Let the expansion of domestic demand become a powerful engine-qianlong.com.cn


Source title: Let the expansion of domestic demand become a powerful engine

Autor: Cao Li (Escuela Central del Partido][NationalSchoolofAdministrationDeputyDirectoroftheDepartmentofResearchandEconomicsProfessor)[EscuelaNacionaldeAdministraciónsubdirectordelDepartamentodeInvestigaciónyEconomíaProfesor)

From the current point of view, the central blocking point that restricts the level of consumption of the residents is the consumption capacity. Therefore, the core of demand-side reform is meeting the needs of the people as a starting point. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase the income level of residents, adjust the pattern of income distribution and increase the consumption capacity of residents; on the other hand, reduce rigid expenses such as housing, medical care and education for a greater potential release of national consumption.

The 2020 Central Economic Work Conference made it clear that the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand should be respected when planning economic work next year. The formation of a strong domestic market is an important support to build a new pattern of development. In an environment where the world economy remains weak and external demand fluctuates significantly, domestic demand has become a stabilizer that stabilizes expectations, responds to external environmental challenges and achieves high-quality development. Following the strategic foundation of domestic demand expansion, we must be guided by people’s livelihoods, build a comprehensive domestic demand system, promote demand-side reforms, fully seize the potential of the large-scale domestic market, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with national and international cycles as the main body and the mutual promotion of national and international cycles. Improve the overall efficiency of the national economic system and then promote the recovery of the world economy.

Adherence to the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand must be guided by people’s livelihood needs. From 2016 to 2019, the average annual per capita disposable income of Chinese residents increased by 6.5% in real terms, and continued resident income growth provided a significant endogenous motivation to expand domestic demand. Adhering to the strategic foundation of the expansion of domestic demand, we must highlight the population’s orientation to livelihoods and better stimulate the vitality of domestic demand by ensuring and improving people’s livelihoods. First, we must build a solid foundation for people’s livelihoods. We will do solid “six stability” work, fully implement the “six guarantees” tasks, improve the multi-level social security system, further improve the social security system, increase the income expectations of residents, increase confidence in resident consumption and we will expand final consumption. Second, we must promote full employment. Employment remains stable, which can promote income growth for residents, thereby expanding consumption. Therefore, we must adhere to the employment orientation of economic development, expand employment capacity, improve job quality, and promote more full employment. Finally, we must make up for deficiencies in people’s livelihoods. Accelerate the completion of deficiencies in infrastructure, municipal engineering, agriculture and rural areas, public safety, ecological and environmental protection, public health, material reserves, disaster prevention and mitigation, and protection of people’s livelihoods, so that the expansion of investment and the boost of consumption are effectively combined and mutually promoted.

To adhere to the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand, we must build a complete system of domestic demand. The Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to adhere to the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand and accelerating the cultivation of a complete system of domestic demand. The contribution rate of domestic demand to economic growth in 2019 was 89.0%, of which final consumption expenditure represented 57.8%, becoming a powerful engine of economic growth in China. However, in the face of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, compared with the steady progress of the resumption of work and production on the supply side, the demand has been continuously suppressed due to the impact of the epidemic, and the Total retail sales of consumer goods are still at a low level. In general, the recovery in demand is significantly slower than the recovery in supply and consumption. Significantly slower than the investment situation. Therefore, in order to adhere to the strategic foundation of domestic demand expansion, we must build a comprehensive domestic demand system, relying on a strong domestic market, link production, distribution, circulation and consumption, break industrial monopolies and the local protection, and form a virtuous circle of the national economy. Optimize the supply structure, improve the quality of the supply and improve the adaptability of the supply system to domestic demand.

On the one hand, to build a complete system of domestic demand, we must play a fundamental role in consumption. Comprehensively promote the optimization and upgrade of commodity consumption, follow the trend of residents’ consumption upgrade, strengthen the product brand, quality, standard and quality construction, and accelerate the release of the market potential of services in culture, tourism, education and care for the elderly. Accelerate the cultivation of new consumption models, including digital consumption, online consumption and information consumption, and promote online and offline integration. On the other hand, to build a complete system of domestic demand, investment must play a key role. Guiding investment plays a positive role in boosting consumption, stimulating industries, and expanding employment. Actively expand the investment space, optimize the investment structure, promote business team renewal and technology transformation, and promote the construction of various major projects with a solid foundation, improved features, and long-term benefits.

Adhering to the strategic base of the expansion of domestic demand requires progress in the reforms on the demand side. The Central Conference of Economic Work clearly requested that the main line of structural reforms on the supply side be strongly twisted and that an emphasis be placed on demand management. Supply creates a higher level of dynamic equilibrium of demand and improves the overall efficiency of the national economic system. Supply and demand are the two basic aspects of a market economy. Without demand, the supply cannot be fulfilled. A new demand can lead to a new supply; without supply, the demand cannot be satisfied and a new supply can create new demand. Adhering to the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand requires efforts from both sides of supply and demand. At the same time that we improve the quality of supply, we must promote reforms on the demand side, promote the simultaneous improvement of production and consumption and achieve a higher level of dynamic balance between supply and demand.

China’s economy has entered a new stage of development. The development of consumption is gradually increasing the driving force of the economy. The trend of expanding the consumption scale and improving the consumption structure is very obvious, but the level and quality of consumption still have much room for improvement. From the current point of view, the central blocking point that restricts the level of consumption of the residents is the consumption capacity. Therefore, the core of the reform on the demand side is to meet the needs of the population as a starting point. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase the income level of residents, adjust the pattern of income distribution and increase the consumption capacity of residents; on the other hand, reduce rigid expenses such as housing, medical care and education for a greater potential liberation of national consumption.
