How can intangible cultural heritage “touch the net” become popular with young people and better integrate into modern life? _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original title: Intangible cultural heritage “touching the net” has become popular among young people. How to better integrate into modern life?

intangiblecultureHow can the legacy live on and be passed on? Starting from adhering to the foundations, following the past and moving forward with the times, so that the ancient intangible cultural heritage is better integrated into modern life and resonates with more young people is undoubtedly an important path. In this sense, the heirs of the younger generation have a great responsibilityresponsibility

Today, like Su embroidery and Shu embroidery, intangible cultural heritage has undergone creative transformation and innovative development by the new generation of heirs.ArtIt cleverly blends with modern aesthetics, shining with youthful vitality. Some embroidery, New Year images, paper cutting combined with traditional festivals, twenty-four solar terms, make special themesproductThematic, cultural creations, show the mystery of nature, the traditional charm and the fun of popular customs, and integrate current life and the style of the time to express the desire and support for a better life; some large-format porcelains that are mainly ornamental are “changed”, making small practical cultureCreativityProducts … These products have intangible heritage, but they also follow the trend of the times.marketThe response was very good.

Some young people have also carried out a design approach to break the limitations of the intangible heritage project itself and relate it more closely to the lives of men, women and children, for example for the elderly and old objects.client, Launch of intangible original cultural and creative works; aimed at young people, launching cultural and creative fashion products such as headphones, handbags, pendants, dolls; aimed at children, developing packages of interesting materials, allowing children to participate and experience crafts. Fun … Along with product innovation, various intangible heritage experience activities are also taking place in major business circles and cultural venues, enabling more people to deepen their understanding, recognition and love for intangible heritage during the visiting process and experience.

There are good products available and there should be better promotion.The InternetIn this era, intangible cultural heritage can bravely “touch the Internet”, take the initiative to walk among more people, and even become Internet fashion products and celebrities.Micro ExpoNowadays, many young heirs have tried to “carry” old workshops and ancient crafts on the Internet, so that each movement, each stitch, each stitch is close to the eyes of the netizens. The live broadcast is also interspersed with intangible cultural heritageKnow howPopularization can alsoto sellsurprisingly, real-time communication and intimacy with Internet usersinteractive, Not only increased awareness of intangible cultural heritage, but also directlySalesWell, I also collected a batch of design, production and marketing ideas submitted by netizens to broaden the path for future development. Link to the Internet, ancient crafts have gained more vitality, inspiration and ideas.

Innovative expression of content, online and offline openness … These trendy explorations open up more possibilities for the future development of intangible cultural heritage. However, it is not difficult to find that while many intangible cultural heritage projects have gradually “dizzy”, there are still many projects that have yet to achieve breakthroughs and innovations. Which is the reason? Many heirs have insufficient skills and are often just good at diving into getting things done. They still learn the same, lack design and development, market development,BrandConsciousness and the ability to operate restrict their development.

For the heirs to make progress and win the love of young people, it is urgent to strengthen the base, broaden their horizons and increase their education.In this regard, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Education, Human ResourcessocietyFrom 2015, the Ministry of Security will jointly implement the “China Intangible Cultural Heritage Heritage Group Training and Researchtraining program“Allow the heirs to go to colleges and universities to further their studies, deepen their understanding of the fine traditional Chinese culture, and study the changes in contemporary aesthetic habits and lifestyles, in order to find an entry point for the integration of tradition and reality.Today, more than 30,000 apprentices have been trained throughout the country. All kinds of non-heritage cultural creations have hit the market, creating “intangible cultural heritage” among young people.

IntangiblepopularIt has vastly enhanced the recognition, pride and honor of intangible cultural heritage professionals, attracting more young people to join the team of inheriting and promoting intangible cultural heritage. More and more new generations of heirs are expanding into a broader youth market, which is undoubtedly the most rewarding situation.

(Source: People’s Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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