International media and friends witnessed China’s fight against poverty “this is a unique achievement”


  International media and friends witnessed China’s fight against poverty.

  “This is a unique achievement”

Our reporter Qu Song Li Xinyi Jiang Bo

“People’s Daily” (Version 03 on December 05, 2020)

After eight years of continuous struggle, China has completed the task of alleviating poverty in the new era on schedule. By current standards, all the rural poor have been lifted out of poverty and all poor counties removed. Absolute poverty and general poverty have been eliminated from the region. Almost 100 million poor people have been lifted out of poverty. A great victory was obtained that the world admired.

“Encourage people to get rich through work and to get rid of poverty in their thinking”

A few days ago, Guizhou Province announced that the remaining nine impoverished counties, including Hezhang County and Wangmo County, would be withdrawn from the impoverished county stream. So far, China’s 832 impoverished counties have lifted themselves out of poverty.

In 2019, the news editor and reporter of the Kenya National Broadcasting Corporation Eric Bigan went to Guizhou with the visiting class from the “Belt and Road” News Cooperation Alliance. The new home of local residents. Knowing that the 66 impoverished counties of Guizhou have been lifted out of poverty, Biegang felt very excited: “This fully proves the effectiveness of the poverty alleviation policies implemented by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government in the local area.

Before visiting class started, Higao did a lot of homework. “Guizhou is mountainous and used to be the province with the poorest population in China.” In Guizhou, she had a deep and lasting impression on him.

During the visit, Bigang noted the application of big data technology in China’s poverty alleviation efforts: by establishing a file registration system to accurately identify poor households and understand the distribution of the poor and the causes of poverty. In his view, China’s poverty alleviation policies and measures are “comprehensive and comprehensive”, using different methods depending on the actual conditions in different regions. For example, for residents living in deep mountains with inconvenient transportation, they will be relocated to help the poor and live in new houses. Another example is organizing professional training for residents to help them solve work problems. What impressed Biegun was the model of coordinated assistance between government and business. In the town of Bijie, private companies have built advanced beef cattle breeding bases, which has played an important role in promoting employment and income growth for local residents.

To understand the reasons behind China’s achievements in alleviating poverty, Bigang read the book “Eliminating Poverty”. “Getting rid of poverty is not getting rid of material poverty, but getting rid of poverty of conscience and thought.” Bigan was deeply impressed by this phrase from the book. He said: “In China, the ruling party and the government have really made the welfare of the people a priority task. They not only provide a great deal of political and financial support for local poverty alleviation projects, but also provide people learning skills. Opportunities to encourage people to enrich themselves through work and get rid of poverty in their thinking. “

“Clearly, eradicating poverty is an important national policy goal.”

Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, believes that one of the important magic weapons for China to become a global model for poverty alleviation is that “China has clearly made poverty eradication an important goal. of national policy “. More countries should incorporate poverty eradication into their national policy goals. Priority. “For more than 40 years, China has successfully lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. The whole world regards this as a unique achievement.” Regarding the achievement of the poverty reduction goal of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, “it is clear that most of the progress is due to China (poverty alleviation).

“China’s construction pace is also constantly advancing at the foot of the Himalayas in Tibet. The journey that used to take a few days to complete is now only a few hours. On the road at an altitude of 4000 meters, it is possible to find Shepherd who is using 5G People mobile phones, ”wrote Javier García, EFE’s China correspondent for Spain, in an article published a few days ago.

In October this year, Garcia participated in the press release and thematic interview on poverty alleviation for Chinese and foreign journalists organized by the Information Office of the State Council of China. He visited many cities and counties in the Tibet Autonomous Region and wrote several stories about poverty alleviation in the report:

Yan Rusen, a shepherd, used to live in a remote village at an altitude of 4,800 meters in southwestern Tibet, made a living by grazing goats and earned only 9 yuan a day. In the area of ​​resettlement for poverty alleviation and relocation, he and his wife participated in the local poverty alleviation plan. With the help of a house cleaning and maintenance company, they transformed the second floor of their house into a small 6-room hotel, now they are very satisfied with the increase in income and their new life.

Caiqutang Village is a centralized relocation and resettlement site from Tibet to precisely help rheumatism patients. There are 204 people in town who suffer from high altitude rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. A local woman in her 30s said she really liked life here. She lived here with her husband and daughter for two years, and the whole family can enjoy health and medical services. There is a small medical station in the village and a hot spring pool for sick villagers to recover. Dan Shi, a doctor at the medical station, hopes to alleviate the suffering of patients and improve their quality of life through massage and acupuncture.

Garcia’s report says that in recent years, the Chinese government has invested huge amounts of funds in building infrastructure in Tibet and reducing poverty. The road construction project in the region has only absorbed 547,000 migrant farmers and pastoralists, representing approximately one sixth of the total population. Hugely increase the income of farmers and herders. Since 2016, the entire district of Tibet has integrated 74.848 billion yuan of agricultural funds for poverty alleviation, and a large amount of funds has been used to improve health, education, clean water, housing and local infrastructure in the most backward areas. Thanks to these measures, by the end of 2019, the 628,000 registered poor people in Tibet had been lifted out of poverty and the net income per capita increased from 1,499 yuan at the end of 2015 to 9,328 yuan in 2019.

“China’s achievements in alleviating poverty have given hope and an example to all developing countries, including Pakistan.” Guram Samad, a senior research expert at the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute in Pakistan, said in a media interview that the world can learn from There is much to learn from China’s poverty reduction experience, “especially this : Leaders are dedicated to the happiness of people and have comprehensive strategies and policies to achieve it. “

“China’s escape from absolute poverty is worthy of being recorded in world history”

Julio Ríos, a Spanish expert on China issues, recently published an article entitled “A China without extreme poverty” on the Spanish website of China Policy Watch. The article said that the persistence of several generations in China has freed hundreds of millions of people from the pain of underdevelopment and poverty, contributed more than 70% of the reduction of poverty in the world and achieved 10 years before the goals. established by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

Ríos emphasized that China has managed to eliminate extreme poverty. This first shows that poverty alleviation can be achieved. This requires perseverance and political will, as well as a model that allows everyone to take responsive action based on local conditions. For example, China prioritizes economic development, infrastructure development, trade, employment, innovation, technology, education, public services, etc. “Basically, China has achieved this goal on its own. It first made plans and used a unique system for strong public investment and goal setting. The West should establish a dialogue with China in this regard to help countries lift themselves out of poverty. on an international level”. Slavery “.

“China’s escape from absolute poverty is worthy of being recorded in global history.” Yuri Tavrovsky, a famous Russian sinologist, said that the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China ensures the continuity and stability of the Chinese government’s policies. Even in 2020, when the new corona pneumonia epidemic is on the rise, poverty reduction in China continues to advance steadily and economically backward mountain areas have also lifted themselves out of poverty.

(Our newspaper, Beijing and Madrid, December 4)
