Include Depression in Student Physical Exam Program, Early “Heart Inspired Risk” Treatment _Sina Technology


Original Title: Incorporating Depression Into Early Treatment Of The “Heart Inspired Cold” Student Physical Exam Program

According to the “Guangzhou Daily” report, recently, the official website of the National Health Commission published the “Work plan to explore special services for the prevention and treatment of depression.” This plan proposes: “In the future, high schools and colleges and universities will incorporate depression screening into the content of student health exams, establish student mental health files, evaluate student mental health, and they will pay special attention to students with abnormal assessment results. “

Today, with the trend of younger depression evident, most educators need to pay more attention to the problem of depression among students. In July 2019, the official Weibo of “China Youth Daily” launched an online survey on “Incidence of depression among college students is increasing year by year. Do you think you have a tendency to depression?” People who said they were “prone to depression and in serious condition.” It represented 27.6% and many Internet users left messages about their “psychological journey” tortured by depression. The mental health of students has reached a point where it must be taken seriously, it is urgent to help depressed young people to get out of their psychological dilemma.

We have to realize that depression has a very strict set of medical diagnostic criteria, which is not what many netizens mistakenly think: feeling depressed and depressed means suffering from depression. Today, various names of “depression test forms” are still circulating on the Internet, but the scientific nature of most Internet tests cannot be verified. Therefore, one cannot simply attribute the temporary poor state of mind to depression and then panic. This will not help solve psychological problems, but will lead to more psychological “secondary problems.”

On the contrary, the other extreme thinking is that you don’t care about depression, so you miss the best stage of psychotherapy. Depression generally does not occur suddenly, but has a long-term “incubation period.” Only due to certain special opportunities (such as stress injuries, sudden changes in environment, etc.), does it lead to illness and even threaten life. The country has developed a specific plan to incorporate depression screening into the student’s physical examination program, which can play a precautionary role and directly help prevent the rejuvenation of depression.

While all sectors of society have begun to pay attention to this issue, in reality, it will take a long time to truly implement the relevant regulations and truly protect the mental health of students. The reason behind this, on the one hand, is that in the past, many people did not associate the various psychological problems of students with depression, and often attributed them to the “disobedience of children”, the “weak capacity of children. students to resist stress “and” low psychological quality. ” And other problems, lack of scientific knowledge about the rejuvenation of depression. On the other hand, whether in colleges or middle schools, psychological education and counseling work are still not enough, and there is an urgent need to strengthen the relevant teaching staff and capital investment.

Establish student mental health files, evaluate student mental health, and pay special attention to students with abnormal evaluation results. The ultimate goal of these measures is to help young people achieve a healthier state of mind and lay a solid foundation for their growth. I hope that the implementation of the plan will help more young people to have a healthy and harmonious spiritual world.

Huang Simon Source: China Youth Daily

Version 02 on October 30, 2020
