Li Keqiang chaired a symposium of economic experts and entrepreneurs-Domestic hotspot-21CN.COM


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 17-On November 16, Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Prime Minister of the State Council, organized a symposium of economic and business experts to analyze the current economic situation and listen to opinions and suggestions about the next economic job.

Li Keqiang organized a symposium of experts in economic situation and entrepreneurs

On November 16, Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Prime Minister of the State Council, organized a symposium of economic experts and businessmen in Beijing to analyze the current economic situation and hear opinions and Suggestions on the next step of economic work. Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Han Zheng attended the meeting.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jie

The member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Vice Premier of the State Council, Han Zheng, attended the meeting.

At the symposium, experts such as Wang Changlin, Xu Sitao and the leaders of Chint Group, United Imaging Medical Technology Company and Yonghui Supermarket spoke. Everyone spoke about their views on the economic situation and the external environment. They considered that the national policy of reducing taxes and fees has a good effect, which is very important for the real economy, especially small, medium and micro-enterprises, to get out of trouble. All also made suggestions on macro policies, support for innovation and construction of the supply chain.

Li Keqiang said this year’s economic development difficulties are special and the results are very difficult. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, all regions and departments implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, carry out solid “six stability” work, implement fully the tasks of the “six guarantees” and closely integrate macro control and micro demand. Focus on market entities, especially small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, innovate and implement direct mechanisms to help companies alleviate difficulties and stimulate the vitality of market entities. Macro policies are powerful, effective, timely and reasonable, and hundreds of millions of market entities have also demonstrated great resilience. Working hard and working hard, we have overcome difficulties in all aspects and stabilized the economy and employment. The current situation at home and abroad remains complex and serious. We must strengthen our confidence and be fully prepared to face difficult challenges. Guided by Xi Jinping Thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, implement the spirit and unfolding of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Party Central Committee, fully implement the new development concept, bravely face challenges, realize accurately the normal epidemic prevention and control, and consolidate the growth of economic recovery Promote economic recovery to a reasonable range, promote high-quality development and build a new development pattern.

Li Keqiang pointed out that on the basis of continuing to implement large-scale aid policy, it is necessary to carefully analyze domestic and foreign macroeconomic trends and environmental changes, listen to the voices of market players and people, and make a general consideration of the next macroeconomic policy to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the policy. Sex. Utilize state-of-the-art policy resources, more targeted support for market entities, especially small, medium and micro businesses, and individual industrial and commercial households, and more effectively protect and enhance people’s livelihoods.

Li Keqiang said that China has a strong domestic market and it is necessary to stand firm on the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand. Enterprises should improve market awareness, not only adapt to the economic structure and consumer upgrade trends, promote products and services at the medium to high level, but also take advantage of their profitable advantages, pay attention to the development of sunken markets, especially county and municipal markets, to meet large-scale and wide-ranging grassroots needs, and improve the quality of people’s livelihoods. Bring into play the key role of effective investment, mobilize social forces to actively participate, and plan the implementation of a number of major projects and people’s livelihood projects.

Li Keqiang pointed out that the more complex and difficult the situation, the more we should promote reform and openness. We will deepen reforms such as decentralization, regulation and service, accelerate the creation of a legalized and market-oriented international business environment, promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, gather more intelligence and power from people and stimulate the vitality of entities. of the market and social creativity. Promote high-level openness to the outside world and work with relevant countries to take advantage of the recently signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement as an opportunity to jointly promote the construction of the world’s largest free trade zone and take practical measures to safeguard the multilateral trading system and allow free trade. The main road and the road on the right are smoother. The relevant departments should intensify follow-up work to promote the implementation of the agreement and meet our commitments. Expand diversified international cooperation, stabilize the industrial supply chain, and achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.

Sun Chunlan, Hu Chunhua, Liu He, Wang Yong, Wang Yi, Xiao Jie, Zhao Kezhi, He Lifeng attended the forum.
