Improving the effectiveness of the rule of law to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities: in search of the truth


The Central Labor Conference on Comprehensive Rule of Law was held in Beijing from November 16-17. Secretary General Xi Jinping noted in an important speech at the meeting:We must persist in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities along the path of the rule of law.In the practice of coordinating and promoting great struggles, great projects, great causes and great dreams, and in the new journey of building a modern socialist country in a comprehensive way, we must pay more attention to the rule of law, enforce the rule of law and make better use of the rule of law to strengthen the foundation, stabilize expectations and benefit in the long term. The important role of the company is to adhere to the law to face the main challenges, resist the main risks, overcome the main obstacles and resolve the main contradictions.

From November 16 to 17, the Central Committee Working Conference on Comprehensive Rule of Law was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the state and chairman of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Rao Aimin

  “The rule of law is an important support for the system of government and the capacities of government of the country.”Only by governing the country comprehensively and in accordance with the law can we effectively guarantee the systematic, standardized and coordinated nature of the national governance system, and can we maximize social consensus. Improving the effectiveness of the rule of law in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities is an important approach of building the rule of law in China.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Party, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has firmly understood the general understanding of “building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics”, and has firmly understood the efficacy to improve the rule of law to promote the modernization of the national government system and government capacities. Adhere to the combination of high-level design and the practice of the rule of law, and better play the important role of the rule of law to solidify the foundation, stabilize expectations and benefit in the long term. Use the “list of powers” and the “list of responsibilities” to clarify the limits of the powers and responsibilities of the government, and promote the implementation of the reform of “decentralization, regulation and service”; strengthen judicial protection of property rights and create a clean and virtuous business environment under the rule of law … China’s rule of law is increasingly unleashed Strong creativity and vitality have laid a solid foundation for sustainable development and healthy economy and society, and the effectiveness of the rule of law to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities has been greatly improved.

  At present, China’s victory in building a wealthy society in all respects is in sight, the new journey of building a modern socialist country is about to begin, and the construction of the rule of law also faces new goals and chores.In the important article “Promotion of the integral rule of law and full development of the active role of the rule of law in the modernization of the national system of governance and governability The national situation, the process of building the rule of law and the needs of the rule of law of people are coordinated with requirements to promote modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities. ” Four key tasks are proposed for “the continuous improvement of high-level design, continuous innovation and deepening the practice of governing the country according to the law.”

  The first is to accelerate the establishment and improvement of the legal system necessary for national governance to meet people’s growing needs for a better life.“The law changes over time to govern, and governance with the world leads to merit.” With the development of the times and the advancement of reforms, the modernization of national governance has increasingly urgent requirements for a complete and scientific legal system. Secretary-General Xi Jinping clearly requested that, on the premise of persisting and refining the fundamental systems, core systems and important systems that have been established and verified by practice, they should focus on the gaps and conflicts of the legal system, and do general plans and promote general reforms. Abolish various tasks, actively promote legislation in important areas such as national security, technological innovation, public health, biosafety, ecological civilization, risk prevention, and foreign-related rule of law, improve the legal system that it is urgently needed for national governance and meeting the growing needs of the population for a better life. A prepared legal system, with good laws and good governance to ensure the healthy development of new forms of business and new models.

  The second is to strive to improve the quality, efficiency and credibility of law enforcement and justice.“The key to running the country lies in fairness and integrity.” Only when the application of law, justice, efficiency and authority can truly give full play to the effectiveness of the rule of law in national governance. In order to fully govern the country in accordance with the law, we must closely focus on ensuring and promoting social equity and justice, and take equity and justice as the underpinning of law enforcement and judicial work. Secretary-General Xi Jinping clearly called for strengthening law enforcement oversight, deepening comprehensive reforms to support the judicial accountability system, promoting strict, fair and civilized law enforcement, striving to improve quality, efficiency and credibility of law enforcement and justice, and better transform the advantages of the socialist rule of law in the country. Governance effectiveness.

  The third is to make the rule of law a belief of all the people.“The most important law of all laws is not engraved on marble or copper clocks, but engraved on the hearts of the citizens.” Secretary General Xi Jinping once quoted Rousseau’s words to clarify: the law must come into play. The role requires that all of society believe in the law. In this important article, the Secretary General further emphasized: “The construction of the rule of law requires the participation of the entire society. Only when all people believe in the rule of law and enforce the rule of law, the country and social life can truly operate on the path of the rule of law. ” Regarding the question, the Secretary General raised three requirements in a focused way: First, the leading cadres at all levels must strengthen their awareness of the rule of law, take the initiative in respecting the rule of law, respect the law, understand the law, mastering the law and being a model of respect for the law, studying and observing the law. The second is to intensify the work of popularization of civil law, promote the spirit of the socialist rule of law, continuously improve the awareness and quality of the rule of law of all citizens, improve the system of public legal services, and consolidate the social base of the rule of law. The third is to adhere to the combination of ruling the country by law and ruling the country by virtue, integrating core socialist values ​​into the rule of law, improving the long-term mechanism for building integrity, increasing punishment for acts such as the lack of public morality, lack of integrity and strive to form good social order and social customs. .

  The fourth is to firmly maintain the international order and the international system with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as its core.In this important article, Secretary General Xi Jinping combined history and reality to clarify the power and responsibility of China. Looking at history, the Secretary General pointed out that “more than 60 years ago we raised the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which were widely recognized and supported by the international community and have become the basic norms of international relations and the basic principles of law. international”. Looking at the reality, the general secretary noted, “Since the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have introduced the concept of promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity, which has generally been welcomed and highly praised by all parties, and has been included in a number of UN resolutions. “Based on this, the Secretary-General clearly stated that it is necessary to take advantage of the trend and follow the trend to firmly maintain the international order and international system with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as the core, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the reform and construction of the global governance system.

By 2035, “the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacities will be basically realized, the equitable participation of the people and equal development rights will be fully guaranteed, and a country governed by law, a government governed by by law and a society governed by law. ” The plan for the rule of law elaborated by the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Party is an arduous long-term strategic task, and also a profound and significant social change. With the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and the scientific orientation of Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law, the construction of the rule of law in China in the new era will surely accompany the new journey of building a modern socialist country in a comprehensive way, and will build a stronger legal guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Tags: rule of law pathway, national governance system, governance capacity, modernization

Website Editor-Han Chen

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