Inheriting the Red Gene to Inspire Civil Affairs Mission: Local Civil Affairs Departments Make Strong Arrangements for Party History Learning and Education – The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China


Our reporter Zhang Yudian

To know the avenue, you must first make history. In response to the study and education of the party’s history in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in recent days, civil affairs departments across the country have successively held mobilization meetings to make solid arrangements for the study and education of the history of the party in various fields of civil administration It is required to understand the key tasks of carrying out the study and education of the history of the party, combine reality and understand the spirit., Strict implementation.

Attaches great importance to broad mobilization

The civil affairs departments (offices) of Tianjin, Anhui, Guizhou and elsewhere require a deep understanding of the nature and purpose of the party from the party’s glorious history, fine traditions, the indoctrination of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and the functional positioning of civil affairs. and think and plan from a political perspective and promote civil affairs. The civil affairs departments (offices) of Liaoning, Jilin, Hainan, Chongqing, Tibet and other places require that the development of the study and education of party history is an important political task, with great attention and careful organization. The Hubei Province Department of Civil Affairs requires to focus on the party’s history theory, focus on the theme of “The civil administration loves people, alleviate poverty and have a warm heart,” focus on the formation of the Party spirit and do a good job in educating party members. training and practical activities. The Departments of Civil Affairs of Henan, Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan and elsewhere demand that the study and education of the party’s history be combined with the study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well such as the consolidation and deepening of educational achievements on the theme of “not forgetting the original heart and remembering the mission”, and the celebration The cycle of activities for the centenary of the founding of the party were combined with important tasks such as consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and promotion of rural revitalization. Shanxi, Qinghai and other civil affairs departments require innovation in methods and methods, promote innovation in content, form and methods, continuously improve relevance and effectiveness, and transform the effectiveness of learning and education into vivid practices that overcome difficulties and advance. The Civil Affairs Departments of Shandong, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and elsewhere proposed to overcome formalism and bureaucracy, strengthen problem orientation, and insist on learning, inspection, rectification and improvement while studying.

Various ways enter the heart and mind.

Knowing what happened, Fang Ming has left. The history of the party is the most vivid and compelling textbook. To help party members and cadres better understand and study party history, various localities have successively launched unique party history learning and education activities. The Civil Affairs Office of the Social Work Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China relied on the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to establish a political and moral education base for party members and cadres to tell political and moral stories. ; the civil affairs departments (offices) of Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangxi and elsewhere invited experts to discuss the main events and important events in the party’s history. The meeting and important figures carried out studies and orientation with clear themes, rich content and classic examples for the main lines, which elicited a strong response among party members and the cadres. Most of the party members and cadres have expressed that they have deepened their systematic understanding of the knowledge of the party’s history through study, strengthened its original mission, and will promote the high-quality development of civil affairs with an indomitable attitude of struggle.

To expand the ways of learning, various localities have developed apprenticeship programs. The Guangdong Province Department of Civil Affairs requires the full use of red resources, the revision of the oath to join the party and the new development of party members, the launch of a series of special lectures on the history of the party , the recommendation and selection of advanced models and learning and publicity activities, the construction of the “Guangdong Civil Affairs Development History Exhibition Hall” and holding artistic performances and sports matches, inherit the red gene and remind the original mission. The Fujian Province Department of Civil Affairs has carried out a series of “learning party history, understanding ideas and promoting responsibility” reading activities, publicity and education on mass issues, and organized youth cadres for “reading, writing, writing, speaking, and acting” activities throughout the department. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Department of Civil Affairs meticulously organizes speech competitions, promotes learning through exams, special party lessons, “three micro” creations, reviews the party oath, and deepens the theme party day .

Before and after March 8 International Women’s Day this year, the Departments of Civil Affairs of Hunan, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia and other places carried out March 8 themed party day activities along with learning and Party history education to enhance the party spirit, strengthen the original mission, and stimulate the enthusiasm of civil affairs officials to start business.

Seek practical results and promote work.

Civil affairs work is related to the livelihood of the people and is connected to the heart of the people.

How to better integrate learning and education with the promotion of the annual core tasks and key civil affairs tasks, and draw the majestic power to promote the reform and development of civil affairs in the new era from the study of the history of the party? Matters requires the continuous promotion of the implementation of the “30 Civil Matters” Effective and in-depth implementation of the “Island Support for the Elderly”, subsequent reduction of the burden and improvement of the efficiency of the village (community) change, construction of the municipality (street) social work stations, full coverage of humanistic care and happiness lists, and expansion of the immigrant’s face-to-face talk from the reservoir on family matters and the “Plan Add to the” Practical activities such as “I do practical things for the masses, “such as raising archives, following the culture of place names, exploring stories from the history of the festivities. The Jiangsu Province Department of Civil Affairs requires that the working style in the study of party history be changed, the spirit of hard work strengthened, and the 6 livelihood facts effectively implemented. of the provincial government undertaken by the department of civil affairs, and the ability to solve problems should be improved. Guangdong Province Civil Affairs Department requires in-depth development of the “Double Hundred Social Work Project for People’s Livelihood Services in Guangdong”, promoting the marriage registration process, the “service interprovincial “and” intraprovincial service “. provincial service “, and implementation of the” provincial service for two disability allowances “” “Get on the wings of science and technology for ancient services” action, “Remember the red place names and continue with the red gene” name geographic cultural publicity activities, action “Intelligent care and benefit of people’s livelihoods”, action “Open a green channel for the medical treatment of orphaned and disabled children”, “Guide to practical activities as the action of” leading civil affairs to facilitate the people and benefit the people ”, and the action of“ warm letters and visits to warm the hearts of the people ”. The Gansu Province Department of Civil Affairs requires that the development of the study and education of the party’s history be combined with the completion of key civil affairs tasks and the creation of a “model organization that enables the party’s central committee be safe and satisfy people. ” promote learning and education to achieve results.

(Source: China Social Daily, March 23, 2020)
