Hookup + | Xi Jinping ignites a digital engine to power the future


Hookup + From November 23 to 24, the World Internet Conference and Internet Development Forum with the theme “Digital Empowerment to Create a Common Future: Unite to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace” will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has firmly implemented the new development concept, actively engaged in international cooperation in the digital economy, and worked hard to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the digital economy. , cultivate new momentum and open a new space for global economic growth.

Be it the G20 summit or the World Internet Conference, be it the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum or the 19th CPC National Congress, Secretary General Xi Jinping praised the “digital economy” many times.

At the time when the World Internet Conference and Internet Development Forum are about to be held, CCTV’s “Linked Broadcast +” especially ranks Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important lectures for readers.

Generate a new development momentum

We must innovate in growth methods, seize the opportunities offered by the new round of the industrial revolution, the digital economy, etc., not only to face the challenges brought by climate change, an aging population, etc., but also to solve the employment generated by computerization and automation. In the process of cultivating new industries, new formats and new models, we must pay attention to creating new job opportunities, so that people in all countries can regain confidence and hope.

—— Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 17, 2017

It is necessary to develop the digital economy, accelerate the promotion of digital industrialization, build on the impulse of innovation in information technology and continuously promote the emergence of new industries, new formats and new models, and use new driving forces to promote new developments. It is necessary to promote the digitization of industries, use new Internet technologies and new applications to transform traditional industries into a comprehensive, comprehensive and complete chain, increase total factor productivity and release the effects of expansion, overlap and multiplication of digital. in economic development. It is necessary to promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, and accelerate the digitization, networks and intelligence of the manufacturing, agriculture and service industries.

—— Speech at the National Work Conference on Cybersecurity and Computerization from April 20 to 21, 2018

It is necessary to use blockchain technology to explore the innovation of the digital economy model, to promote the creation of a convenient, efficient, fair competition, stable and transparent business environment, to promote structural reforms on the supply side, to achieve connection effective supply and demand in various industries, to provide services and to accelerate the new and old momentum. Continue to transform and promote high-quality economic development to provide support.

——October 24, 2019, speech at the 18th session of collective studies of the XIX Central Political Bureau

It is necessary to seize the opportunities offered by industrial digitization and digital industrialization, accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers, pay close attention to the deployment of strategic emerging industries such as the digital economy, life and health, new materials and future industries, and vigorously promote technological innovation. Strengthen new growth points and generate a new development impulse.

——A speech upon hearing the work report of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on April 1, 2020

Create a better life

It is necessary to adapt to people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of information services, reduce application costs and provide people with useful, affordable and well-used information services, so that hundreds of millions of people have more sense of winning by sharing the fruits of the development of the Internet. .

—— Speech at the Symposium on Cybersecurity and Computerization on April 19, 2016

Big data can do a lot to safeguard and improve people’s livelihoods. We must adhere to people-centered development thinking, promote “Internet + education”, “Internet + medical treatment”, “Internet + culture”, etc., so that people can do less errands, get more data and continuously improve the equality and inclusion of public services. , Convenience level.

——On December 8, 2017, speech in the second collective study of the XIX Central Political Bureau

The development of cybersecurity and computerization should implement the philosophy of people-centered development, and take the improvement of people’s well-being as the starting point and goal of computerization development, so that people have more sense of profit, happiness and security in the development of computerization.

—— Speech at the National Working Conference on Cyber ​​Security and Computerization on April 20, 2018

It is necessary to explore the application of “blockchain +” in the field of people’s livelihoods and actively promote the application of blockchain technology in education, employment, elderly care, the precise alleviation of poverty, medical health, anti-counterfeiting, food safety, public welfare, social assistance, etc., for people. The masses provide smarter, more convenient and better quality public services.

——October 24, 2019, speech at the 18th session of collective studies of the XIX Central Political Bureau

Join to build a community of shared future in cyberspace

The development of the Internet knows no borders or borders. To put, develop and manage the Internet to good use, it must deepen international cooperation in cyberspace and join forces to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

——Video speech at the opening ceremony of the Third World Internet Conference on November 16, 2016

It is necessary to take the construction of the “Belt and Road” as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with countries along the route, especially developing countries, in the areas of building network infrastructure, digital economy and security. of the network, and build the Digital Silk Road of the 21st Century.

—— Speech at the National Working Conference on Cyber ​​Security and Computerization on April 20, 2018

China attaches great importance to the development of the big data industry and is willing to share the development opportunities of the digital economy with other countries and jointly explore new growth impulses and development paths through the exploration of new technologies, new formats. and new models.

—— May 26, 2019 Congratulations Letter to China International Big Data Industry Expo 2019

The digital economy is the direction of the world’s future development, and innovation is the wings of the Asia-Pacific economy. We must take the initiative to take advantage of the opportunities of the times, make the most of the characteristics of the vast human resources, the good technological base and the great market potential of the region, create new competitive advantages and open new possibilities for the people of all countries live a better life. We must fully implement the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap, promote the dissemination and application of new technologies, strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure and eliminate the digital divide.

——Speech at the 27th APEC Leaders Informal Meeting on November 20, 2020

(CCTV Network of China Central Radio and Television Station)

责编:王宏泽 ]
