Inventory of magical A-share events that refreshed understanding in 2020


Original title: A-share inventory of magical events that refresh cognition in 2020

  Answer 2020: What Magical Reality Has Updated Your A Stock Listthe companyCognition?

The magical year of 2020 seems to be witnessing a new story every day.

After saying goodbye to Kobe earlier in the year and Maradona at the end of the year, US stocks are rarely 4 circuit breakers in 10 days, the first in the history of crude oil futures.priceDropping to a negative value, Bitcoin’s skyrocketing end of the year surpassed $ 20,000 for the first time in its history … Too many events converged this year, catching people off guard, with shocking sentiments, magical, heavy and found.

However, there are always some A-share companies that can still update our definition of magical reality.

  01 |BrokeragetelephonemeetingRepressed on-site by a listed company

In February 2020, internet celebrity economic concept stocks were all the rage. “on Saturday“It is also very popular and has been repeatedlyInvestigationHowever, in a conference call organized by Huachuang Securities, some “experts” falsifiedon SaturdayYaowang NetworkExecutives, Wason SaturdayBoard secretary Ma Chao revealed at the event: “I would like to ask, which Chairman Chen is he looking at? Where did Chairman Chen come from? There is no Chen surname above the middle level. so, okay? As of today, All information from Huachuang Securities Media about looking into the distance, I hope everyone does not believe it. ”The incident quickly fermented on the Internet, and Huachuang Securities experts in response to the conference They left their jobs.

  02 |China ElectricExecutives on the wall, the stock price has skyrocketed

April 18, 2020China ElectricThe founder, director and general manager Wang Jianyu jumped the wall and entered the factory of competitor Huayong Electric. The result was a breakthrough of the production line and he was arrested and sent to the police station. Someone ridiculed: “Founders of listed companies are so desperate, why shouldn’t we buy their shares?”China ElectricThe share price opened at the daily limit. Although there were repeat intraday, the closing price was still up 6.39%. The market value of Wang Jianyu’s shares increased by more than 30 million yuan that day.

  03 | MegaNew crotchI can’t stand the annual report

On April 24, 2020, Zhaoxin Co., Ltd. released its 2019 annual report. Zhongqin WanxinaccountingThe consulting firm (special general partnership) issued an audit report that was unable to express an opinion and an internal control assurance report that had a negative opinion. The five directors, three supervisors and four senior managers of the company declared that they could notWarrantyThe company’s annual report is true, accurate, and complete. It is very rare in A shares for the annual report to find a collective “denial” by directors, supervisors, and senior executives. Subsequently, the oversight action required the company to compile the 2019 annual report, the audit agency re-audited, and the board and board of supervisors were re-examined.

  04 | Discredited Beidou SatelliteZhangzidaoThe mystery of where the scallops go

“The scallop is gone”, “The scallop is starving” and “Where did the scallop go?”ZhangzidaoThe financial fraud lie was finally exposed. On June 24, 2020, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that,borrowAssist Beidou Satellite Navigation System, rightZhangzidaoAnalyze millions of marine navigation positioning data of 27 collection vessels and entrust a third party organization to restore the true navigation path and marine collection area, and then determine the actual collection area and determine the cost and expenses Zhangzidao Company’s non-operating accordingly. , Earnings, etc. they are false. The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a warning to Zhangzidao Company in accordance with the law, and imposed a fine of 600,000 yuan, imposed fines ranging from 30,000 to 300,000 yuan on 15 responsible persons, and imposed a 5-year market ban on for life to 4 main responsible persons. This is the maximum penalty imposed on the company and related personnel according to the original securities law.

  05 |Music ActionsPresident of the Angrily Research Institution

The epidemic has left people unable to meet and communicate in many cases, and it is easy to cause misunderstandings and even conflict. August 29, 2020Music ActionsLehong Xiang, the Ping An Asset Management research organization, disrespected the company, did not conduct an in-depth investigation, asked unprofessional questions in online video conferencing, and issued a “not welcome” statement on the public platform, which aroused the market’s attention. Later, Zhang Liang, an equity investment manager at Ping An Asset Management, replied that there is no such thing as “I have not come to Lege for an investigation.” Although it may offend the president, as a professional investor, you should do your due diligence in investigating any company. Professional and prudent, the questions to be asked will definitely be asked next time. Xiang Lehong then reflected that this incident should be understood as an accident, and listed companies should be more open and tolerant.

  06 | BigshareholderPeachy News LeadsBio buoyMOTHERInside story

September 10, 2020Bio buoyCai Dajian, chairman of Gaotejia Group, the majority shareholder of Gaotejia Group, was sued by his wife, Jin Huili, in real name. He also accused him of indulging in the junior three and not having the time and energy to take care of his job and career, leading to mismanagement of Gao Tejia since 2017 and leading to major mergers and acquisitions (such as the Danxia project, Etc.). In 2017-2019Bio buoyHe continuously paid 820 million yuan in advance to the Danxia project without receiving plasmapayment, It is questioned whether there is a transfer of benefits.

  07 |Huawu sharesAfter working with clients for two years, I discovered that more than 37 million were cheated.

On the night of December 29, 2020,Huawu sharesad,meetingcontractIn the fraud, more than 37 million yuan were defrauded. Paradoxically, this contract took place in 2018. June and July 2018Huawu sharesHe signed a contract with Blue Guard, and public information shows that since April 2018, Blue Guard’s legal editor and 40% of the shareholders, Wu Guangxu, have been listed by the court as dishonest and restricted high-consumption people. . Signed tens of millions of contracts with faulty companies, Huawu’s stock did not feel bad? According to the announcement, Huawu Co., Ltd. reported the case to the Fengcheng Public Security Bureau of Jiangxi Province in December 2020. The investigation of the case is currently ongoing. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has sent a letter of concern to Huawu shares, requesting an explanation as to whether the letter is not issued in a timely manner.

  08 | Telecom fraud took $ 2.05 million from publicly traded companies

  Common peopleI hate telecom fraud, but this time I cheated on a publicly traded company. November 5, 2020Loosead,Wholly owned subsidiaryLooseInternational recently came across telecommunications fraud by criminal groups, resulting inLooseinternational BankMore than $ 2.05 million in the account was defrauded over the Internet. Following the incident, the company has denounced the public security organs.According to Slack’s third quarterly report, in the third quarter, publicly traded companies achieved their parentNet profitAbout 14.726 billion yuanRMB. The $ 2.05 million defrauded by Slack International this time is roughly equivalent to 13.63 million yuan. This scam nearly defrauded the “hard money” made by the publicly traded company in the last three months.

  09 |Watson BioAsset “sale” raises questions from investors

On the night of December 4, 2020,Watson BioIt was announced that it intends to transfer 32.6% of the capital stock of Shanghai Zerun at a consideration of 1.141 billion yuan and, at the same time, waive the right of first refusal. If the transaction completes,Watson BioThe participation ratio will be reduced to 28.5% and it will no longer have control. At that time, Shanghai Zerun’s bivalent HPV vaccine (cervical cancer vaccine) was just one step away. At such an important time to “sell” important assets, investors enraged the publicly traded company in the afternoon conference call on December 5: Do you know the karma to get things done? Vaccines will be on the market immediately. With such a low price pass-through, are there any profit transfers? Are you stupid as investors? Subsequently, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also sent a letter of concern to the company. On the morning of December 7, Watson Bio announced the cancellation of the transaction plan.

  10 |Guangzhou LangqiThe black hole expands nearly 900 million inventories and disappears

Veteran Daily ChemistcompanyGuangzhou LangqiAt the end of September 2020, he was exposed to a “family scandal”: he revealed 572 million yuan of inventory was missing and received a letter of concern from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Three months later, on the night of December 25, 2020, this “black hole” has expanded to nearly 900 million yuan.Guangzhou LangqiAccording to the announcement, the company has evidence to show that there are third parties with inconsistent accounts in the commercial business.warehouseThe amount of inventories and other goods that do not match the actual accounts have accumulated about 898 million yuan.

  11 |Youzu NetworkThe president was poisoned to death by a colleague.

On the night of December 25, 2020,Youzu NetworkIt was announced that the founder and president of the company, Lin Qi, was invalidated for some reason and pronounced dead at the age of 39.Youzu Networkpublic“Goodbye Boy” was posted on the subject, with a picture of Lynch’s lyrics, which reads “Civilize Time.” According to a report from the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, Lin (male, 39 years old) is suspected of being poisoned. After inspections and investigations of the site, it was discovered that Lin’s colleague, Xu (male, 39 years old), was suspected of having committed a serious crime. Currently, Xu has been criminally detained by the police in accordance with the law and further investigations are under way. It is widely believed that Xu may be Xu Yao, the executive director of the Three-body Universe.

(Source: China Securities Journal)

(Editor in charge: DF052)

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