Investing in cultural tourism in the post-epidemic era: Adoption of new technologies will certainly pay off in the long term


Original title: Investing in Cultural Tourism in the Post-Epidemic Era: New Technology Adoption is Sure to Pay Off in the Long Term

September 12, China Everbright Group Cultural Tourism DivisionGeneral ManagerNi Yangping in the “2020 GuangdongcultureAnd travelindustryInvestment & Financing Matchmaking Conference ThemeSpeaks, He believes that under the new situation, global cultural tourismbusinessHe was very affected,investmentWe must keep pace with technological progress and understand the following three principles: follow the trend, dance with the world, vary from person to person, empathize with users, move with the times, and resonate with technology.

Ni Yangping pointed out that following the trend and dancing with the world, we must adjust the direction of investment in cultural tourism. Based on the judgment of changes in world conditions, investment in cultural tourism should change investment methods and strategies and seize 2 trillion yuan abroad.consumptionTo return such an opportunity to the country, we must take advantage of the framework in which the cultural and tourism industry has contributed to the recovery of the local economy, take advantage of the changes in people’s outdoor and suburban consumption habits after the epidemic and follow the trend to adjust investment directions and avoid investment errors.

“Investment must understand the logic of the situation, the Tao and ability, understand the world situation, follow the trend, and the situation is also the world situation. Investment in cultural tourism must understand the macro environment and createsocietyAt the same time of value, the pursuit of economic effects is the meaning of investment in cultural tourism. “

Entering the era of a vigorous new wave, continuous innovation with Internet of things, cloud computing, 5G and other information methods. The show of light and shadow, the economy of night travel, virtual reality and other new cultural tourism games continue to innovate and are sought after by young people. The post-figurative era that leads the young has arrived. Ni Yangping said: “No matter how the times change, as long as you keep the users in mind and identify with them, it will be beneficial to always practiceclientFocused ondemandFixed investmentThe concept of capital. “

At the same time, he pointed out that cultural and tourism companies should attach great importance to the impact of the new generation of technological revolution in the cultural and tourism industry, actively adopt technological changes and apply new technologies, new models and new formats to the cultural industry. and tourism to accelerate computerization. , Innovation and digital application, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological concepts to promote technological changes within the company.

The new corona pneumonia epidemic has dealt a severe blow to the global tourism industry. According to the United NationssecretaryGuterres issued a report titled “New Crown Epidemic and Tourism” on August 25.instructions, Global tourism revenue in 2020 is expected to decline by 910 billion yuan compared to last yearAmerican dollarUp to $ 1.2 trillion, lost revenue in this industry can also lead toGDPDecrease 1.5% to 2.8%.

In this sense, the Tourism Development of the Sun Yat-sen UniversityplanningBao Jigang, director of the research center, delivered a keynote speech titled “The impact of the new corona epidemic on the cultural tourism industry and thinking about its development.” He believes that the impact of the new corona epidemic in China from the perspective of demand, the scale of domestic touristsshort termIt can get smaller inside,longThe change will not be too great. There are many factors that influence the short-term decline, one is that people do not dare to go out and the other is the decrease in income expectations caused by the economic recession, which makes it possible for a considerable number of tourists not to go out. travel.

“The new corona epidemic should not unilaterally exaggerate the losses of the tourism industry. The temporary crisis cannot stop the development of the tourism industry. With the continued increase in mobility in human development, tourism will eventually convert part of people’s basic life, “said Bao Jigang.

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Editor in charge: DF353)

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