Identify measures to support new business formats and new models to accelerate development and promote new types of consumption_Sina Technology


Original title: Determine measures to support new commercial formats and new models to accelerate development and drive new consumption.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 9. Prime Minister Li Keqiang of the State Council organized an executive meeting of the State Council on September 9 to determine measures to support the accelerated development of new commercial formats and new models to drive new consumption and promote economic recovery; implementation and acceleration of the innovative development of medical education for maintenance People’s health is a guarantee of talent. The meeting pointed out that consumption is an important engine of economic development. This year, consumption has been hit hard by the epidemic and has become a weak link in the economic recovery. New business models and models based on digital network technology have supported the rapid development of new types of consumption against the trend and have enormous potential. It is necessary to break down the consumption barriers that restrict economic growth, encourage market players to accelerate innovation, release more domestic demand and strengthen the growth of the economic recovery. First, we must promote the expansion of new consumption and quality improvement. Innovate contactless consumption mode. Promote open online courses, diagnosis and treatment on the Internet and other services. Promote the online and offline integration of fitness and tourism. Explore new retail stores, such as smart supermarkets. Strengthen the construction of interconnected agroindustrial supply chains for agricultural products. Second, we must accelerate the construction of new consumer infrastructure. Promote 5G networks, Internet of things, etc., to prioritize coverage of central business districts, industrial parks and transportation hubs, build gigabit cities, accelerate the digital upgrade of rural business circulation, and promote construction and sharing terminals such as smart express boxes. Promote the commercial use of consumer data in a safe and orderly manner. Third, we must formulate fiscal policies that promote new forms of business and new models to drive new consumption, and encourage financial institutions to innovate in measures to reduce the costs of mobile payments. Promote employees of new business models and models to participate in social security, strengthen flexible employment and job security, and support companies to carry out “job sharing.” Fourth, we must deepen the reform of “delegation of control, delegation of control and provision of services” to simplify the management of relevant licenses. Deepen inclusive and prudential oversight, improve protection of user rights, product traceability and other mechanisms, crack down on breaches, counterfeiting, fraud and privacy leaks in accordance with the law, and create a safe and reliable consumer environment. Fifth, we must better harness the role of traditional consumers and strengthen the driving force behind new consumption. Support physical companies to develop online businesses. Promote the expansion of offline Internet platform companies. Encourage businesses to expand their influence through online promotion and boost on-site consumption. The meeting pointed out that the total number and structure of China’s medical and nursing staff is not yet adequate for building a healthy China. The epidemic has further exposed the talent shortage in public health, critical care and nursing. It is necessary to intensify the reform and innovation of medical education and strengthen the guarantee of medical personnel. First, we must optimize the structure of the training of medical personnel. Accelerate the training of talents in general medicine that combine prevention and treatment. Medical colleges and universities should, in general, develop general medical education for all medical students, gradually expand the scale of training for specific free general medical students serving the grassroots, and continue to support the health centers in central and western municipalities. To train university-oriented medical students. Expand the enrollment of graduate students in anesthesia, infections, critical illness, and pediatrics. Attach great importance to the training of nursing talents, vigorously develop higher professional nursing education, and strengthen the front-line nursing force. Accelerate the training of senior public health talents and deepen cooperation in medical education and research between medical schools, CDC, and infectious disease hospitals. Increase the proportion of classical courses in the teaching of Chinese medicine. Second, we must improve the quality of training for medical personnel. Establish a clinical practice assurance mechanism, strengthen the clinical teaching role of university affiliated hospitals, and promote early multi-clinical repeat clinical practice for medical students. Establish a clinical learning system for teachers of Chinese medicine. Undertake capacity-oriented examination evaluation reform and promote professional degree evaluation that highlights clinical practice. Third, it is necessary to improve the standardized training system for resident physicians, focusing on improving clinical practice capacity and treating undergraduate clinicians who are qualified as resident physicians with the same treatment as postgraduates of related careers in terms of labor recruitment and promotion of titles. The meeting also studied other matters.
