Many European countries are once again taking strict prevention and control measures to call on people to unite in the fight against the epidemic jqknews


Xinhua News Agency, Tallinn, Nov. 3 report: Many European countries once again adopted strict prevention and control measures to ask people to join in the fight against the epidemic.

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Faced with the threatening second wave of the new corona epidemic, many European governments have again adopted strict measures to prevent the epidemic and, at the same time, have asked people to join together and build a defense line against the epidemic. .

According to the latest data published by the World Health Organization on day 2, in the last 24 hours more than 213,000 new confirmed cases of new corona were registered in Europe and 1,819 new deaths; This resulted in a total of more than 11,296 million confirmed cases and 28 deaths in the region. .More than 70 thousand cases.

Germany has re-implemented stricter national restrictions as of day 2. Restaurants, bars, theaters, playgrounds, gyms, beauty salons and other catering, cultural and sports facilities will be closed for one month from the same day. However, the take-out and hairdressing services are not affected. Retail and wholesale stores can operate in hygienic conditions and with flow restrictions. Professional sporting events can be held without spectators on site. Public schools and kindergartens can also comply with local epidemic prevention policies. to turn off.

German Chancellor Merkel said after a cabinet meeting on the 2nd that the epidemic prevention measures must be implemented consistently to “build a line of defense” against the second wave of the epidemic. He said that health authorities must track the epidemic, otherwise the number of new cases will continue to increase substantially.

Austria implemented a second “lockdown” starting at 0:00 on the 3rd to contain the new corona epidemic. Austrian President Van der Bellen delivered a speech on national television on the evening of the 2nd, in which he asked people to join in and strictly adhere to the epidemic prevention rules.

France began “closing the city” across the country on October 30. French Health Minister Véran said very strict restrictions must be maintained to prevent the third wave of outbreaks in France before vaccination; French Minister of Ecological Transformation Pompili said on 2 that as of November 7, French airports Mandatory rapid detection of novel coronaviruses for passengers arriving in France from outside EU countries.

Italian Prime Minister Conte announced on the 2nd that he intends to adopt stricter prevention and control measures. According to the next administrative order, Italian high schools and universities will resume online teaching, museums and galleries will be closed, the maximum allowable passenger load factor of buses will be limited to 50%, and shopping centers will be closed on holidays. Conte said that the new administrative order will divide the 20 regions of the country into three levels based on the level of risk, and each level will implement different control measures. People will be banned from entering and leaving high-risk areas and more restrictions will be placed on the hours to go out at night.

The number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the UK has crossed the 1 million threshold. The British government announced a new response plan to the epidemic on October 31. England plans to implement a wide range of “footless” measures again from November 5 to December 2, but it is different from the measures taken at the beginning of the epidemic: the new measures are for kindergarten Primary, secondary and secondary schools. even universities will not be closed.

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki announced on October 30 that, to prevent the spread of the epidemic, all government employees will work from home for at least two weeks from November 2. The day before, Morawiecki said there is no plan to take comprehensive measures to “close the city.”

The spread of the new corona epidemic in Hungary has recently accelerated, and the number of new cases confirmed in a single day has repeatedly reached a record high since the outbreak. The Hungarian New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control Center recently announced that it will extend the mandatory requirements for the use of masks to restaurants, entertainment facilities and other venues from November 2.

To solve the shortage of medical facilities, Bulgarian Health Minister Costadine Angelov announced on day 2 that a total of 27 ambulances will be added to the emergency medical center in the capital Sofia, and plans to increase the number of beds for new Crown city patients from 600 to 1200. Zhang.

Tony Hollohan, Medical Director of the Irish Ministry of Health, stated in a press conference on the 2nd that, although the Irish epidemic has shown moderate momentum under the nationwide “city lockdown” measures, the task of prevention of the epidemic “still has a long way to go.” We are now discussing “closing the city”. It is still too early if the measures can be lifted at the end of the month.

In Romania, the capital, Bucharest, has the worst outbreak. The government decided to continue extending the red zone restrictions for two weeks, that is, residents must wear masks outdoors, restaurants, cafes and theaters will be closed; schools and kindergartens will be closed and online teaching will be replaced.

Latvian Prime Minister Karlins said on the 2nd that he will convene a special meeting of the government and the crisis management committee on the 3rd to hear the views of experts from the Ministry of Health and the medical system to formulate the next step in response. to the epidemic.

According to Portuguese media reports on the 2nd, Portuguese President De Souza met with Portuguese Prime Minister Costa and representatives of various political parties in the Portuguese Parliament to solicit opinions from all parties on the possibility of re-entering the emergency national. Costa said that all parties in Portugal must come together and strive for consensus.

As one of the least severe epidemic countries in Europe, Estonia recovered dramatically a few days ago, but there is no special escalation of restrictions. The Estonian government announced on October 29 that the self-quarantine time for immigrants and close contacts with people infected with the new corona virus will be reduced from the original 14 days to 10 days, and for people from Latvia and Lithuania as well. as for work, medical and other reasons. Those entering Estonia from Finland are exempt from self-isolation and virus testing under certain conditions. (Notes: Guo Chunju; Participating reporters: Chen Junxia, ​​Zhang Yirong, Tang Ji, Chen Chen, Chen Zhanjie, Zhang Zhang, Yuan Liang, He Miao, Sun Yifei, Wen Xinnian, Zhang Qi, Lin Huifen, Peng Lijun, Yu Tao, Zhang Jiawei, Jin Qun Jing,, Xie Yuzhi)

Source: Xinhua News Agency
