How to build the “5G green city” in the new Lingang area? This support policy is significant_ 东方 Fortune Network


Original title: How to build “5G Eco-City” in the new Lingang area? This support policy is significant

Create a 5G ecosystem, a network powerhouse and a manufacturing powerhousestrategyA major move to implement. This afternoon, the Lingang New Area of ​​the Shanghai Free Trade Zone officially launched the 5G Green City Promotion Month and the 5G Promotion Month. The meeting released the “Various Support Measures to Accelerate the Construction of 5G Communication Infrastructure in the New Lingang Area”,The new area is proposed to be compared to the highest level in the world,Influenceof“5Gecological city

It is worth mentioning that this support measureGeneral planningplanningDesign, optimize construction approvalProcess, Reduce electricity consumptioncostAnd other parties have proposed groundbreaking support policies. For example, outdoorssocietyPublic resourceAs for municipal green spaces, gardens, parks, squares, tourist attractions, cultural and educational spaces, medical institutions, sports venues, bus platforms, etc. of the jurisdiction of the new areaPublic utilitiesAnd place,Generally, zero fees must be paid to5The construction of the communications infrastructure G is open.

Regarding the opening of resources for commercial buildings and residential communities, the document proposes that the popular governments and the communities of the new districts guaranteeTelecommunications operationscompanyReasonably use the public parts of commercial buildings and residential communities, public facilities and equipment to build 5G base stations in accordance with laws and regulations.andCo-supervise the propertyServiceBusinesses etc will not charge unreasonable fees

In terms of reducing electricity costs, subsidies will be provided for base stations that are built, renovated and put into operation after August 2020. The scope of the subsidies includes the costs of renovation and access to the power of the station 5G basis, and operating energy costs, including access to energy and renewal. The cost is 30,000 yuan per base station and is subsidized based on the actual number of completed base stations.Electricity operating costs are based on communication operators and towersthe companyOf actual electricity coststwenty%Be subsidized.

On the same day, the “5G Communication Infrastructure Applications Construction and Promotion Joint Construction Document” was signed. All units that participated in the construction stated that they would fully support the construction of next-generation communications infrastructure, such as 5G in the new Lingang area, and would cooperate with the tower company to control the area. , Its buildings and other public facilities and places are open to building 5G communication infrastructure at zero cost, and unreasonable charges are eliminatedbehavior

Shanghai Municipal CommunicationadministrationThe bureau said that it will further enhance and enhance the 4G and 5G network coverage in the new Lingang area, and strive to improve the convenience and perception of public communication services by the general public and key enterprises. .

(Article source: Oriental Net)

(Editor in charge: DF387)

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