More than 80 million confirmed cases worldwide, WHO says COVID-19 will not be the final pandemic


  (Fight New Coronary Pneumonia) The cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide exceeds 80 million. WHO says new coronary pneumonia won’t be the last pandemic

China News Agency, Beijing, December 27. Full News: The latest data on the WHO website shows that at 17:03 Central European Time on the 26th (0:03 Beijing Time 27), the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the entire world has been compared to the day before. An increase of 401,176 cases reached 78,604,532; a number of deaths increased from 7,335 cases to 1,744235. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, at 11 o’clock on the 27th Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide has exceeded 80 million, reaching 80,317,820, and the cumulative number of deaths has reached 1,756,921.

Since November, the cumulative number of confirmed cases around the world has accelerated. On December 11 there were more than 70 million cases, it took 16 days to go from 60 million to 70 million, and only 15 days to go from 70 million to 80 million.

On the 26th, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus delivered a video speech for the first International Day for the Prevention of Epidemics (27 December). Tan Desai said the new coronary pneumonia will not be the last pandemic. He stressed that everyone must learn lessons from the new corona pneumonia pandemic. All countries must increase investment in response capabilities and require the participation of the entire government and society. Tedros said that unless human-animal interactions and the existential threats posed by climate change are resolved, any effort to improve human health will be doomed.

    On December 14 local time, there were few customers in a mall in Markham, Greater Toronto, Canada. Security personnel only allowed people who made an appointment to pick up the merchandise. In response to the current severe epidemic, many places in Canada continue to strengthen epidemic prevention and restriction measures.Photo by China News Agency reporter Yu Ruidong

  Americas: Canada’s First Confirmed Case of New Mutated Coronavirus

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, at 11:03 a.m. on the 27th Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States exceeded 18.97 million, reaching 18978059.

CNN reported on the 26th that the United States ushered in a severe “milestone” that day, meaning that on average, one in every 1,000 Americans will die of new coronary pneumonia.

Ontario, the most populous province in Canada, announced on the 26th that it had been diagnosed for the first time with the new mutated coronavirus that appeared in the United Kingdom, this being also the first case of the mutated virus discovered in Canada. The province confirmed that it was a couple from the Duran area east of Toronto who were diagnosed with the mutant virus. They have no known travel history or close contact history and are currently in self-isolation. Additionally, to curb the rapid spread of the epidemic, Ontario implemented closure measures across the province on the same day, suspended non-essential stores, and banned indoor activities and social gatherings.

According to data from the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the 26th, the total number of confirmed cases in the country reached 7,465,806, an increase of 17,246 from the previous day, the smallest daily increase since November 23.

    On December 16, Germany officially implemented the strict epidemic prevention measures called “strict lockdown”. The picture shows that in the afternoon, most of the shops on the busy Berlin Friedrichstrasse have been closed.Photo by China News Agency reporter Peng Dawei

  Europe: ready for mass vaccination in Germany

The German federal government declared on the 26th that the country’s first batch of new corona vaccines had been distributed to all federal states on the same day and that mass vaccination would be implemented via vaccination centers and mobile vaccination vehicles the next day. On that day, a 101-year-old woman living in a nursing home in eastern Germany was vaccinated and became the first person in Germany to complete the vaccination. German Health Minister Spahn said that the upcoming new vaccination crown is the largest vaccination campaign in German history, and Germany is ready for this. According to data from the German “Times Online”, at 11:00 pm on the 26th, 1,466,623 people had been diagnosed in Germany.

The same day the first batch of new corona vaccines arrived in France. French Health Minister Verandre said that starting next week, the number of vaccination centers will increase to 23, distributed in institutions for the care of the elderly in major cities such as Paris, Lyon, Lille and Tours. The French Ministry of Health plans to cover 100 nursing homes by mid-January. According to the official data of the epidemic published that night, France has confirmed more than 2.55 million cases on the 26th, reaching 2,550,864.

According to data published on the official website of the Russian coronavirus epidemic prevention on the 26th, Russia has added 29,258 confirmed cases, a total of 302,1964 confirmed cases, and a total of 54,226 deaths.

    On December 17 local time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan held a new corona epidemic monitoring meeting to raise the alert level related to medical resources to the highest level of “emergency”. This is the first time the level has been raised to the highest level. The picture shows a large number of passengers at a Tokyo station.Photo by Lu Shaowei, a reporter for the China News Agency

  Asia: Japan will suspend the entry of foreigners

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association TV on the 26th, in view of the appearance of the new mutant corona virus in many countries, including Japan, the Japanese government has decided to suspend the entry of foreigners from December 28 until the end of January 2021. The entry of Japanese citizens, permanent foreigners and business personnel from certain countries and regions is not affected by this policy. At 9:00 p.m. on the 26th Beijing time, Japan had 3,881 confirmed cases that day, a record for 4 consecutive days, with a total of 218,434 confirmed cases.

On the 27th, the Mongolian National Infectious Diseases Research Center declared that there were 39 new confirmed cases in the country in the last 24 hours, and a total of 1,121 confirmed cases were reported.

According to Indian media reports on the 26th, more than 150 Indian soldiers who took part in the rehearsal for the Republic Day military parade in New Delhi tested positive for the new corona virus. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, at 11:05 a.m. on the 27th Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in India exceeded 10.16 million, reaching 10,169,118.

Data released by the Malaysian Ministry of Health on the 26th showed that as of midday that day, the country had confirmed 2,335 cases, a record since the outbreak, with a total of 103,900 confirmed cases and a total of 451. deaths. Data shows that the largest number of new cases is the capital Kuala Lumpur, with 728 cases.

The Civil Aviation Administration of Turkey recently issued new regulations for the prevention of epidemics, stating that as of 0:00 on December 27, all international passengers arriving in Turkey must provide a negative nucleic acid test within the 72 hours. Furthermore, Turkish citizens returning to their country must also abide by this policy. This policy will continue until March 1, 2021.

  Africa: cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeds 2.62 million

According to the latest data published by the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at 11:06 a.m. on the 27th Beijing time, more than 2.62 million confirmed cases had been reported in the region, reaching 2,623,086. ; a total of 61,954 deaths have been reported. (End up)
