More than 28 million confirmed cases of new crowns worldwide, WHO proposes to accelerate the fight against the epidemic


  More than 28 million confirmed cases of new corona worldwide

China News Service, Beijing, September 11 Full News: The latest WHO epidemic data shows that at 4:05 p.m. 10 Central European Time (10:05 p.m. Beijing 10), the cumulative number of cases confirmed of the new world crown reached 27,738,179; There were 899,916 deaths. According to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, at 11:28 a.m. on September 11, Beijing time, the cumulative number of reported infections worldwide has exceeded 28 million, reaching 28,064,801, of which which 908,000 have died.

The director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on the 10th that the international cooperation initiative “Access to accelerating tools for the fight against the new coronary pneumonia”, led by the WHO, currently faces a financing gap of 35,000 million of US dollars. Without a substantial increase in funding, this initiative will not achieve its objectives. The Promotion Committee of the “Accelerator of tools to combat new coronary pneumonia” held its first meeting that day. Leaders from Rwanda, Norway, South Africa, the European Union and other countries and regions, as well as the UN Secretary General, expressed their support for the initiative.

    On August 27 local time, Mexico City, Mexico, at the National Medical Center, a mobile device called the LaLuchy Robotina was used to help medical personnel consult and evaluate patients with new coronary pneumonia. This invention is also part of the hospital services of psychiatry, psychology and neuropsychology.

  Americas: More than 500,000 children diagnosed in the United States and Mexico have died in a total of almost 70,000

According to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University, nearly 6.4 million people have been diagnosed in the United States, including 191,000 deaths. The latest report published jointly by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Association of Children’s Hospitals shows that since the outbreak of the new corona, more than 500,000 children in the United States have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus, and how many of childhood infections has increased rapidly recently.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on the 10th that 40,557 new cases were diagnosed in the country in the last 24 hours, a total of more than 4.23 million; 983 new deaths, a total of almost 130,000.

The cumulative number of confirmed cases in Peru ranks fifth in the world, after the United States, India, Brazil and Russia. According to data published by the Peruvian Ministry of Health on the 10th, the accumulated number of confirmed cases of new corona in the country has exceeded 710,000, and the accumulated number of deaths has exceeded 30,000. Due to the high population density and high mobility, around 40.4% of the infected people in Peru are concentrated in the capital Lima.

According to news from the Mexican Ministry of Health on the 10th, 4,857 new confirmed cases were registered in the country, with a total of more than 650,000; 554 new deaths and 69,649 deaths, ranking fourth in the world.

    On September 1 local time, Nice, France, students returned to school after the summer break. Teachers and students wear masks to take protective measures indoors and outdoors.

  Europe: Britain bans gatherings of more than 6 people, France adds nearly 10,000 confirmed cases

To prevent a second outbreak of the epidemic, British Prime Minister Johnson announced new regulations on the 9th, requiring that the maximum number of legal gatherings in places such as homes, bars, restaurants and parks be reduced from the current 30 to 6 as of the 14th. The first offender to break the rules will be penalized with a fine of 100 pounds; for recidivism or of a serious nature, the fine will double, up to a maximum of 3,200 pounds. Johnson said he does not want to ban again across the country, but if the epidemic cannot be curbed again, a new ban will be imposed in some areas.

In France, on the 10th, there were almost 10,000 new confirmed cases in a single day, reaching 9,743, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 350,000. The group of infection cases under investigation increased by 71 in a single day on day 10, with a total of 692 cases. The president of the French Scientific Council for Response to the Epidemic, Del Frasi, emphasized that the two current age groups must be vigilant: one is that of “vulnerable” people over 60 years old, and I hope that the elderly do not attend more meetings; the other is People between 20 and 40 years old must respect social distancing and observe epidemic prevention measures.

According to data from the official website of the Hungarian New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control Center on the 10th, the country has confirmed 476 new cases in the last 24 hours, with a total of 10,000 cases, reaching 10,191; 2 new deaths and a total of 630 deaths. Hungary reported the first confirmed cases of new corona on March 4. As of August 29, the country had only 5,669 confirmed cases, yet since August 30, the number of new cases in a single day has broken records many times.

    A street vendor in Indonesia sells masks in traffic. Photo by China News Agency reporter Lin Yongchuan

  Asia: Daily increase of more than 95,000 cases in India reached a new record, Indonesia added more than 3,000 cases for 3 consecutive days

According to data from the Indian Ministry of Health on the 10th, there were 95,735 new confirmed cases and 1,172 new deaths in the country in the last 24 hours, which reached new highs. At present, the cumulative number of confirmed diagnoses in India exceeds 4.46 million, ranking second in the world after the United States; the accumulated number of deaths exceeds 75,000, only surpassed by the United States and Brazil.

According to data published by the Ministry of Health and Population of Nepal on the 10th, the country has confirmed 1,246 new cases in the last 24 hours, with a total of 50,000 cases, reaching 50,465; 5 new deaths, totaling 317 cases.

Epidemic data released by Indonesia’s National Disaster Relief Agency on the 10th showed that the number of confirmed cases in the country increased by 3,861 from the previous day, setting a new record for the number of new cases in a single day since the outbreak, and it was also the third day in a row that the number of new cases exceeded 3,000,200,000 cases.

According to outbreak data from the Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports on the 10th, the country has confirmed 262 cases recently. At present, Myanmar has confirmed a total of 2,150 cases, a total of 14 deaths, and a total of 625 cases cured.

On September 8, in Johannesburg, South Africa, many restaurants reopened one after another. However, for safety reasons, there are not many people dining at the restaurant, and the restaurant has stuffed toys to serve as diners and increase its popularity. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Xi.

  Africa: cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeds 1.32 million cases

According to statistics from the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 5 p.m. ET 10th time (10:00 Beijing time), the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crowns in Africa exceeded 1.32 million, of which 3,913 people died and 1,058,892 were cured.

The South African cabinet announced on the 10th that since the country’s new corona epidemic has not yet been fully controlled, the South African cabinet has decided to extend the state of national disaster originally scheduled to end on September 15 to October 15. A cabinet spokesperson said that in recent weeks, there have been signs of relief from the epidemic in South Africa, but this does not mean that the epidemic is over and the relevant prevention and control measures currently in place will continue to be effective. South African President Ramaphosa announced on March 15 that South Africa has entered a state of national disaster and has so far extended the state of national disaster five consecutive times. According to a report from the South African Ministry of Health on the 10th, there were 2007 new confirmed cases in the country in 24 hours, which was significantly less than the maximum daily increase of more than 10,000 cases.

The Moroccan government announced on the 9th that considering that the epidemic is still spreading, the national public health emergency will last until October 10. (Finish)
