Inappropriately “bystander”! The China Insurance Association broadcast its voice on the incident of “new employees who refused to drink leadership wine and were beaten”, clearly exploring the establishment of a black and gray list system for professionals -Finance Channel- Financial circle



2020-08-30 21:05:05
source:China Securities Journal
Author:Zhang Yujie
Take 102% of revenue in a month

The incident of the “new Xiamen International Bank employee was hit by refusing to drink leadership wine” further fermented.

On August 30, the China Insurance Association posted on its official website “Strengthening the insurance protection function with a clean culture to preserve the ecology of the industry,” noting that the “boldness and recklessness” of the people in the incident and the “delay and recklessness” in managing their units “Light fall” reflects the lack of clean culture behind it and the myopic and utilitarian orientation. The China Insurance Association will strengthen the self-discipline of the industry and explore the establishment of a black and gray list system for professionals in the insurance industry.


Source: Official website of China Insurance Industry Association

  The China Insurance Association presents three requirements

The China Insurance Association noted that news has recently come to attention that new hires by Xiamen International Bank School were insulted and slapped because they refused to toast the leader.Bank of China(Quotes601988,Clinical Unit) The self-discipline department of the industry association gave a timely voice to this, which can be described as hitting the nail on the head and clarifying the voice.

The article noted that, as an important part of the financial industry, the insurance industry has a mission to serve the real economy, prevent financial risks, and deepen financial reforms. At this stage, the corporate governance structure of the insurance industry is not yet sufficiently standardized and the internal control mechanism needs to be further strengthened. We should use this as a lesson and speak out loud about the warped “drinking table culture”, “circle culture” and “fancy style” reflected in the incident. Not; Self-control, self-examination and self-discipline, work hard to deepen internal management, create refreshing comrade relationships and orderly superior-subordinate relationships, cultivate the ecology of the industry with a clean culture, and establish a good social image and public reputation.

Therefore, the China Insurance Association presented three requirements:

First, focus on in-depth investigation and inspection. The bad practices and bad habits reflected in the incident also exist to varying degrees in the institutions of the insurance sector, which must take the initiative to carry out an in-depth self-examination, they must be unlucky and have a “spectator mentality”. It is necessary to resolutely implement the spirit of the eight central government regulations, tirelessly oppose the “four winds”, follow the general trend of expanding the openness of the insurance industry, and be at the height of focusing on the main responsibilities and core businesses. , prevent and resolve financial risks, and self-examine and reform. , Personal growth. According to the requirements of the “Notice on Conduct of Work” Looking Back “on Remediation of Chaos in the Banking and Insurance Industry” recently issued by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, it is necessary to discover the culture of the circle behind the chaos, the abnormal culture of the wine table in business development activities and the luxury of luxury.

Second, improve the system and streamline management. It is necessary to delve into the root of the problem from the levels of development philosophy, corporate governance, employee management and performance evaluation, and promote the general improvement of management through the construction of the system. It is necessary to strengthen corporate governance and strengthen the standardization of the “two sessions and one layer”. In particular, the management should take the initiative in the strict application of the “Code of conduct for insurance professionals”; It is necessary to strengthen the construction of professional ethics, guide the establishment of correct professional opinions and values, and purify the social circle. Circle of life, circle of friends, put an end to the idea of ​​”Mountain King”; strengthen employee care, protect employee rights and interests, dare to defend reasonable and legal appeals of employees, and carry out in-depth and detailed orientation of ideological education, salary, career, psychological consultation, etc. ; There is a need to reform the selection and employment mechanism, pay attention to both political capacity and integrity, put morality first, change the orientation of “so-called heroes” and “select cadres based on short-term performance”; take into account “the shame of waste and the pride of the economy” and resolutely oppose all forms of extravagance.

Third, set the correct orientation and build a clean culture. In the incident, the “daring and recklessness” of the individuals and the “smooth up and down” in managing their units reflected the lack of clean culture behind them and the myopia and utilitarianism of the orientation. Insurance institutions should take this as a lesson and actively defend the concepts of “respect for the superior, not for the superior”, “obedience and not blind obedience” and “only for the truth but not for the people”, and guide employees to stay away from all kinds of “little circles” and “little brothers”. , Resolutely put an end to vulgar reciprocal behavior. It is necessary to pay attention to both symptoms and root causes, deepen the integration of financial chaos management and cultural construction, and effectively improve the level of legally compliant operation and risk management.

The China Insurance Association stated that it will strengthen the industry’s self-discipline, explore the establishment of a black and gray list system for professionals, and gradually carry out information exchange in the industry, which will increase the cost of violations of the discipline and law. The China Insurance Association has formally established an incorruptible culture building and legal compliance committee, which will more strictly implement the code of conduct for professionals, lead the industry to vigorously strengthen the building of an incorruptible culture, and create a business atmosphere of “corruption, obedience and honesty” for insurance. There must be strength to contribute to the high-quality development of the industry and to prevent and resolve financial risks.

  The punishment of “three glasses of fine wine” raises questions

The impact of this incident was bad, and Xiamen International Bank’s subsequent punishment of those responsible also caused much controversy.

Xiamen International Bank issued a statement saying: Give leader Dong a serious warning and deduct two-quarters from performance salaries; give a warning to the Luo branch boss and deduct a quarter from the performance salary.

In this sense, the judgment of many viewers is that only a small performance salary is discounted, which is “guaranteed” leadership. The victimized employee may find it difficult to perform work at the involved bank.

A lawyer pointed out that, in accordance with Article 43 of China’s Public Security Administration Punishments Law, any person who intentionally assaults or injures the body of another person will be detained for not less than 5 days, but not more than 10 days, and you will be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan. ; If the circumstances are mild, detention for less than five days or a fine of less than 500 yuan will be imposed. If the situation described by Xiao Yang, the employee who was beaten this time, is supported by evidence, that is, a minor or more injury was caused, the leader’s behavior violated the Public Safety Management Punishment Law. If the beaten employee is required to account in accordance with the law, the leader will definitely be held accountable.

The Bank of China Association previously stated that the bank involved in issuing a statement to the outside world, only to take an understatement such as severe warnings and deductions for performance, amounts to “three glasses of good wine.” The China Insurance Association noted that the “high rise and soft fall” its unit drives reflects the lack of clean culture behind it and the myopic and utilitarian orientation.

The Xinhua News Agency recently published a review titled “Xiamen International Bank’s Handling of Bad Habits Cannot” Punish Three Glasses of Wine, “” noting that in such a special industry, if the so-called rules are allowed to spread unspoken of the workplace, the utilitarian heart will invade the bank employees. On a daily basis, for banks, it will damage their credibility base. Xiamen International Bank should not tolerate behavior that damages the image of the industry and causes negative effects. You need to do your research thoroughly and address them strictly. Bad habits and bad habits should be allowed to be like a mouse in the street, and the “drinking table culture” should not be infested. “Corporate culture” environment, do not let unhealthy trends break the common gold sign of the banking industry.

