Li Keqiang Shanghai Inspection: Exploring Ways To Promote Consumption Recovery Under Standardized Epidemic Prevention And Control To Enhance The Role Of Consumption In Boosting The Economy


Original title: Li Keqiang Shanghai Research: Exploring Ways to Promote Consumption Recovery Under Standardized Epidemic Prevention and Control and Enhance the Role of Consumption in Boosting the Economy

From September 21 to 22, Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Prime Minister of the State Council, inspected Shanghai accompanied by the member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Committee of the CPC. Shanghai Li Qiang and Mayor Gong Zheng.

This year, consumption has been severely affected by the epidemic. Li Keqiang came to Nanjing Road in Shanghai to inspectdealAnd recovery of consumption.

Li Keqiang said that it is necessary to explore ways to promote the recovery of consumption under the standardized epidemic prevention and control, in order to enhance the driving effect of consumption on the economy.

A process is needed to achieve normal consumption growth.

  National Statistical OfficeAccording to published data, in August, the entire countryTotal retail sales of social consumer goods33571 billion yuan,Year with yearAn increase of 0.5% is the first positive growth this year. Social consumption above designated size in AugustProductAmong retail sales, growth in cosmetics, communications equipment and gold, silver and jewelry exceeded double digits.

On the night of September 21, Li Keqiang came to Nanjing Road to inspect the recovery of trade and consumption. Business reportmarketIt is gradually collecting.

Li Keqiang said that although consumption has changed from a decrease to an increase, it still needs a process to achieve normal growth. The resumption of work and production is related to the resumption of the market. It is necessary to explore ways to promote the recovery of consumption under normalized epidemic prevention and control and to enhance the driving effect of consumption on the economy.

Zhao Ping, vice president of the Research Institute of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, believes that steady growth at the moment must depend on consumption in particular. Consumption is final demand and investment is intermediate demand. Investment growth must go hand in hand with consumption growth to increasesupplyQuality and level to achieveindustryImproves both consumption and consumption.

The reporter warned that the General Directorate of the State Council recently issued “Opinions on leading the accelerated development of new types of consumption with new forms of business and new models”, which proposed 15 policy measures.

For example, after pushingMobile lineOrganic integration of online and offline consumption. Keep cultivating and expanding all kinds of new consumer business models and models, orderly develop online education, and actively developThe InternetHealthmedical service, Encourage the development of smart tourism, vigorously develop smart sports and innovate contactless consumer models.

Promote the two-way acceleration of integrated online and offline consumption and support Internet platformsbusinessExtend and expand offline and guide entities to develop further digitizationproductand service. Encourage companies to rely on new types of consumption to expandinternational market

In the process of responding to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, various new business formats and new models have led China’s new consumer to accelerate expansion, and online consumption has grown against the trend. In the first eight months of this year, domestic online retail sales of physical goods increased 15.8% year-on-year, 24.4 percentage points higher than the growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods.

Stabilization of economic fundamentals should prioritize protectionjob

What is the current real wage change in various industries? In particular, what is the employment status of college graduates and what changes in salary expectations? This is Li Keqiang’s investigation in Shanghai on the afternoon of September 21Future without worriesthe companyWhen, ask carefully the head of the company.

“This year, China’s college graduates reached 8.74 million. I want to learn from you first-hand data about your job search and employment.” Li Keqiang said that the employment of a college student can bring hope to the whole family. Employment is the main livelihood of the population, the basis of economic development and the source of wealth creation.

Li Keqiang said that to stabilize the economic fundamentals this year, we must prioritize ensuring employment. “Your company provides job applicants with hiring information, creates job opportunities for them, and helpsnational economyIt can be said that it is a great thing to develop and solve problems for job seekers and their families. Your company is calledFuture without worriesIt makes job seekers worry free and your company will have a bright future. “

The reporter noted that Fu Linghui, a spokesman for the National Statistics Office, told a press conference that this yearWork pressureThe overall situation remains great, regardless of the general urban surveyunemploymentRate, or a survey of several groupsunemployment rateThey are significantly higher than in the same period last year. Especially the group of college students, this year is facing relatively great pressure.

Statistics show that from January to August of this year 7.81 million new jobs were created in urban areas, completing 86.8% of the annual goal. Of the surveyed urban unemployment rate, the surveyed urban unemployment rate in August was 5.6%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. From the perspective of the main groups of employed persons, the urban unemployment rate surveyed for the population aged 25 to 59 years in August was 4.8%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points with respect to the previous month.

At the Himalaya company, the head of the company presented that relying on the Internet to bring together tens of millions of creators to carry out double innovation online, the audio content developed to serve more than 600 million users. Li Keqiang contacted the audio creators.

He said that the use of modern technology to develop diversified audio products has created a hugeLarge consumptionThe market can create a large number of jobs and enrich people’s lives. Hope it improves your platform and helps more creators and listeners climb to the top of a colorful life.

(Source: Daily Economic News)

(Responsible editor: DF372)

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