Is raising the minimum wage in many places around the corner? _Sina


Original title: The minimum wage has been raised in many places Is the wage increase around the corner?

The country is through the train

Less than a week after the Spring Festival has resumed work, many places across the country have confirmed or plan to increase the minimum wage.

Increasing the minimum wage will certainly benefit lower-income workers. However, some netizens also pointed out that the current standard still has room to rise.

In fact, raising the minimum wage is not that simple.

  The minimum wage in 6 provinces exceeds 2,000 yuan

According to data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as of March 31, 2020, the monthly minimum wage in six provinces, including Shanghai, Guangdong, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, was over 2,000 yuan. Among them, Shanghai is the highest at 2,480 yuan.

From the perspective of the “gold content” of the minimum wage, Beijing, Shanghai, Anhui and other places have clearly removed the requirement of “individual social security premiums and housing provident fund” in the standard minimum wage in recent years. Therefore, the minimum wage standards in these places have a higher “gold content”.

The “Notice on how to do a good job in adjusting the minimum wage standards” previously issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security clearly requires that all localities fully consider the development of the local economic situation and the actual situation of the company, prudently understand the pace of the adjustment, and adjust the minimum wage at least once every two years. Change to at least once every two to three years.

Under this regulation, wage standards in many places are expected to usher in a window of adjustment in the near future. Among them, the provinces of Jiangxi, Heilongjiang and Shaanxi have announced notices to adjust the minimum wage standards.

Starting from April 1, 2021, Jiangxi Province will adjust the current standard monthly minimum wage from 1,680 yuan / month to 1,850 yuan / month for the first category area, from 1,580 yuan / month to 1,730 yuan / month for the second category area, and third category area Adjusted from 1470 yuan / month to 1610 yuan / month. The minimum wage for part-time hours is adjusted from 16.8 yuan / hour to 18.5 yuan / hour in the first category, 15.8 yuan / hour to 17.3 yuan / hour in the second category, and 14, 7 yuan / hour to 16.1 in the third category. .Yuan / hour.

Heilongjiang has also adjusted the province’s minimum wage standards as of April 1, 2021. The adjusted monthly minimum wage standard is divided into three levels, the first level is 1,860 yuan, the second level is 1,610 yuan, and the third tier is 1,450 yuan. The standard adjusted minimum hourly wage is also divided into three tiers, the first tier is 18 yuan, the second tier is 14 yuan, and the third tier is 13 yuan.

Shaanxi will raise the standard minimum wage from May 1, 2021, and all types of districts will adjust and increase by 150 yuan per month. The monthly minimum wage standards of the first, second and third categories are adjusted from 1800 yuan, 1700 yuan, and 1600 yuan to 1950 yuan, 1850 yuan, and 1750 yuan respectively; In terms of the minimum hourly wage standards for part-time workers, the first, second and third categories The district was adjusted from 18 yuan, 17 yuan and 16 yuan to 19 yuan, 18 yuan and 17 yuan respectively.

It is reported that after the minimum wage standard is raised, various social security treatment standards will also be raised, including minimum life security allowances and unemployment insurance benefits.

Additionally, some provinces have also made it clear that they will raise their minimum wage standards this year. For example, Jilin Province proposed in the 2021 government labor report to adjust the provincial minimum wage standard.

Tianjin recently issued the “Notice on how to do a good job effectively by the municipal government in 2021,” clearly adjusting the minimum wage standard, issuing corporate wage guidelines, and promoting a reasonable increase in corporate employee wages. Tianjin Municipal Office of Human Resources and Social Security stated that the calculation of minimum wage standards has begun.

Chengdu recently published the 2021 Work Plan for the top ten projects to implement a happy and beautiful life in Chengdu, which clearly adjusted the minimum wage standard in 2021, and published the human resources market wage price, labor cost information of industry and corporate salary guidelines.

  What good is setting a standard minimum wage?

Su Jian, director of the National Center for Economic Research at Peking University, said in an interview with the China News Agency that the minimum wage standard exists to restrict excessive control by employers in the labor market and ensure equality. of labor and management conditions. “In general, the minimum wage is mandatory and companies must implement it.”

He explained that there is a view that employers have too much control over the labor market, which will lead to excessive exploitation of workers, especially low-level workers. In order to promote equality between workers and management in the labor market, legal means must be used to protect workers. The minimum wage is one of those protective measures.

Zhan Peng, a researcher at the China Income Distribution Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, emphasized in previous interviews that the minimum wage system will improve the welfare of some workers, especially when the employed labor force is disadvantaged in the working market.

Regarding the difference in minimum wage standards in different places, Su Jian explained that the minimum wage standard is related to the economic development situation of each region and the actual situation of the company. It mainly considers the affordability of the business and the local minimum standard of living. Higher.

Is it possible to adjust the minimum wage standard in one step? In Su Jian’s view, since the minimum wage itself is considered higher than the market equilibrium wage, if the market equilibrium wage that should have existed is used as a standard of comparison, there is no scope for an adjustment. upward, but can still be adjusted to other standards There is room for an upward adjustment so there is no “one-step fix” problem.

So what if you find that your salary is lower than the local minimum wage for the job?

Remember these three channels: First, call the Human Resources and Social Security Hotline “12333” to complain; second, file a complaint with your local workplace safety oversight agency; Third, request arbitration from your local labor dispute arbitration agency.

  Raising the minimum wage cannot be a solo advance

To be sure, raising the minimum wage in 2021 in many places will directly benefit low-income labor groups, but protecting the rights and interests of workers is not just about raising the wage standard.

Regarding the protection of the rights and interests of low-income groups, localities should also pay attention to other labor rights and interests such as arrears and salary reductions, as well as insufficient coverage of migrant workers by services. public.

While the continued increase in the minimum wage has become a historical measure, other measures must also be monitored and coordinated in a timely manner.

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Editor in Charge: Wang Xiang
