Hubei optimizes the business environment, allowing market players to be “judges” and “gods” | New Crown Pneumonia


Original title: Hubei optimizes the business environment, allowing market players to be “judges” and “gods”

The image shows the scene of the press conference. Taken by Yili Wu

(Fight against new coronary pneumonia) Hubei optimizes the business environment and enables market players to be “judges” and “gods”, Wuhan, May 15 (Wu Yili) Hubei Province New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters held a press conference on the 15th to present the province’s relevant policy measures to optimize the business environment and stimulate market vitality.

A few days ago, the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government enacted “Various measures to optimize the business environment to stimulate market vitality” to provide a basis for stabilizing economic fundamentals and winning the war to protect livelihoods and the economic development of people after the epidemic. Strong guarantee.

“The goal of making Hubei the province with the fewest approvals, the highest efficiency, the best investment environment and one of the strongest corporate acquisition provinces” is Hubei’s overall goal of optimizing the business environment for the current and future period. “At the meeting, Du Haiyang, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, interpreted” various measures. “

“Various measures” states that Hubei will always insist on market evaluation as the first evaluation and the company’s experience as the first experience. Since the market can play a decisive role in resource allocation, market subjects need to act as “judges” and “gods” and control the right to speak. Whether or not government services are good and whether the development environment is good or not depends on the company. . All functional departments and government officials should dedicate themselves to the “Shop Little Two” gold medal that “answers everything and doesn’t bother.”

It has always focused on creating the world-class rule-of-law, market and governance environment as its primary tasks and main areas of attack. Starting from the full life cycle of the company and the “management of a thing” by the business masses, focusing on the weaknesses and difficulties of the business masses, and classifying the policies one by one, the problems are investigated one by one and the implementation of the central policy. Coverage, full coverage of the national assessment index system of the table, full coverage of the highest national benchmark standard, and full coverage of the main problems of the provincial business environment assessment of symptoms.

According to the introduction, in the next step, Hubei will accelerate the formulation of detailed implementation plans and accelerate the assessment of the business environment of the counties and cities. Based on completing the assessment and evaluation task of Yichang urban areas and Huangshi county, we will quickly carry out the assessment work of the county and urban areas of the business environment of the province, and discover the basis of the environment business of the province. Strengthen policy innovation to optimize the business environment, continue to “update and iterate” the policy database to optimize the business environment, accelerate the implementation of policy transformation, and mature, promote, and reserve a batch. (End up)

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