How to Prevent and Control Food in the Cold Chain with New Wreath Boxes Scattered in Various Places | Wang Chen | Outbreak | Beijing_Sina


Original title: How to prevent and control food from the cold chain with new crown boxes scattered in various places

The overseas epidemic continues to spread and confirmed cases have appeared scattered in many parts of China. On December 13, at the 183rd news conference on the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Beijing, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, presented the scientific guidance for the production, handling, transportation and transportation of cold chain food in Beijing. Relevant professionals in storage and operation must do a good job of personal protection, and the Municipal Center for Disease Control has formulated relevant protection guidelines. At the same time, cold chain traceability codes have been launched in many places in China to ensure the food safety of the cold chain. In terms of vaccines, there are currently 11 new corona vaccines in the world that have entered phase III clinical trials, but people are still waiting for the epidemic to be fully controlled.

24 newly diagnosed cases across the country on the 12th

According to a report on the website of the National Health Commission on December 13, 24 new cases were confirmed nationwide on December 12, including 19 imported cases and 5 local cases (4 in Heilongjiang and 1 in Sichuan); and 3 new cases Asymptomatic infection (3 cases in Xinjiang).

In this round of the epidemic in Chengdu, there have been 11 confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections. Li Jiayuan, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics at the Western China School of Public Health, Sichuan University, believes that the next 3-5 days are the key. Residents and friends designated as detection areas are asked to actively cooperate and participate in nucleic acid detection at designated locations as soon as possible to fight the virus.

As of 18:00 on December 12, Chengdu has completed a total of 2.29 million nucleic acid samples and analyzed a total of 2.17 million, of which 12 were positive, except the first case, the rest they were all negative.

The new cases in Suifenhe and Dongning in Heilongjiang province involved 1 primary school student and 1 kindergarten student. Starting in the afternoon of December 10, Suifenhe and Dongning began national nucleic acid testing, which is scheduled to be completed in 3 days. Suifenhe and Dongning, who had already entered the wartime state, launched the latest control measures on December 12, following the announcement of the ban on arrival activities at the border, and implemented a strict and closed management of the community (village). Schools, kindergartens and training institutions temporarily suspend classes.

On December 11, the Sanya Central Office for Epidemic Prevention and Control received a report that the two tourists staying at a hotel in Sanya were close contacts of asymptomatic patients with new coronary pneumonia. There were 43 close contacts of the two tourists in Hainan, including 29 from the same tour group. At present, the close contacts have been transferred to the central observation hotel for control. Nucleic acid tests of the two tourists and 43 close contacts were negative.

The traceability of the cold chain is successively launched

Scattered cases in different places are frequent, affecting the development of daily life. According to the traceability results of recent sporadic cases in various places, many of them are related to cold chain foods. How to ensure the safety of cold chain foods?

According to the protection guidelines issued by the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cold chain feeding professionals should insist on monitoring their body temperature every day and report any abnormal symptoms such as fever in time. and cough, and go to the nearest fever clinic for an investigation and try not to use public transport. Tools to go. In addition, when unloading imported cold chain food from epidemic areas, you should wear masks throughout the process, avoid the products near your face and touch your mouth and nose with your hands, and avoid contact with frozen aquatic products that may be contaminated by the virus. Personal protection during the period.

At the same time, a reporter for Beijing Business Daily learned that many places in the country have made it clear that operators selling imported cold chain food must post batch traceability QR codes in the sales area. For example, in late October this year, the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Office and the Beijing Municipal Commerce Office issued a notice to promote the implementation of the “Beijing Cold Chain” to carry out the retrospective management of imported frozen meat and aquatic products. At present, the daily circulation of the “Beijing Cold Chain” platform reaches 2,000 tons.

Can importing food from the cold chain be completely prevented? Qin Yuming, Secretary General of the Cold Chain Logistics Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, believes: “The prevention and risk control of cold chain products has entered the new normal stage of prevention of epidemics. In addition, China needs a large amount of imported products to compensate for the lack of domestic supply, so they should not be imported products. All are excluded. It is not realistic to stop eating due to suffocation. This is already consensus and common sense. ” .

In an interview with the media, Zhang Boli, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, suggested that in order to prevent the entry of information from abroad, we should also prevent people and objects. The relevant departments of the State Council have formulated measures to control the disposal of frozen products imported by customs. Due to the rapid increase in the number of asymptomatic infections abroad, in addition to imported seafood, it is also necessary to pay attention to the risk of new corona virus transported by express parcels, letters and other foreign packages transported by air in high areas. risk abroad.

Concerning code-defense, at the December 13 press conference, Tian Wei, Director of the External Information Division of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, also stated that direct flights to airports need to be strictly controlled. Beijing international flights, and implement the entire process of immigration staff. In closed-loop management, it is necessary to strengthen the disinfection of imported goods and staff nucleic acid detection in key places, and protect employees, and strictly prevent and control the entire cold chain imported food process from the port to national production, circulation and sales.

The world’s first new corona vaccine

In the context of standardized epidemic prevention and control, the upcoming new corona vaccine may be a way to break the situation. As of November 26 of this year, 48 new corona vaccines worldwide have entered clinical trials, 11 of which have entered phase III clinical trials. In China, 4 vaccines have entered phase III clinical trials, including 3 inactivated vaccines and 1 viral vector vaccine.

Yang Xiaoming, President of Sinopharm China Biotechnology Co., Ltd., announced on December 12 that the new coronavirus vaccine developed by Sinopharm Zhongsheng has currently conducted phase III clinical trials in 10 countries and regions, including nearly 60,000 people in the trial. With the completion of the second phase of the workshop this month, the production capacity of the new corona vaccine will reach 1 billion doses by 2021.

According to foreign media reports, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also formally approved Pfizer’s new crown vaccine candidate on Friday night local time. The first group of people vaccinated will include medical personnel and older people who live in nursing facilities for a long time. people.

However, from mass production, vaccine storage, to transnational transportation, there are still many bottlenecks that must be broken before the vaccine is officially promoted. Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, said on social media a few days ago: “Although vaccines are gradually becoming popular, even the United States, which has the richest vaccine resources in the world, it will take between six months and a year to achieve complete control of the epidemic. Final control of the epidemic depends on effective control of the global epidemic. “

Zhang Wenhong believes that China still has a window period of six months to one year to gradually establish the immunization advantage of the Chinese people through vaccination. At the same time, in line with the global demand for vaccines, it fulfills the obligations of major countries to help non-vaccine producing countries of the world to gradually establish support for vaccines. Group immunity.

Beijing Business Daily Reporter Tao Feng Wang Chenting
