It’s good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Auto companies rushed to the beach, there are three main areas already on fire



2020-04-25 16:48:00
Source:CCTV Finance

The next Guodian Nanzi

On April 22, the Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Administration and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued an announcement to exempt the vehicle purchase tax on new energy vehicles from January 1, 2021 to 31 December 2022.

On 23, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly published the new landing rules for subsidies for energy vehicles 2020, which will facilitate policies frequent and will stimulate the recovery of the new energy vehicle market.

Positive policies promote sales of new energy vehicles.

The design of the automobile companies “automobile” and the separation “electricity”

Reporters learned from many new energy vehicle dealerships in Beijing that sales have increased significantly in the past week.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

During the interview, several new energy car dealers stated that since the end of March,With the continued introduction of the New Deal, the number of consumers entering the store to browse and purchase new energy vehicles has increased significantlyAt the same time, the number of consumers who have switched to old ones has gradually increased.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Zhang Xianglai, Brand Manager of New Energy at Huge Group:In March, we only sold dozens of vehicles, and there were only about ten batches of customers who entered the store every day. With the impact of this policy in April, the number of daily clients increased more than three times compared to March, including the number of closed clients.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

According to sales staff, as the New Deal reduced the cost of buying cars for consumers and at the same time improved car profitability, the sales volume of mid-range to high-end models with more than 150,000 units increased significantly. in the near future.As for the new model of car and electricity separation promoted in the New Deal, many auto companies have begun to roll out.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Li Yixiu, Director of the Commercial Marketing Committee of the BAIC Group:Currently, we have invested 17,000 replacement vehicles and have deployed more than 200 replacement stations.In this year, we will revolve aroundElectricityThe rental and sharing of power grids will further increase the number of 30,000 replacement vehicles across the country, and a total of more than 300 replacement stations will be built.

Expert: subsidy extension New energy vehicles are welcome

A number of policy packages have played a role in selling new energy vehicles. What changes will policies favoring the development of the industry bring? The experts interpreted it.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

The newly implemented 2020 implementation rules will extend the subsidy period for new energy vehicles until the end of 2022, and the subsidy standards will be reduced by 10%, 20% and 30% based on the previous year; The threshold for electric mileage continued to rise from 250 kilometers to 300 kilometers, and it was clearly proposed to support the business model of “separation of vehicles and electricity”. Additionally, the number of new energy vehicle companies requesting liquidation in a single return must reach 10,000 passenger vehicles or 1,000 commercial vehicles. The experts said:Implementation of the detailed rules will bring benefits to the entire industry and help auto companies adjust their long-term plans.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

It is worth noting that the New Deal Grant has specific restrictions on car prices. The price of new energy passenger cars before subsidies must be less than 300,000 yuan. Vehicles are not restricted by this regulation. Experts believe thatThis is to prevent a large amount of grant funds from flowing into luxury consumption, which will also have a greater impact on the pricing strategy of new energy vehicles..

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Director of Tsinghua University Automotive Development Research CenterLi Xianjun:It is good for our own brand electric vehicles, because most of our own brand electric vehicles are less than 300,000. It has a huge impact on over 300,000 electric vehicles, I think they have some pricing strategies to adjust.

Experts believe the new subsidy policy has further strengthened the comprehensive assessment of technology pathways, business models, production capacity, and the competitiveness of automakers’ products. At presentGuoxin Energy(Quotes600617,Consultation unit) The company has a great advantage in technology and industrial chain,Future development of new infrastructure will provide further support to the new energy vehicle industry..

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

General Manager of the National Center for Innovation in New Energy Vehicle TechnologyYuan Chengyin:Whether the new infrastructure can better promote the application of public load cells in society, such as reducing the ratio of load cells to vehicles from 1: 3.2 to 1: 2.5 or even 1: 2, so that more people can use the facilities charging more easily, I think it should be of great help to promote the whole new energy vehicle industry.

New deficiencies in the supply chain of energy vehicles proven by an epidemic situation

The new energy vehicle policy package is activating the market. One of the important objectives is to improve the competitiveness of the national new energy vehicle industry. So what impact will the national new energy vehicle industry chain have on the impact of the new corona epidemic? Where are the shortcomings of the new energy vehicle supply chain?

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

The journalist learned that the new energy vehicle industry chain has a higher degree of internationalization, and the core parts of batteries, motors, electronic controls and other international divisions of labor are evident.The outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has led to a slowdown in logistics for the entire lithium battery supply chain and may jeopardize production and use worldwide..

A person in charge of a national lithium battery supplier told reporters:Currently, there is no voltage in the supply of household lithium batteries for vehicles. Overall market supply exceeds demand, but if the epidemic in Africa worsens, it will affect subsequent production.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Also, intelligence in the carChipThe field also faces proof of the epidemic situation, industry experts said:Due to the small lot size and the rapid update of new energy vehicle products, there are few stocks of electronic products such as chips, and production is concentrated in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea and other regions, and there is a increased risk of interruption of supply abroad.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Automobile Information Federation:In fact, international supply also has some potential risks, especially on the smart grid chip, as well as sensors and control, which have brought certain influences. Therefore, we must strengthen both international cooperation and independent control of the industrial chain.

New energy vehicle companies open up the supply chain, take the market iteratively

Faced with the impact of the global supply chain, how should new energy vehicle companies respond? Will supply chain issues affect the iteration of domestic new energy vehicles?

The journalist learned that, in the context of the global epidemic affecting the automobile supply chain, many new national energy vehicle companies will still launch new models in the second quarter.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Industry experts told reporters that the traditional car supply chain has been occupied by giants, and the annual update rate is also slower.And the new energy vehicles rely on iterative updates to take over the market, especially in the three main areas of smart booths, autonomous driving, and batteries.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Experts said they should take advantage of national advantages across the entire industrial chain, strengthen technological advancements at the weak links in the supply chain, and actively open up the supply chain of new energy vehicles to respond to the challenges of the epidemic.

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

It's good to follow one after another! Sales of such cars have skyrocketed! Automotive companies rushed to the beach, and there are three main areas that are already on fire →

Huang Hanquan, Director of the Institute of Industrial Development of the National Development and Reform Commission:Formulate a spare tire plan to find alternative suppliers in China, especially through the open cooperation model of upstream and downstream industrial chains, to encourage some companies with a similar production of products to join in the innovation and development of the entire supply chain.
