Introducing the “most powerful brain” to cultivate emerging business formats, Ningbo Haishu District, forging a new growth engine_ 东方


Original title: Introducing the “most powerful brain” to cultivate emerging business formats, Ningbo Haishu District, forging new growth engines

With more than 200 domestic and foreign patents, the “hidden champion” in the domestic water pump industryJunhe actionsSuccessfully escaped the impact of the epidemic, the third quarterOperating incomeNet profitrespectivelyI andIt increased by 34.4% and 47.5%; Saifei Fresh Air, the “little giant” in the fresh air purification industry, helped order from smart workshops and doubled year after year …industryChain, innovation chain “two chainsinteractive“The Haishu District of Ningbo City has given new impetus to the high-quality development of the industrial economy.

“Haishu strives to open the chain of innovation andIndustrial chainThe merger of the “two pulses of responsibility and supervision” accounts for the transition from resource-driven to innovation-driven, and buildsIndustrial developmentNew pattern. “Said the head of the Haishu District Committee. Latest statistics show that from January to October, the added value of emerging strategic industries in the district reached 1.89 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5% year-on-year, from which high-end equipmentmanufacturingAn increase of 56.0% and an increase of 20.8% in the new energy industry.

Implement a chain of innovation around the industrial chain to promote a new level of production Haishu takes over industrial and digital digitizationIndustrializationOpportunities, consolidate the design of the digital economy, and successively introduce Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Ningbo IndustrialThe InternetResearch Institute, Shanghai Ningbo Jiaotong Universityartificial intelligenceHigh energy levelIndustrial Technologyresearch platform. These “most powerful brains” have beenYoungor, Shuitelong, Peiyuan shares and other leading manufacturerscompany, Provide intelligent manufacturing integration solutions, production site management system software, workshop intelligent terminal hardware, cloud factoryBig dataAnd other smart manufacturing upgrade services, greatly improving the production efficiency of enterprises. “With the help of Ningbo Smart Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, through technological transformation, we have cooperated with first-rate automobiles such as Porsche, Land Rover, and Mercedes-Benz.BrandKeep close cooperation. “The president of Peiyuan Co., Ltd. Yu Peijun said that after the transformation of the production workshop, the operational efficiency has increased by almost 30%. The scientific research platform has empowered the manufacturing industry and improved efficiently regional innovation. January to October, Haishu DistrictproductThe production value reached 16,588 million yuan, an increase of 20.8% year-on-year; R&D expenses of regulated industrial companies reached 1.535 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1% year-on-year.

Metal Mask (FMM)

Design the industrial chain around the innovation chain and create new industrial formats.After the establishment of Ningbo Internet Industrial Research Institute, many high-tech enterprises such as Guoli Net Security, Zhongkong Microelectronics, and Xinran Technology have successively incubated.the company,inrobot, Sensors, 5G communications and other emerging fields to build a comprehensive core technology research, development and managementteam, Attracting more than 400 million yuan in venture capital investment. In September, Huancaixing Technology’s high-precision metal mask project with an investment of 1.2 billion yuan was installed in Haishu, which will be brokenmonopoly, Perform import substitution. In October, Haishu andAlibaba(Ningbo) Co., Ltd. signed a comprehensive cooperation framework agreement to jointly create digital healthcare, digital education, digital cultural tourism, digital villages andBlockchainProvincial demonstration and benchmarking of application scenarios. These high-quality, high-growth, explosive projects are promoting Haishu businesses to move up to the upper end of the industrial chain and value chain.

(Source: Zhejiang Newsclientend)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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