in at least one household and one job.

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